Exploring the Properties of Differentiable Functions: E, ln, and Differentiation

In summary, the conversation discusses three questions about a function f(x) that satisfies certain equations and its properties if it is differentiable or continuous. In the first question, it is proven that f(x) can either be 0 or e^ax, where a is a constant. In the second question, it is shown that f(x) can also be expressed as 0 or e^ax if it is continuous. Finally, in the third question, it is proved that if f(x) is differentiable and satisfies f(xy)=f(x)+f(y), then it must be of the form a*log(x). Various methods and approaches are discussed to prove these properties, including using the definition of derivatives, the intermediate value theorem, and the
  • #1
Gold Member
i have three questions which go like this:
the function f(x) satisfies the equation f(x+y)=f(x)f(y)
1)if f(x) is differentiable, either f(x)=0 or f(x)=e^ax
2)if f(x) is continuous, either f(x)=0 or f(x)=e^ax

3)if a differentiable function f(x) satisfies the equation f(xy)=f(x)+f(y)
then f(x)=a*log(x)

for the first question i followed the definition:
f'(x)=lim (f(x+h)-f(x))/h=lim (f(x)(f(h)-1)/h)=f(x)*f'(0)
there's a theorem which states that if y'=ay then the y=ce^ax
so i think because f'(0) is a constant, it follows from this that f(x)=e^ax
about the second question I am not sure, perhaps i should use the intermediate theorem here, but I am not given any interval, and i thought perhaps using the definition of conintuity (at least one of them) lim (f(x+h)-f(x))=0 as h appraoches zero, but it didnt get me anywhere.

about the third question, here what i did:
if we put g(x)=e^f(x) then we have this equality:
g(xy)=g(x)g(y) obviously we have here a function of the form x^a, but how do i prove it, i started using the defintion of derivative but this also haven't got me anywhere.

your help is appreciated.
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  • #2
For the second, you can easily show that for integers y, f(y)=f(1)^y. You can then extend this to rational numbers, and finally to all real numbers by continuity.

For the third, try taking a derivative of the equation f(xy)=f(x)+f(y).
  • #3
let me see, if i understand:
if f(x) doenst equal 0 then f(0)=1
i.e by induction we have f(x)=f(1)^x
and then i extend it as you said to the reals, but shouldn't i be showing that f(1)=e^a to finalise the proof?

for the third if i take the derivative i get:
after that i should use the fact that g(xy)=e^f(xy) that g'(xy)=f'(xy)e^f(xy)=(f'(x)+f'(y))e^(f(x)+f(y)) but is this enough to show that g(x)=x^a, i feel that something is missing?
  • #4
For the first, e^a can be made to be any number by the right choice of a (or if you want to restrict f(x) to be real, argue why f(1) needs to be positive). For the second, you need to differentiate with respect to either x or y.
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  • #5
so i should take either x or y as a constant and the other as a variable:
so it should be yf'(xy)=f'(x)?
and yg'(xy)=(f'(x)/y)*e^f(xy), but how from here i get that g(x)=x^a?

im not sure my differentiation is correct, i differntiated wrt x.
  • #6
Forget g! Play around with that first equation in your last post. I can't give you any more hints without giving it away.
  • #7
just some queries, for the second question in order to prove that f(1) i have assumed that it's negative and got a contradiction to the fact that it's continuous, is it the right idea here?

for the third question i got this far:
so if we divide by f(ax) when it's different than 0, then af'(ax)/f(ax)=f'(x)/f(x) the lhs is (ln(f(ax)))', i tried to integrate this equation, but i didnt succeded in arrived at the equation i need to derive.
  • #8
f(1) could be negative and f could be continuous if f is complex, so I don't know how this would work. You can show what you've done, but there's a simpler proof that doesn't use continuity.

For the third, remember you're trying to show f(x)=a*log(x). What should f'(x) look like?
  • #9
it should be a/x, so i should divide by x?
now i need to show that f'(x)/xf'(ax)=f'(x), how do i do that?

btw, for the other question, what is the other approach?
im not sure if my approach is correct but i assumed that f(1)<0 and thus because f(2)=f(1)^2>0 then for a suitable d, we have |1-0|<d |f(1)-f(0)|<e and for d' |2-1|<d' |f(2)-f(1)|<e', so we have for s=min(d,d') that |2-0|<s but because s is the smaller between them then it could be less than 2.
but as i said i don't think it's correct.
  • #10
loop quantum gravity said:
it should be a/x, so i should divide by x?
now i need to show that f'(x)/xf'(ax)=f'(x), how do i do that?

Your problem is with f'(ax). Differential equations usually don't involve things like y'(ax), only functions of single variables, like y'(x) (or y'(a) (hint)).


?? How could you write this and then keep going for another paragraph? Just modify this slightly.
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  • #11
about your last remark, obviously the function isn't monotone if f(1)<0 but does it mean that it's not continuous? i can't find in my book a theorem that states so.

anyway, for the other question, a is a constant so we are still dealing here with one variable,x.
for x=1 we have f'(a)=f'(1)/a but how do i use it on af'(ax)/x=f'(x)/x?
  • #12
loop quantum gravity said:
about your last remark, obviously the function isn't monotone if f(1)<0 but does it mean that it's not continuous? i can't find in my book a theorem that states so.

You just showed f(2)>0 without using any assumptions of continuity, monotonicity, etc. Can you modify this to show f(1)>0?

anyway, for the other question, a is a constant so we are still dealing here with one variable,x.
for x=1 we have f'(a)=f'(1)/a but how do i use it on af'(ax)/x=f'(x)/x?

Who says a is a constant? That equation is true for all a, so just integrate it with respect to a to get f(a), and thus f(x). (note a here is not the same as a in a*log(x). I think you plugged in this a originally for a different reason, but go back and see that you can replace a with x, y, or whatever letter you want.)
  • #13
obviously we have here a geometric sequence, but i don't see how can i conclude that f(1) must be positive.
if f(1)<0 then f(1)<f(0)=1
but i don't how to procceed from here.
  • #14
You're overthinking this. f(1)=f(1/2+1/2)=f(1/2)^2>0.
  • #15
foolish me, forgot about this.
thanks, status.

FAQ: Exploring the Properties of Differentiable Functions: E, ln, and Differentiation

What is the difference between e and ln?

E and ln are both mathematical constants that are commonly used in scientific calculations. E, also known as Euler's number, is approximately equal to 2.71828. Ln, or natural logarithm, is the logarithm with base e. In other words, ln is the exponent that gives e the value of a given number.

How do you differentiate a function using e and ln?

Differentiation is the process of finding the rate of change of a function. When using e and ln, the general rule is that the derivative of e to the power of x is just e to the power of x, and the derivative of ln x is 1/x. For more complex functions, you can use the chain rule or product rule to differentiate using e and ln.

Why are e and ln important in calculus?

E and ln are important in calculus because they allow us to model and solve a wide range of real-world problems. They are also essential in the study of exponential and logarithmic functions, which are commonly used in fields such as physics, engineering, and finance.

How are e and ln used in scientific research?

E and ln are used in scientific research to model and analyze various phenomena, such as population growth, radioactive decay, and chemical reactions. They are also used in statistical analysis, where the properties of e and ln help in understanding and predicting patterns in data.

Can e and ln be used in any other fields besides science and mathematics?

Yes, e and ln have applications in various fields, including computer science, economics, and biology. In computer science, they are used in algorithms and data compression techniques. In economics, they are used in financial modeling and risk analysis. In biology, they are used in population dynamics and modeling biological processes.
