Exploring the Three Generations of Quarks and Their Properties

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In summary: Color...6Charge...3In summary, there are six different quarks in the first generation, each with an anticolor charge. There are also three values of color charge, and each quark comes in three colors.
  • #1
I understand there are three generations of quarks, which have the same charge but different mass. My question is, in a single generation how many different kinds of quarks are there. For example, in the first generation there are the up quark and down quark, each of which has an antiquark. So far, this is four different quarks in the first generation. Are there other properties in the first generation of quarks that would account for more first generation quarks? Thanks.
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  • #2
Sure, you could also count the 3 different values of colour charge.
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  • #3
dukwon said:
Sure, you could also count the 3 different values of colour charge.
So how many different first generation quarks does that give us?

As I understand it, quarks interact with the electromagnetic force and with the Weak nuclear force. Does that mean each quark has an electromagnetic charge and Weak nuclear charge numbers?
  • #4
friend said:
So how many different first generation quarks does that give us?
It depends on how you want to count them. 2, 4, 6 and 12 are all somewhat justifiable answers.
As I understand it, quarks interact with the electromagnetic force and with the Weak nuclear force. Does that mean each quark has an electromagnetic charge and Weak nuclear charge numbers?
Yes, and you can look them up.
  • #5
mfb said:
Yes, and you can look them up.
I've tried to look it up, but those articles don't distinguish very well the case of a single generation.
  • #6
I find on Wikipedia,


The black dots seem to be for gluons. The colored triagles seem to be for quarks. Is this just for a single generation of quarks?

The diagram seems to indicate that the upsidedown triangles represent the anticolor charge of the rightsideup charge. Is this correct? If so, does the diagram indicate that whenever the color charge is reversed there is also a reversal of electric charge? Thanks.


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  • #7
There are six basic different quarks: down, up, strange, charm, bottom, and top. Each has an antiquark. Also each comes in three colors (red, green, blue - labels which have nothing to do with color as such). You can count them anyway you want.

Color charge and actual charge are not connected. up, charm, and top have charge +2/3, down, strange, and bottom have charge -1/3. All quarks may come in any color.
  • #8
mathman said:
Each has an antiquark. Also each comes in three colors (red, green, blue ).
OK Thanks. So I take it that the diagram in my previous post was for one particular quark, say the up quark, for example. So if I'm understanding you correctly, this means there are six possible ways to assign electric charge and color charge to the up quark. (+, - electric charge times red, green, blue, color charge). Is there an anti color charge? The wikipedia site I link to says there is an anti-red, anti-green, and anti-blue color charge as well. Is this right? Or is anti-red just the red charge with the opposite electric charge? I'm still a little confused.

Reading the linked article, I read, "Antiquarks have the opposite charge to their corresponding quarks; up-type antiquarks have charges of − 2⁄3 e and down-type antiquarks have charges of + 1⁄3 e". This tells me that antiquarks differ from quarks by electric charge, e. I also read, "Every quark carries a color, while every antiquark carries an anticolor." which tells me that there is such a thing as anticolor, but that property changes with electric charge so that there are still only six possible ways to assign electric and color charge to, say, an up quark. Could someone please confirm this?

Here's a question that may answer: do mesons have electrical charge. For mesons have a quark and antiquark. If this involve anticolor but not anti-electric charge, then perhaps that answers my question.

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  • #9
friend said:
do mesons have electrical charge. For mesons have a quark and antiquark.
Some do: ##\pi^+ = u \bar d##. Some don't: ##J/\Psi = c \bar c##.
  • #10
jtbell said:
Some do: ##\pi^+ = u \bar d##. Some don't: ##J/\Psi = c \bar c##.
If there were no mesons with electrical charge, then I'd say that anticolor is the electrical negation of the color charge. But if there are mesons with electrical charge, I don't know that if I can say that an anticolor is the electrical negation of a color charge. Any help out there?
  • #11
So I think there is a correction for first generation quarks. They have either up or down flavor, +2/3e or -1/3e, and red, green, or blue color charge. So that means there are 2X2X3=12 different first generation quarks, right?
  • #12
friend said:
up or down flavor, +2/3e or -1/3e
These are equivalent based on the Gell-Mann-Nishijima formula ##Q = Y/2 + T_3##. There is no up quark with charge -1/3.

