Exploring the Pros and Cons of Being a Man

  • Thread starter Bladibla
  • Start date
In summary: I will admit when I am wrong.In summary, participants in the conversation discussed good and bad things about being a man. Some of the good things mentioned were not having to go through the pain of childbirth and not needing to make a fuss about appearance. Some of the bad things mentioned were dealing with women who just want to be friends and struggling with erections at inconvenient times. Other points brought up included dating women, not having to ask for help with physical tasks, and being frank with others. It was also mentioned that men can be jealous and not as creative as women.
  • #1
I have a question form men around here: what are the good/bad things about being a man?

As for me:
Bad things:

1. Having to put up with women who will say with all your efforts 'just friends'

Good things:

1. I don't have to go through the pain of laying babies
2. I don't need to make a fuss about my hair, smell and looks. (for most men)

PS Since we might want to talk about manly and proud things, women aren't really welcome to be here. Thanks!
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  • #2
{peeks in} oh jeez ...men
  • #3
Good: Writing your name in the snow.

Bad: Frozen zippers.
  • #4
Good: Putting out camp fires
Bad: Getting stuck in zipper
  • #5
Zippers were invented in Akron, Ohio.

In fact, that's how the University of Akron got it's nickname: the Akron Zips. Someday, USC is going to play at UA in UA's home stadium, the Rubber Bowl.
  • #6
Good- the whole world is your urinal.
Bad- Erections that appear at inoppertune moments.
  • #7
matthyaouw said:
Bad- Erections that appear at inoppertune moments.

We had a mobile diagnostic ultra-sound division - a former employer - in which it was standard practice to send the youngest, newest, female tech, to perform penile studies. These involve the use of a sonic conductor much like KY Gel.
  • #8
Bladibla said:
Good things:

2. I don't need to make a fuss about my hair, smell and looks. (for most men)[/B]

I care about what I look like...no girl wants to hang around a slob who smells horrible and doesn't take care of himself.
  • #9
rocketboy said:
I care about what I look like...no girl wants to hang around a slob who smells horrible and doesn't take care of himself.

Note that when I mean uncaring about hair, looks and smell, I mean it GIVEN the basic hygiene standards required i.e. Not stinky, greasy hair, or crappy looks.

Its basic courtesy, and Common sense.
  • #10
Bladibla said:
Note that when I mean uncaring about hair, looks and smell, I mean it GIVEN the basic hygiene standards required i.e. Not stinky, greasy hair, or crappy looks.

Its basic courtesy, and Common sense.
Good point.
  • #11
Ivan Seeking said:
We had a mobile diagnostic ultra-sound division - a former employer - in which it was standard practice to send the youngest, newest, female tech, to perform penile studies. These involve the use of a sonic conductor much like KY Gel.

Oh the cruelty! :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #12
Bladibla's efforts: fixing women up by wooden stick

good: dating women
no need to ask someone to help you when you want to do hard jobs
everyone is frank with you

bad: being jealous
not being creative
being horngry most of the time

I'm not here. although I'm welcome since you want to talk about proud things!
  • #13
Lisa! said:
good: dating women
no need to ask someone to help you when you want to do hard jobs
everyone is frank with you

bad: being jealous
not being creative
being horngry most of the time

Let me rephrase:

Good: dating women
Bad: all the women I date are named Frank

Good: being horngry most of the time
Bad: indecisiveness (but how do you choose between two great options?!)
  • #14
Bladibla's efforts: fixing women up by wooden stick

good: dating women
no need to ask someone to help you when you want to do hard jobs
everyone is frank with you

bad: being jealous
not being creative
being horngry most of the time

I'm not here. although I'm welcome since you want to talk about proud things!

Nice Job Lisa, so clearly being 'no offense' with your white text. Did it occur to you that YOU were the one who started the women thread, and therefore I had every right to make the same for men? Regardless of my intention ( as you say) of 'being jealous' (Of you? I'd be mightly suprised), 'of not being creative' (PUHLEEZ Give me a break) 'Horngry' (what is 'Horngry'? A Guy hungry for sex? Did it ever occur to you that I have never mentioned sex in any of my threads?!)

no need to ask someone to help you when you want to do hard jobs
everyone is frank with you

First point: What? Second point: No. I welcome anyone to challenge my statements with sound arguements. As stubborn as I may be, I will admit when I am wrong.
  • #15
OK. I'll be the one crass enough to say it.

