Exploring the Quilted Multiverse: Is There Infinite Matter?

  • Thread starter Teachme
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In summary, in the second chapter of "The Hidden Reality," Brian Greene discusses the concept of a quilted multiverse and how an infinite amount of space would lead to parallel worlds within each "comic horizon." However, he does not delve into the amount of matter in the universe, leaving it as an unknown. The question remains: Is the universe infinite in both space and matter? The answer is uncertain, but if the universe is spatially infinite, then it is likely that there is also an infinite amount of matter within it.
  • #1
So, I have been reading Brian Greene's "The Hidden Reality" and in the second chapter he discusses the possibility of a quilted multiverse. The main point of the second chapter is that with a limited amount of particle arrangements and an infinite amount of space means you are going to have parallel worlds for each "comic horizon" (expanse of 41 billion light years). This part is obviously understandable, but he does not really go in depth about the amount of matter in the universe, except for a short paragraph near the end.

My question is; Is it thought that there is an infinite amount of matter in the universe? And most importantly, does an infinite universe imply infinite matter?

Thanks for reading.
Space news on Phys.org
  • #2
Teachme said:
My question is; Is it thought that there is an infinite amount of matter in the universe? And most importantly, does an infinite universe imply infinite matter?

We simply don't know how big universe is. If it is spatially infinite then there is infinite amount of matter in it.
  • #3
Teachme said:
does an infinite universe imply infinite matter?

It's pretty hard to think of an infinite universe in which matter is in some way localized and not infinite.

FAQ: Exploring the Quilted Multiverse: Is There Infinite Matter?

1. What is the Quilted Multiverse?

The Quilted Multiverse is a theoretical concept that suggests the existence of multiple universes that are connected to each other through shared boundaries, creating a quilt-like pattern. These universes may have different physical laws and properties, and may even contain different versions of ourselves and our world.

2. How do scientists explore the Quilted Multiverse?

Currently, there is no direct way to explore the Quilted Multiverse as it is a theoretical concept. However, scientists explore this idea through mathematical models and theories, such as string theory and the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics.

3. Is there evidence for the existence of the Quilted Multiverse?

At this time, there is no conclusive evidence for the existence of the Quilted Multiverse. However, some scientists believe that certain observations, such as the cosmic microwave background radiation, could potentially support the idea of a multiverse.

4. Can we ever prove the existence of infinite matter in the Quilted Multiverse?

Proving the existence of infinite matter in the Quilted Multiverse is a challenging task as it would require us to explore and observe an infinite number of universes. However, some theories, such as eternal inflation, suggest that there could be an infinite number of universes within the multiverse.

5. How does the concept of the Quilted Multiverse impact our understanding of the universe?

The concept of the Quilted Multiverse challenges our traditional understanding of the universe and raises philosophical questions about the nature of reality. It also has implications for our understanding of the origins and fate of the universe, as well as the possibility of other forms of life existing in other universes.

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