Exploring Weightlessness on a Frictionless Roller Coaster

In summary, The conversation discusses a frictionless roller coaster with a 9.8 m/s2 acceleration of gravity. The cars start at point A with zero initial speed and accelerate down towards point B before swinging around a circular vertical loop with a radius of 30 m. At the top of the loop, the passengers feel weightless for a moment. The conversation also mentions the use of the equations KE = .5mv^2 and PE = mgh to solve for the height of point A above the loop's bottom B. The concept of weightlessness is discussed, with questions about the existence of normal force and the role of gravity in circular paths. The summary concludes with the suggestion of using energy conservation to solve for the speed at the top
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider a frictionless roller coaster such as
depicted below.
The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2.
Passenger cars start at point A with zero
initial speed, accelerate as they go down to
point B, swing around the circular vertical
loop B ! C ! B of radius 30 m, then go
on towards further adventures (not shown).
When a car goes through the top of the loop
(point C), the passengers feel weightless (for
just a moment).
What is the height hA of the starting
point A above the loop’s bottom B?
Answer in units of m

Homework Equations

KE = .5mv^2
PE = mgh

The Attempt at a Solution

I know that the system is conservative energy since there is no friction and whatnot, so mgh(a) is the total energy. But what I don't get is, how does weightlessness come into this?
If it's weightless, does that mean normal force doesn't exist?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
did you forget ΣF = ma ? what about circular paths?
  • #3
then does gravity becomes the acceleration of centripetal force?
  • #4
yes, to get the speed at the top ... Energy conservation then gets height at begining
  • #5
And if so, how would you calculate the height of point A above the loop's bottom B?

Weightlessness in this context means that the passengers in the car feel as though they have no weight or are floating. This is because at the top of the loop, the normal force acting on them is equal to zero. This is due to the fact that the centripetal force (provided by the car's acceleration) is equal to the force of gravity. As a result, the passengers are not experiencing any acceleration due to gravity and therefore feel weightless.

To calculate the height of point A above the loop's bottom B, we can use the conservation of energy principle. At the top of the loop, the car has maximum potential energy and zero kinetic energy. As it reaches point A, it will have maximum kinetic energy and zero potential energy. Therefore, we can equate the two using the equations KE = .5mv^2 and PE = mgh.

.5mv^2 = mgh

Since we know the radius of the loop (30 m) and the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2), we can solve for h.

h = .5v^2/g

To find the velocity at point A, we can use the conservation of energy again. At point A, the car starts with zero initial speed and reaches a maximum speed at the top of the loop. Therefore, we can equate the potential energy at point A to the kinetic energy at the top of the loop.

mghA = .5mv^2

Solving for v, we get:

v = √(2ghA)

Substituting this into our previous equation, we get:

h = .5(2ghA)/g

Therefore, the height of point A above the loop's bottom B is:

hA = h = (2ghA)/g = 2(30 m)(9.8 m/s^2)/9.8 m/s^2 = 60 m

So, the starting point A must be 60 meters above the bottom of the loop in order for the passengers to experience weightlessness at the top of the loop.

FAQ: Exploring Weightlessness on a Frictionless Roller Coaster

1. How does a roller coaster achieve weightlessness?

A roller coaster achieves weightlessness by using a combination of speed and height. As the coaster reaches the top of a hill, it has a high potential energy. As it drops down the hill, this potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, resulting in high speeds. When the coaster reaches the bottom of the hill, it has a combination of high speed and low height, causing riders to experience a brief sensation of weightlessness.

2. What is meant by "frictionless" in the context of a roller coaster?

In the context of a roller coaster, "frictionless" means that there is minimal resistance or friction between the coaster and the track. This allows the coaster to maintain its speed and momentum throughout the ride, resulting in a smoother and more thrilling experience for riders.

3. Are there any potential risks associated with exploring weightlessness on a frictionless roller coaster?

Yes, there are potential risks associated with exploring weightlessness on a frictionless roller coaster. These can include injury from sudden changes in acceleration, sudden drops in height, or unexpected jolts. It is important for riders to follow all safety guidelines and precautions set by the roller coaster's operators.

4. How does weightlessness on a roller coaster affect the human body?

Weightlessness on a roller coaster can have different effects on the human body, depending on the individual's physical condition and tolerance for motion. Some common effects include a feeling of weightlessness or floating, increased heart rate and blood pressure, and possible motion sickness. It is important for riders to be aware of their own physical limitations and to take breaks if needed.

5. Can weightlessness on a roller coaster be simulated in other ways besides riding a frictionless coaster?

Yes, weightlessness can be simulated in other ways besides riding a frictionless roller coaster. For example, astronauts in space experience weightlessness due to the absence of gravity. Additionally, certain amusement park rides and activities, such as bungee jumping or skydiving, can also create a temporary sensation of weightlessness. However, the feeling of weightlessness on a frictionless roller coaster is unique and cannot be fully replicated in other situations.