Good point: No aunt Floe visits
Bad Point: Having to still deal with aunt Floe visiting.
  • #16
Good: Having Larry Summers stick up for your brains.

Bad: Larry Summers got fired.
  • #17
Nice Job Lisa, so clearly being 'no offense' with your white text. Did it occur to you that YOU were the one who started the women thread, and therefore I had every right to make the same for men? Regardless of my intention ( as you say) of 'being jealous' (Of you? I'd be mightly suprised), 'of not being creative' (PUHLEEZ Give me a break) 'Horngry' (what is 'Horngry'? A Guy hungry for sex? Did it ever occur to you that I have never mentioned sex in any of my threads?!)
I use white because I want to say I'm not here.:rolleyes: sorry, it was good and bad things about being a man not you, I should have made it clearer.(I wanted to quote you but then I wouldn't be invisible.) see they're really jealous and that means they always want to have whatever women have(just like this thread:-p) but more important they can't stand it when the woman care about someone more than them.(women are also so jealous)and even if you hadn't posted the same as my thread, I'd still say women are more creative and men are jealous(well they just have creative ideas)
horngry=horny +hungry.

First point: What? Second point: No. I welcome anyone to challenge my statements with sound arguements. As stubborn as I may be, I will admit when I am wrong.
Again you might think that my statements are directing at you. no, they weren't. It's so clear. That's why it doesn't make sense to you because it's not only about you.
what I mean by that? see not men nor women don't say to a woman how awful she's in most cases and just try to put up with her, but it's not the same about men!
  • #18
Bladibla said:
'Horngry' (what is 'Horngry'? A Guy hungry for sex? Did it ever occur to you that I have never mentioned sex in any of my threads?!)

hehe, we all know that all guys are.
  • #19
good: Usually leader in a relationship.
bad: Usually have to be the leader in a relationship.
  • #20
:smile: "horngry" I love it! It sums things up very well, doesn't it? :smile:

(Sorry, this thread looked like more fun than the "women's" thread, so I'm crashing the party...why would I want to hang around a bunch of women when there are lots of horngry men in this thread? :biggrin:)
  • #21
Horngry is a great word. Lisa!, you're a gem for coming up with this one. :biggrin:
  • #22
See how the PF sisters threw this thread off topic? They should get medals, and I should not get banned:smile:
  • #23
being jealous
not being creative
This is a bit one-sided and untrue. Women are just as jealous as men, and you can't say men aren't creative. You can't name many inventors, painters, *good* writers, or musicians that aren't men. I don't want a long list of people I've never heard of back. And by "good," I mean legendary.

I like horngry. I say it hourngrhy though.
  • #24
I don't know about the laying babies one. Hugh Hefner lays babies, no?
  • #25
Speaking of being horngry, guess what http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steak_and_blowjob_day is?

Dunno about you, but it made me laugh.
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  • #26
"Guys, you know the drill. Every 14th of February you get the chance to display your fondness for a significant other by showering her with gifts, flowers, dinner, shows and any other baubles that women find romantic. Every Valentines day you rack your brains for that one special, unique gift that will show your wife or girlfriend that you really do love them more than any other. Now ladies, I'll let you in on a little secret; guys really don't enjoy this that much. Sure seeing that smile on your face when we get it right is priceless, but that smile is the result of weeks of blood, sweat and consideration. Another secret; guys feel left out. That's right, there's no special holiday for the ladies to show their appreciation for the men in their life. Men as a whole are either too proud or too embarrassed to admit it.
"Which is why a new holiday has been created. March 14th is now officially "Steak and Blowjob Day". Simple, effective and self explanatory, this holiday has been created so you ladies finally have a day to show your man how much you love him. No cards, no flowers, no special nights on the town; the name of the holiday explains it all, just a steak and a BJ. That's it. Finally, this twin pair of Valentine's Day and Steak and Blowjob Day will usher in a new age of love as men everywhere try THAT much harder in February to ensure a memorable March. It's like a perpetual love machine!
I like it!

