Exploring the Puzzle of Black Hole Temperature and Event Horizons

In summary, the temperature of a black hole is related to the area of its event horizon, which can be measured using a very sensitive detector in a cold universe. The difference between the apparent and event horizons is that the apparent horizon marks the boundary between outgoing and ingoing null rays, while the event horizon marks the boundary between which signals cannot propagate to infinity. The event horizon also "knows" about matter falling into the black hole, causing it to grow in anticipation. This can potentially lead to an increase in temperature even before the observer can determine the outcome of a quantum event. However, this may not be an issue due to quantum uncertainty in the speed of light at the event horizon.
  • #1
Science Advisor
We know the temperature of a BH is related to the area of it's event horizon. So we can imagine if we are in a very cold universe with a very nice detector measuring the temperature of a black hole and being able to infer it's radius. Great.

Now, I want to explain the difference between apparent and event horizons just so the issue is clear. The apparent horizon marks the boundary between outgoing and ingoing null rays, that is, inside the apparent horizon even "outgoing directed" rays are headed towards the singularity. The event horizon, on the other hand, marks the boundary between which signals cannot propagate to infinity. The two are coincident for static spacetimes, but the apparent horizon will always lay inside the event horizon. The point is that the event horizon somehow "knows" about matter which is going to fall into the hole. I.e if I have a collapsing star the event horizon grows steadily in anticipation of matter collapsing at the singularity, it "knows" that although an outgoing light ray might initially travel outwards, because of the infalling mass it will ultimately be pulled back into the hole. Okay, great. Since the EH is just a mathematical boundary it makes sense that it can have such properties. Hopefully you see where this is going.

Now, an observer monitoring the black hole could prepare some system which has a 50/50 chance of falling into the hole after a given time. However, the observe should see the temperature of the hole increase in accordance to the EH area increasing even before he may have otherwise deduced what the outcome of the (presumable) quantum event was. Is this an issue?

I haven't yet thought through this terribly carefully but on its face it seems interesting. Can anyone see any logical consequences of this which might be problematic? Of course, the setup of the problem may be wrong. I'm not sure about Hawking's solution, but perhaps it only applies to a static spacetime, in which case the whole area argument would be bust.
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  • #2
...quantum uncertainty also dictates that the event horizon cannot be fixed precisely in time and space

This is why Hawking radiation is allowed to be emmitted - another way fo looking at is that there is quantum uncertainty in the speed of light when the position of a particle is known to be at the evenet horizon boundary and so this uncertainty allows one of the particle pairs to escape.

50/50 chance needs to be defined in a practical sense

FAQ: Exploring the Puzzle of Black Hole Temperature and Event Horizons

1. What is a black hole temperature?

A black hole temperature refers to the theoretical temperature that a black hole would have if it were to emit radiation. This concept is based on the idea that black holes are not completely "black" but actually emit a small amount of radiation known as Hawking radiation.

2. How is the temperature of a black hole determined?

The temperature of a black hole is determined by its mass and the size of its event horizon. The larger the black hole, the lower its temperature. The temperature of a black hole also increases as it loses mass through Hawking radiation.

3. What is an event horizon?

An event horizon is the boundary around a black hole beyond which nothing, including light, can escape. It is also known as the "point of no return" as anything that crosses the event horizon is pulled into the black hole's gravitational pull.

4. How does the temperature of a black hole relate to its event horizon?

The temperature of a black hole is inversely proportional to its event horizon. This means that as the event horizon increases, the temperature decreases, and vice versa. This relationship is based on the idea that a larger event horizon allows for a greater amount of Hawking radiation to escape, resulting in a lower temperature.

5. Why is the study of black hole temperature and event horizons important?

Studying black hole temperature and event horizons is important because it helps us understand the fundamental laws of physics, such as thermodynamics and quantum mechanics. It also allows us to test and refine our theories of gravity, such as Einstein's theory of general relativity. Additionally, understanding black holes can provide insights into the evolution of the universe and help us answer some of the biggest questions in astrophysics.

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