Exploring the Possibility of Gravity Repulsion

In summary, the conversation discusses the asymmetry of gravity compared to other forces and the possibility of gravity being repulsive at small distances. However, there is no evidence to support this and some argue that the inability to see it is the reason why it is not considered. The concept of dark matter and its interaction with gravity is also brought up, with the suggestion that its negligible scattering cross section and angular momentum prevent it from clumping together. The idea of a theoretical negative mass and the potential for dark matter to contain particles that can repel each other is also mentioned.
  • #1
Every other force attracts and repels, gravity does not. Gravity only attracts. This is assymmetrical. We like to assume things that are not symmetrical are wrong. Why do we not assume this is wrong?

Is there any possible way gravity could be repulsive? I know there is staggering amounts of evidence to suggest it isn't, but why not on very small lengths, say Planck length, that gravity actually becomes repulsive.

Maybe the repulsion is just "gravitons" get so thick in an exchange between two particles it just pushes them away to a very small length until the density of them goes down.

Things like this idea would solve the idea of a singularity existing at the center black holes and such.

Do we have any experimental data at such small scales? Do we have anything that disproves an idea like this?

Just wondering.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Search for the phrase "The nuclear force is only felt among hadrons. At much smaller separations between nucleons the force is very powerfully repulsive," in


How could anyone find a gravitational force at small distances with strongly interacting particles around? Perhaps using weakly-interacting non-electromagnetic particles?

Bob S
  • #3
Theres no evidence that gravity can be repulsed or even changed.
Yes that doesn't fit into the pattern but that's not a very good reason to base anything on.
  • #4
Bob S said:
How could anyone find a gravitational force at small distances with strongly interacting particles around? Perhaps using weakly-interacting non-electromagnetic particles?

Bob S

Maybe the inability to see it is why we think it isn't there. Perhaps there is some way to assume what it is SUPPOSED to be, and we can see if there is any difference between that and what we experimentally see. Maybe the difference is gravity.

Because gravity is very weak anyway, the repulsion would logically be weak.

Also, on another related question (so as not to make another thread), if dark matter only interacts through the gravitational force, why is it not all just clumped together in one spot? Since there is no electromagnetic force to repulse it.
  • #5
Riogho said:
if dark matter only interacts through the gravitational force, why is it not all just clumped together in one spot? Since there is no electromagnetic force to repulse it.
A negligible scattering cross section plus remanent angular momentum of individual dark-matter particles around galactic centers will prevent clumping.
Bob S
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  • #6
A point in space where the total magnitude of energy is less than zero from our frame of reference. Better known as the theoretical negative mass. Let's just say physics isn't directly touching that subject yet, but there are people thinking about it.

Oh and it's pretty arrogant to assume dark matter doesn't contain it's own particles of time interaction capable of repulsing each other. Do you really think everything is just made of protons/neutrons/electrons?

FAQ: Exploring the Possibility of Gravity Repulsion

What is gravity repulsion?

Gravity repulsion is a theoretical concept that suggests the existence of a force that works against gravity, causing objects to repel instead of attract each other.

Is there any evidence for gravity repulsion?

Currently, there is no direct evidence for gravity repulsion. It is still a theoretical concept and requires further research and experimentation to be proven.

How does gravity repulsion differ from gravity attraction?

Gravity repulsion is the opposite of gravity attraction. Instead of pulling objects towards each other, gravity repulsion suggests that objects would push away from each other.

What are the potential implications of gravity repulsion?

If gravity repulsion is proven to exist, it could have significant implications for our understanding of the universe and the laws of physics. It could potentially explain phenomena such as the expansion of the universe and the behavior of dark matter.

What is being done to explore the possibility of gravity repulsion?

Scientists are currently conducting experiments and simulations to test the existence of gravity repulsion. They are also studying theories such as modified gravity and quantum gravity that could potentially explain the concept of gravity repulsion.

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