Exponential decay convolved with Gaussian

In summary, the data in your file appears to be a reversed exponentially modified Gaussian (EMG) function. The function has a max value close to 1.0, and the height of the curve appears to be dependent on the value of the parameter a. By reversing the sign of the parameter d, you were able to obtain a mirrored EMG which has the same height as the original EMG.
  • #1
Hello all,
I have a data which look like reversed exponentially modified Gaussian (EMG) function and interested to fit the data with with reversed EMG function. After searching on internet I found the EMG function, which is given below:
gnuplot code
Here a=Gaussian height, b=Gaussian position, c=Gaussian width, d=time constant.
When I plot the above function in gnuplot I get a curve shown in fig1.
Now I reversed the EMG so the function becomes as below (just changed the signs):
##y=\frac{ac\sqrt{2\pi}}{2d}\rm{exp}[\frac{c^2}{2d^2}+\frac{x-b}{d}][\frac{d}{|d|}-\rm{erf}(\frac{x-b}{c\sqrt2}-\frac{c}{d\sqrt2})]## and the curve is shown in fig2.
gnuplot code
For the above two EMGs I used a=2, b=30, c=1, and d=3.
1. My doubt is why both curves has different height (height a)? or I did anything wrong? Is 'a' really height?
2. I took 'a' as 2. But the height is 0.9 for EMG (fig1) and 1.13 for reversed EMG (in fig2).
Any insights will be helpful.
Thanks for your reply


  • fig1.png
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  • fig2.png
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  • #2
The exponential and erf functions in your formula have different local origin (e.g. the local origin of the exponential one is ##x=b##). From the way you revert the sign, you are mirroring each functions independently with respect to their own local origin. That's why the mirrored EMG has different height.
  • #3
Hi blue leaf:
Thanks for your reply.
I just understand that to get a reversed EMG, I need to change the sign of 'd'.
So i took d as -3 and got the correct reversed EMG.
So now both (one with d as 3, and other as -3) EMGs has same height of 0.9.
But I am confused why 0.9 instead of 2?
Regards, Rajini
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  • #4
Rajini said:
Hi blue leaf:
Thanks for your reply.
I just understand that to get a reversed EMG, I need to change the sign of 'd'.
So i took d as -3 and got the correct reversed EMG.
So now both (one with d as 3, and other as -3) EMGs has same height of 0.9.
But I am confused why 0.9 instead of 2?
Regards, Rajini
It will be a good exercise to obtain the expression for the max value of this EMG function by calculating its stationary point. From there you should be able to confirm whether the height should indeed be equal to ##a## or not. By the way, using the values of the parameters as you use I got a max value very close to 1.0.
  • #5
Hi blue leaf:
I think in the usual exponentially modified Gaussian (EMG) function
##ac\sqrt{2\pi}## represents area under the EMG function.
For reversed EMG one have to use negative time, i.e. ##d=-3## instead of ##d=3##.
I checked with Origin, which gives a area value of closer to ##ac\sqrt{2\pi}##.
Cheers, Raj
  • #6
Rajini said:
I checked with Origin, which gives a area value of closer to ac√2πac\sqrt{2\pi}.
In order to be sure, why not really try integrating the EMG over all space? With the help of integration by part and the first derivative of error function I think you should be able to do the integral analytically.

FAQ: Exponential decay convolved with Gaussian

1. What is exponential decay convolved with Gaussian?

Exponential decay convolved with Gaussian is a mathematical concept that describes the process of combining two functions, an exponential decay function and a Gaussian function, to create a new function. This new function represents the rate at which a quantity is decreasing over time, taking into account the effects of both exponential decay and Gaussian distribution.

2. What is the significance of combining exponential decay and Gaussian functions?

By convolving exponential decay with Gaussian, we can better model real-life phenomena that exhibit both types of behavior. This is because exponential decay is commonly observed in natural processes, while Gaussian distribution is often used to describe random fluctuations in data. Combining the two allows us to more accurately represent the behavior of a system.

3. How is exponential decay convolved with Gaussian used in scientific research?

Exponential decay convolved with Gaussian is used in a variety of fields, including physics, chemistry, and biology. It can be applied to analyze data from experiments, model decay processes in radioactive elements, and study the diffusion of molecules in a solution, among other applications.

4. What happens to the shape of the convolved function as the parameters of the exponential decay and Gaussian functions change?

The shape of the convolved function depends on the specific values of the parameters of the two functions. Generally, as the decay rate of the exponential function increases, the peak of the Gaussian function shifts to the left, resulting in a narrower, taller curve. Similarly, as the standard deviation of the Gaussian function increases, the curve becomes wider and flatter.

5. Can exponential decay convolved with Gaussian be used to describe any type of decay process?

No, exponential decay convolved with Gaussian is specifically used to model processes that exhibit both exponential decay and Gaussian distribution. It may not accurately describe other types of decay, such as linear decay or polynomial decay. In those cases, different mathematical functions would be more suitable for modeling the behavior of the system.

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