Anybody watch "The Man Show?" :biggrin:
  • #27
Moonbear said:
(Sorry, this thread looked like more fun than the "women's" thread, so I'm crashing the party...why would I want to hang around a bunch of women when there are lots of horngry men in this thread?:biggrin: )
Unfaithful! women are always like this. They leave you alone and don't support other females when it comes to men matter! Be sure they will come to our arty if you'd be alittle patient and wouldn't come here!:wink:

Evo said:
Horngry is a great word. Lisa!, you're a gem for coming up with this one. :biggrin:
It was franznietzsche who came up with this word! see men aren't creative at all!:-p
another bad thing about being a man: nobody cares about your posts!
  • #28
horngry, hunky, hungy..any other good stuff?
  • #29
matthyaouw said:
Speaking of being horngry, guess what http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steak_and_blowjob_day is?

Dunno about you, but it made me laugh.

Amazing...I wonder what kinda reaction men get when they inform their gf/wives that it's steak and blowjob day...i'm not tryin.
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  • #30
I use white because I want to say I'm not here. sorry, it was good and bad things about being a man not you, I should have made it clearer.(I wanted to quote you but then I wouldn't be invisible.) see they're really jealous and that means they always want to have whatever women have(just like this thread) but more important they can't stand it when the woman care about someone more than them.(women are also so jealous)and even if you hadn't posted the same as my thread, I'd still say women are more creative and men are jealous(well they just have creative ideas)
horngry=horny +hungry.

If you don't want to 'be here', don't post at all. Writing in white doesn't mean anything when you have INTENTIONALLY posted here, regardless of the nature of the colour of your words. Hence, writing in black or white doesn't actually matter for conventional purposes. If you still want to be 'unnoticed', You're comments will be completely, utterly ignored by me from now on since you have said you're opinions don't matter since 'you're not here'

And hey, what?! Maybe you should read my words properly next time. I have clearly stated that since you have the 'right' to create a thread only for women, it is clear that men have the same right too.

Women are more creative and men are jealous? And women care more about people other than themselves? Pfft. Let's just say for the sake of argument that 'horngry' is a creative word (You're definition of creativity is foreign to me!) how can you even talk about creativity when you're 'horngry' word wasn't even you who made it up?

And another thing: I'm not posting threads for the sake of creativity. Thus, you're argument is obsolete.

Again you might think that my statements are directing at you. no, they weren't. It's so clear. That's why it doesn't make sense to you because it's not only about you.
what I mean by that? see not men nor women don't say to a woman how awful she's in most cases and just try to put up with her, but it's not the same about men!

Then why are you saying bad things about men in you're thread?
Why is it not the same with men? Chivalry? Maybe, except that I don't like it when a woman proclaims with a thread 'only for women'. A joke? Well mines a joke as well, in case you haven't noticed it with you're irrelevant and moot posts.
  • #31
rocketboy said:
Amazing...I wonder what kinda reaction men get when they inform their gf/wives that it's steak and blowjob day...i'm not tryin.

I'm guessing a slap, if not worse. Gonna keep quiet about this one...
  • #32
If you don't want to 'be here', don't post at all. Writing in white doesn't mean anything when you have INTENTIONALLY posted here, regardless of the nature of the colour of your words. Hence, writing in black or white doesn't actually matter for conventional purposes. If you still want to be 'unnoticed', You're comments will be completely, utterly ignored by me from now on since you have said you're opinions don't matter since 'you're not here'

And hey, what?! Maybe you should read my words properly next time. I have clearly stated that since you have the 'right' to create a thread only for women, it is clear that men have the same right too.

Women are more creative and men are jealous? And women care more about people other than themselves? Pfft. Let's just say for the sake of argument that 'horngry' is a creative word (You're definition of creativity is foreign to me!) how can you even talk about creativity when you're 'horngry' word wasn't even you who made it up?

And another thing: I'm not posting threads for the sake of creativity. Thus, you're argument is obsolete.

Then why are you saying bad things about men in you're thread?
Why is it not the same with men? Chivalry? Maybe, except that I don't like it when a woman proclaims with a thread 'only for women'. A joke? Well mines a joke as well, in case you haven't noticed it with you're irrelevant and moot posts.
Enough of that! I don't know about you but we're only joking and having fun with this subject. Anyone can simply realize that it's no serious thing since there are lots of hints to that.(contradiction in terms,using white color for being invisible, using horngry...) See if you like to take all of it seriously that's your option*shrug* and I'd say that it just makes me laugh more if you do so, period. oh and I know you're not going to read this...
  • #33
Steaks, BJs, and Pi, March 14th is an awesome day!