Expression for Magnitude of Electric Field by dipole integral

In summary, the conversation discusses the process of using integration to derive an expression for the magnitude of the electric field produced by an electric dipole at any point along the x-axis. The electric dipole is represented by a charged rod with two point charges at its tips. The linear charge density and electric dipole equation are mentioned, as well as the confusion about which equation to integrate. The need for integration is questioned, but it is suggested that there may be a scenario where it is necessary.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider the electric dipole seen in the notes. (a) Using integration, derive an expression for the magnitude of the electric field produced by the dipole at any point along the x-axis.

Electric Dipole:

Homework Equations

Electric Field Equation, Differential Form $${d \vec E} =\frac 1 {4\pi\epsilon_0} \frac {dq} {r^2} \hat {\mathbf r}$$
Linear Charge Density $$ dq = \lambda dx$$
electric dipole: $$\vec p = q\vec d$$

The Attempt at a Solution

I am completely confused as to how to get started or which equation to integrate to obtain the equation. I am aware that the y-components of the point charges cancel each other out, hence only the charge along the x-axis matters. As well as the general integration needed to be done to obtain the formula.$$\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} F $$ where F is the function to integrate.
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  • #2
The picture you posted doesn't seem to correspond to the problem you are trying to solve. That picture is more inclined for a problem about electric dipole motion under external electric field and has nothing to do with a charged rod. Moreover, where is the mentioned x-axis in that picture?
  • #3
I believe the problem would be attuning to the effects of two point charges creating a dipole along the x-axis, in the picture it would be the E line. I am trying to figure out how to properly set the problem up for integration as I can't seem to figure out how to relate dE and p, so it can be proven with integration all I've been able to find is the derivation using binomial expansion theorems
  • #4
I don't see why there should be integration involved. According to that picture, the only parts of the dipole which is charged are its tips. The connecting rod itself is neutral.
  • #5
Then would there be a scenario for the derivation of the magnitude of the electric field that would require integration?

FAQ: Expression for Magnitude of Electric Field by dipole integral

1. What is the expression for the magnitude of electric field by dipole integral?

The expression for the magnitude of electric field by dipole integral is given by E = 2p/(4πε0r3), where p is the dipole moment, ε0 is the permittivity of free space, and r is the distance from the dipole.

2. How is the dipole moment defined?

The dipole moment is defined as the product of the magnitude of either charge in the dipole and the distance between the two charges. It is also a measure of the strength of the dipole.

3. What is the significance of the dipole integral in electric field calculations?

The dipole integral is important in electric field calculations because it takes into account the combined effect of the charges in a dipole, rather than just the individual charges. This allows for a more accurate representation of the electric field in a given region.

4. How does the distance from the dipole affect the magnitude of electric field?

The magnitude of electric field decreases as the distance from the dipole increases. This is because the inverse square law states that the electric field is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source.

5. Can the expression for the magnitude of electric field by dipole integral be used for non-point charges?

No, the expression for the magnitude of electric field by dipole integral is only applicable for point charges. For non-point charges, the electric field must be calculated using other methods, such as integration or superposition.
