Exponentials under a floor function?

  • Thread starter SeventhSigma
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In summary, the conversation discusses rewriting an exponential function with an irrational base and integer exponent without using the floor function. Various methods are suggested, including using the standard method of obtaining the modulus of an expression with large numbers, which involves reducing the power. A recursive function is also suggested, but it may not work due to precision issues.
  • #1
Say I have some exponential function floor(a^b)=x where a is irrational and b is an integer.

Is there a way to rewrite this as an exponential expression c^d without the need for a floor function where c is an integer?

For instance, floor(2.67^10) is 18,412, but I could also rewrite it as 2^14.1683587272239 or so but I only found that by arbitrarily choosing 2 as my base and solving for the exponent as log(18,412)/log(2). In this example, 2.67 is still rational but my point is that I want to change the base to an integer.

My question is whether or not I can rewrite the exponential given only floor(2.67^10) -- aka without using the "answer" of 18,412
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  • #2
I've had a look at this for a few minutes, and I'm not sure it can be done.

On re-arranging, it seems to boil down to knowing in advance what irrational number x will make 2^x an approximate integer.
  • #3
I ask because I'm facing a scenario where I need to extract the last 8 digits (i.e. the modulus) of x = floor(a^b) where a is irrational and b is very, very, very large. Simply plugging it into a computer program won't work because there isn't enough precision in the a-variable to carry it out (analogy: it'd be like trying to find the answer to 4.34564899976^10 but only having realistic access to precision level 4.3). However, it's easy to do floor(a^b) mod m, but not if a is non-terminating and b is huge.

Are there other ways to solve floor(a^b) mod m?
  • #4
Standard method of obtaining the modulus of an expression in which the numbers get too big, is by reducing the power.

If b is even:
a^b mod m = (a^2 mod m)^(b/2) mod m

If b is odd:
a^b mod m = a (a^2 mod m)^((b-1)/2) mod m

Repeat the process until the power is 1 (order of algorithm is 2log b).EDIT: If "a" is also a whole number, there's a few shortcuts you can take.
Since you are working with a limited precision, can I assume you might as well represent "a" as a fraction?
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  • #5
I wonder, though, if that may still prove a problem though if a needs to be sufficiently long? My b is odd, so the translation process involves an a* a^2 mod m term. Won't this, over time, start to diverge from the real answer if my first a term lacks sufficient precision, or will this not matter?

EDIT: And my a term is a root of a cubic polynomial, so it's not exactly easy to express as a fraction. So the a (a^2 mod m)^((b-1)/2) mod m becomes the next iteration's new a^b mod m ?EDIT: So, for instance, say I wanted the last four digits of 2^100,000,001 but wanted to solve it via your method.


while b>=1:
if b%2==0:
a = (pow(a,2) % m)
a = a*(pow(a,2) % m)

Something like this?
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  • #6
Actually there's one more formula to use:
a^b mod m = (a mod m)^b mod m

But yes, basically need you to be able to multiply a by itself without loss of precision, and take the modulus without loss of precision.
The up side is that you don't need to be able to calculate a^n for n≥3 without loss of precision.
  • #7
Lost me with that last one, haha. I'm really not sure if I am quite understanding. I'll play around with lower exponents first or something.
  • #8
SeventhSigma said:
EDIT: And my a term is a root of a cubic polynomial, so it's not exactly easy to express as a fraction. So the a (a^2 mod m)^((b-1)/2) mod m becomes the next iteration's new a^b mod m ?

SeventhSigma said:
EDIT: So, for instance, say I wanted the last four digits of 2^100,000,001 but wanted to solve it via your method.


while b>=1:
if b%2==0:
a = (pow(a,2) % m)
a = a*(pow(a,2) % m)

Something like this?

Well, I'd use a = mod(a*a, m) or something like that.

And for b odd, you'd want to use the step:
a = mod(a * mod(a*a, m), m)
to keep the result small.

But yes, that's it.
  • #9
So I try something like


while b>=1:
if b%2==0:
a = (a*a % m)
a = (a*(a*a % m)) % m
print "a=" + str(a) + " b=" + str(b) + " answer =" + str(pow(a,b) % m)

And I get a=7296 b=0 answer =1 which seems wrong, or am I only looking at the a-term, here?
  • #10
Oh, I'm sorry, the step
a = (a*(a*a % m)) % m
is wrong.