If you want to count degrees of freedom (and the argument can be made for this - I would therefore add 24 to the list of @mfb), then there are:
  • Quark-antiquark (2)
  • Spin/handedness (2)
  • Colour (3)
  • Up/down type (2)
which in total would make 24 per generation.
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  • #13
So maybe we can construct a table for first generation quarks only. Now that up or down is correlated with electric charge and color charge is correlated to electric charge, how many first generation quarks are there with just these quantum numbers?
  • #14
friend said:
So I think there is a correction for first generation quarks. They have either up or down flavor, +2/3e or -1/3e, and red, green, or blue color charge. So that means there are 2X2X3=12 different first generation quarks, right?
No! The up quark has a +2/3 charge and the down quark has a -1/3 charge. Both come in all 3 colors, so the total is 6.. If you add in the first generation anti-quarks, then you can get 12.
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  • #15
mathman said:
No! The up quark has a +2/3 charge and the down quark has a -1/3 charge. Both come in all 3 colors, so the total is 6.. If you add in the first generation anti-quarks, then you can get 12.
From a theoretical point of view, I would also count left- and right-handed separately (see #12). After all, the left- and right-handed components are parts of different SU(2) representations. There are many ways to count here, but for me the more natural one is to count degrees of freedom, of which there are 24 per generation. Before electroweak symmetry breaking you have
  • The SU(2) doublet and SU(3) triplet ##Q_L##. (6 Weyl fermions = 12 degrees of freedom)
  • The SU(2) singlet and SU(3) triplets ##u_R## and ##d_R##. (6 Weyl fermions = 12 degrees of freedom)
Therefore, the total number of degrees of freedom among the quarks are 24.
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Likes jerromyjon
  • #16
I understand that the quarks interact with the Weak force particles. Are all the quarks effected equally by all the Weak force particle, W+, W-, and Z0? Or does each Weak force particle interact differently with each quark? Thanks again for your help.
  • #17
No. The weak force treats left- and right-handed particles differently. The couplings to the Z also depend on the charge of the particle and whether it is up or down type. The Ws couple (left-handed) up and down type quarks with a strength proportional to the elements of the CKM matrix.
  • #18
Do quarks rotate into each other like neutrinos?

Do quarks decay into only Weak particles, say, a W- and Z0?
  • #19
Are you referring to neutrino oscillations or neutrino mixing? They are related but different things. Neutrino mixing (or more accurately, lepton mixing) is necessary for neutrino oscillations to occur and quarks mix in much the same way. However, the big difference is that typically the neutrino mass states are quite degenerate in mass and so you will typically produce a linear combination of them that will continue to have coherence over long distances. For quarks however, the large mass differences means that the different mass states will lose coherence practically immediately, leading to no quark flavour oscillations (as you can tell which mass state has been produced by looking at the kinematics of the process).

What does happen in the baryon sector due to CKM mixing is neutral meson oscillations, for example between ##K_0## (quark content ##d\bar s##) and ##\bar K_0## (##s\bar d##).
  • #20
Orodruin said:
For quarks however, the large mass differences means that the different mass states will lose coherence practically immediately, leading to no quark flavour oscillations (as you can tell which mass state has been produced by looking at the kinematics of the process.
OK. So I'm hearing that quarks can oscillate a little between mass generations (flavor). Do they oscillate between up and down type, or between color charge or electric charge? Thanks again.
  • #21
friend said:
OK. So I'm hearing that quarks can oscillate a little between mass generations (flavor).
I do not understand how you got that from what I said. What you have is neutral meson oscillations.
  • #22
Orodruin said:
I do not understand how you got that from what I said. What you have is neutral meson oscillations.
I may have misunderstood your reply. But the question still remains. Do quarks oscillate between up and down type, or between color charge or electric charge? Perhaps there are W+ or W- bosons that fluctuate into existence long enough to change a quarks electric charge, for example. And perhaps there is a similar mechanism to change an up quark to a down quark or a red quark into a blue quark for a moment before it changes back.
  • #23
friend said:
Do quarks oscillate between up and down type, or between color charge or electric charge? Perhaps there are W+ or W- bosons that fluctuate into existence long enough to change a quarks electric charge, for example.
This would violate charge conservation!

friend said:
a red quark into a blue quark for a moment before it changes back.
There is no way that you can call a "particular" quark that is in a bound singlet state a "red" quark.
  • #24
friend said:
OK. So I'm hearing that quarks can oscillate a little between mass generations (flavor). Do they oscillate between up and down type, or between color charge or electric charge? Thanks again.

These oscillations are interference effects when the propagating state is a mix of similar particles from different generations.

