Exploring the Properties of Subgroup <[4]> in Z13

In summary, the question asks for the elements and order of the subgroup <[4]> of the group G, where the nonzero elements of Z13 form a group under multiplication. The correct solution is to multiply each element by 4 instead of adding it, resulting in the subgroup {[1], [3], [4], [9], [10], [12]} with an order of 6. The mistaken solution attempted to add 4 to each element, resulting in an incorrect order of 13.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Assume that the nonzero elements of Z13 form a group G under multiplication [a] = [ab].
a) List the elements of the subgroup <[4]> of G, and state its order

The Attempt at a Solution

So I thought this would be like some of the previous problems.

I assumed that i was simply asked to keep adding 4 and writing down the values until the value reached 0.

The process would follow as such:

[4] [8] [12] [3] [7] [11] [2] [6] [10] [1] [5] [9] [0]

After placing these elements in order, I would say that the subgroup is of order 13.

My intuition is clearly wrong, because the answer in the back of the book reads:

{[1],[3],[4],[9],[10],[12]} o(<[4]>) = 6

How in the world do they get this answer?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
It says 'multiplicative subgroup'. Don't add 4. Multiply by 4.
  • #3
well... somebody feels stupid, namely me.

Thanks for the help, buddy.

FAQ: Exploring the Properties of Subgroup <[4]> in Z13

1. What is a subgroup in Z13?

A subgroup in Z13 is a set of numbers that forms a smaller group within the larger group of integers modulo 13. This means that all the numbers in the subgroup will have a remainder of 0 when divided by 13, and they will also follow the rules of a group, such as closure, associativity, identity, and inverse.

2. How is subgroup <[4]> in Z13 different from the entire group of Z13?

Subgroup <[4]> in Z13 is different from the entire group of Z13 because it only contains a subset of the numbers in Z13 that have a remainder of 4 when divided by 13. This subgroup is smaller than the entire group and has different properties and operations.

3. What are the properties of subgroup <[4]> in Z13?

The properties of subgroup <[4]> in Z13 are that it is closed under addition and multiplication, has an identity element of 4, and every element has an inverse within the subgroup. It also follows the associative property, but not the commutative property.

4. How is subgroup <[4]> in Z13 related to other subgroups in Z13?

Subgroup <[4]> in Z13 is related to other subgroups in Z13 through the concept of subgroup containment. This means that subgroup <[4]> is a subset of other subgroups in Z13 and is contained within them. It is also related to other subgroups through common elements and operations.

5. What is the significance of exploring the properties of subgroup <[4]> in Z13?

Exploring the properties of subgroup <[4]> in Z13 can help us understand the structure and behavior of this subgroup and its relationship to the larger group of Z13. It can also have applications in mathematics and cryptography, as subgroups are used in various algorithms and systems. Additionally, studying this specific subgroup can lead to insights and discoveries about other subgroups and their properties.

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