You're left with a * (a*a %m)^b.
You need to evaluate the right part of this first.
For instance with a recursive function call.
  • #11
I don't understand, doesn't it solve that part first anyway due to the parentheses?
  • #12
int f(int a, int b, int m)
   if (b==1) return a;
   if (b%2=0)
      return f((a * a) % m, b/2, m);
      return (a * f((a * a) % m, (b-1)/2, m)) % m;
  • #13
SeventhSigma said:
I don't understand, doesn't it solve that part first anyway due to the parentheses?

Taking a power takes priority over multiplying.
  • #14
Ahhhh, that makes a lot more sense. I will take some time to look over this and try to understand how it works. Thanks so much for your help -- I'll see how it works against the real deal.

EDIT: Unfortunately doesn't work, but that still may be because of the precision issues, I'm guessing. It works for non-huge cases, though.
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  • #15
Just to note:

This is the function I am looking at: http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=x^3%2B%282^n%29*x^2%2Bn

If you scroll down to "Roots for the variable x," (the items I am using for the "a" term in my floor(a^b) thing), you'll see why they are fairly gross if not impossible to use in their current forms.
  • #16
SeventhSigma said:
Just to note:

This is the function I am looking at: http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=x^3%2B%282^n%29*x^2%2Bn

If you scroll down to "Roots for the variable x," (the items I am using for the "a" term in my floor(a^b) thing), you'll see why they are fairly gross if not impossible to use in their current forms.

Uhm, I don't understand.
I get: n≈-0.116319, x≈Root[#1^3+#1^2 2^n+n&, 1].

But that is because n is not known.
For specific values of n, you get a regular root.
  • #17
I actually wrote that wrong, should be minus, not plus, but sure, say n=2: x^3 - 4x^2 + 2


I'm after the largest root here, so 3.8662 -- but if you look at the underlying equation that yields it, it's rather crazy (if you click Exact Forms).

But I'm basically trying to raise that root to a very high power (987654321) such that I can extract the last 8 digits from it after the decimals are lopped off. This would normally be no problem with integer bases, but since the root is a non-terminating decimal, it doesn't do much use to try to raise it to that kind of power due to the insufficient precision.

So I am trying to see if there's some other way to get to that answer (either through modular arithmetic or by some utilization of the fact that I'm dealing with floor(a^b) here).
  • #18
Yeah, well, I think you would need to keep approximately 987654321 digits of your root and do multiplications with that to find the last 8 digits.
  • #19
Yeah, that's what I was afraid of, though. Seems like it shouldn't require something so bruteforce

FAQ: Exponentials under a floor function?

1. What is an exponential under a floor function?

Exponentials under a floor function, also known as floor exponentials, are mathematical expressions where a real number is first raised to a power and then rounded down to the nearest integer using the floor function. This is denoted as "⌊x⌋" and means the largest integer less than or equal to x.

2. How is an exponential under a floor function calculated?

To calculate an exponential under a floor function, you first find the value of the exponential expression and then round it down to the nearest integer using the floor function. For example, if we have the expression ⌊2.5⌋², we first calculate 2.5² = 6.25 and then round it down to the nearest integer, which is 6. Therefore, ⌊2.5⌋² = 6.

3. What is the difference between an exponential under a floor function and a regular exponential?

The main difference between an exponential under a floor function and a regular exponential is the rounding down of the result. Regular exponential expressions give a decimal or fractional result, while floor exponentials always give an integer result. Additionally, floor exponentials tend to have a "staircase" shape when graphed, while regular exponentials have a smoother, curved shape.

4. What are some real-life applications of exponentials under a floor function?

Exponentials under a floor function are commonly used in computer science and computer programming to round down numbers to whole integers. They also have applications in finance and economics, where they are used to model situations such as compound interest and population growth.

5. Are there any other types of exponentials besides those under a floor function?

Yes, there are several other types of exponentials, including exponentials under a ceiling function (⌈x⌉), which rounds up to the nearest integer, and exponentials under a rounding function (round(x)), which rounds to the nearest integer using standard rounding rules. There are also fractional exponentials, where the power is a fraction or decimal, and negative exponentials, where the base is raised to a negative power.

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