Conversion from down-particle to up-particle is not an oscillation, it's usually classified as "decay", e.g. "muon decay": muon (which is a "down-type particle") gets converted to a neutrino by emitting W-, then W- decays to electron and anti-neutrino.
  • #25
Orodruin said:
There is no way that you can call a "particular" quark that is in a bound singlet state a "red" quark.
As opposed to what? When can you call a quark red or green or blue? And isn't there a color charge conservation law as well? Or within a baryon or meson do the quarks there exchange color or charge? Thanks.
  • #26
friend said:
When can you call a quark red or green or blue?
Due to confinement, never. The quark states inside a meson are a linear combination of all sorts of colour combinations in such a way that a colour singlet state is formed. You should not imagine a baryon as three small balls flying around each other with every ball having a definite colour charge. A baryon is a quantum state with a number of valence quarks that form a colour singlet state. The same thing goes for mesons. The colour singlet state they form is a linear combination of ##r\bar r##, ##b\bar b##, and ##g\bar g##.
  • #27
I'm trying to read that quark-gluon table, but I need to be sure of my assumptions. Does every quark exchange gluons with every other quark? Or do the eight gluons specify that each quark only exchanges gluons with just a few particular quarks? Thanks.
  • #28
All colour charged particles exchange gluons with all other colour charged particles in the same way that all particles with electric charge exchange virtual photons. However, keep in mind that you can never say "these two quarks just exchanged a gluon" or "these two electrons just exchanged a photon". It is a quantum process and saying so would be to specify one of many paths that the system can take. Elementary particles are not small balls flying around.
  • #29
Orodruin said:
However, keep in mind that you can never say "these two quarks just exchanged a gluon" or "these two electrons just exchanged a photon". It is a quantum process and saying so would be to specify one of many paths that the system can take. Elementary particles are not small balls flying around.
Yes, I get it, the various alternatives are in superposition. But you have to be able to say what is in superposition. Yet take the diagram in post #6, here. We have 6 quarks and 8 gluons. But there are 14 different interactions between the 6 different quarks in diagram (14 different combinations of 2 quarks). But the gluons seem to be labeled with two indices. So the gluons seemed to be labeled to suggest they only interact with the quarks with those two labels. This would mean there are not enough types of gluons for every quark to interact with every other quark. I could use some help with this. Much appreciated. Thanks.
  • #30
friend said:
Yes, I get it, the various alternatives are in superposition. But you have to be able to say what is in superposition. Yet take the diagram in post #6, here. We have 6 quarks and 8 gluons.
This would mean there are not enough types of gluons for every quark to interact with every other quark. I could use some help with this. Much appreciated. Thanks.

Quarks carry one of three possible color charges. (Antiquarks carry them with opposite sign, usually called "antigreen" etc).

Gluons, roughly speaking, carry a pair of color charges, one positive and one negative: for example, "green+antired".

A "green" quark can emit any "green+anti<COLOR>" gluon, changing its color charge from "green" to "<COLOR>".
A "green" quark can absorb any "<COLOR>+antigreen" gluon, changing its color charge from "green" to "<COLOR>".
In both cases, balance of charges is conserved.

The finer point here is that gluons don't _really_ have a pair of "color-anticolor". If they'd do so, there would be nine of them. The gauge symmetry would be U(3). And this would make "red+green+blue" set of quarks emit gluons, which is not observed.

To make theory consistent with observations, gauge symmetry should be SU(3), and there should be eight gluons, with much less intuitive charges. See here:

  • #31
nikkkom said:
Quarks carry one of three possible color charges. (Antiquarks carry them with opposite sign, usually called "antigreen" etc).

Gluons, roughly speaking, carry a pair of color charges, one positive and one negative: for example, "green+antired".

A "green" quark can emit any "green+anti<COLOR>" gluon, changing its color charge from "green" to "<COLOR>".
A "green" quark can absorb any "<COLOR>+antigreen" gluon, changing its color charge from "green" to "<COLOR>".
In both cases, balance of charges is conserved.




Your post indicates that gluons carry two colors (e.g. You wrote, "green+anti<COLOR>" gluon, changing its color charge from "green" to "<COLOR>"). But the link to the gluon table shows that each gluon is a superposition of multiple color states (e.g.
). So I'm wondering how these combination color states change the color charge of a quark. Perhaps you were oversimplifying. Thanks again.
  • #32
What you have given here is a possible linearly independent basis for the gluon colour states. That does not mean gluons can only exist in those states - as little as giving the possible spin states of a spin 1/2 fermion as ##|+\rangle## and ##|-\rangle## in the ##S_z## basis means that these are the only possible spin states.
  • #33
friend said:





Your post indicates that gluons carry two colors (e.g. You wrote, "green+anti<COLOR>" gluon, changing its color charge from "green" to "<COLOR>"). But the link to the gluon table shows that each gluon is a superposition of multiple color states (e.g.
). So I'm wondering how these combination color states change the color charge of a quark. Perhaps you were oversimplifying. Thanks again.

You can change the basis so that one of "new" gluons is (
+ i *
) / sqrt(2), and thus simply "red+antiblue".

But there is simply no basis where *all* eight gluons have a simple, "color+anticolor" form.
  • #34
So I'm getting the impression that at the QCD level, everything is described as a superposition of possibilities because nothing is directly measurable at that scale. Is this right?
  • #35
All quantum field theories are like that.

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