Expression of fields in Faraday rotation

In summary, the conversation discusses the propagation of an electro-magnetic field in a non-isotropic medium and the complications that arise when trying to describe it using the Helmholtz wave equation. The superposition of two circularly polarized waves with different propagation constants does not satisfy the wave equation, but it can still be considered a wave depending on one's definition.
  • #1
Talking about propagation of an electro-magnetic field in a non-isotropic medium, I've got some troubles with the expression in object, used to show the Faraday rotation of the polarization of a field.

Homework Statement

An electro-magnetic field enters a particular medium, propagating along the [itex]\hat{\mathbf{u}}_z[/itex] direction. In [itex]z = 0[/itex], its electric field is [itex]\mathbf{E} = E_0 \hat{\mathbf{u}}_x[/itex]. It could also be written as a superposition of two circularly polarized waves:

[itex]\mathbf{E} = \displaystyle \frac{E_0}{2} (\hat{\mathbf{u}}_x + j \hat{\mathbf{u}}_y) + \displaystyle \frac{E_0}{2} (\hat{\mathbf{u}}_x - j \hat{\mathbf{u}}_y)[/itex]

The two components have different propagation constants, [itex]β_-[/itex] and [itex]β_+[/itex], in the medium. In a generic [itex]z[/itex] position we could write

[itex]\mathbf{E} = \displaystyle \frac{E_0}{2} (\hat{\mathbf{u}}_x + j \hat{\mathbf{u}}_y)e^{-j β_- z} + \displaystyle \frac{E_0}{2} (\hat{\mathbf{u}}_x - j \hat{\mathbf{u}}_y)e^{-j β_+ z}[/itex]

Homework Equations

Rearranging the last expression (this is done in several books, like Pozar), we obtain:

[itex]\mathbf{E} = E_0 e^{-j (β_+ + β_-) \frac{z}{2}} \left\{ \hat{\mathbf{u}}_x \cos \left[ \left( β_+ + β_- \right) \displaystyle \frac{z}{2} \right] - \hat{\mathbf{u}}_y \sin \left[ \left( β_+ - β_- \right) \displaystyle \frac{z}{2} \right] \right\}[/itex]

This is done to show that the polarization is still linear like in the original field [itex]\mathbf{E} = E_0 \hat{\mathbf{u}}_x[/itex], but its "orientation" has changed with the position [itex]z[/itex].
But could this still be called a wave? Its dipendence from [itex]z[/itex] is no more only in the exponential [itex]e^{-j β z}[/itex], but is also contained in the cosine and sine terms.

The Attempt at a Solution

It apparently does no more satisfy the Helmholtz wave equation, because deriving the [itex]x[/itex] component with respect to [itex]z[/itex] gives a completely different result that that obtained deriving the same component with respect to time (assuming that we are using phasors).

So, how can I interpret this expression? Shouldn't it still satisfy the Helmholtz equation? Shouldn't it be still a wave?
Thank you for having read,

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  • #2

You started with a superposition of two circularly polarized that propagate with different wavenumbers ##\beta##.
Each of these satisfy a Helmholtz equation. But ##\beta## appears in the form of the Helmholtz equation. So, the two individual circularly polarized waves satisfy different Helmholtz equations.

Try to show that the sum of the two circularly polarized waves cannot satisfy a Helmholtz equation.

Does the superposition of the two circularly polarized waves represent a wave in the medium? That depends on the definition of a wave. If you define a wave loosely as "a disturbance in a medium that propagates" or something like that, then I would say you have a wave. If you define a wave to be "a mathematical expression that satisfies the wave equation ##\psi_{,xx} - \frac{1}{v^2}\psi_{,tt} = 0## for some ##v##", then you do not have a wave. That's because each component satisfies a different wave equation (with different value of ##v##), so the sum of the components does not satisfy the wave equation. But that would be true anytime you have a superposition of waves of different wavelength propagating in a dispersive medium.
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FAQ: Expression of fields in Faraday rotation

1. What is Faraday rotation?

Faraday rotation is a phenomenon in which the polarization of light is rotated as it passes through a magnetic field. This rotation is caused by the interaction between the magnetic field and the electrons in the material through which the light is passing.

2. How is Faraday rotation related to electromagnetic fields?

Faraday rotation is a property of electromagnetic fields. When a light wave travels through a magnetic field, the magnetic field component of the wave is affected, causing the polarization to rotate.

3. What are some applications of Faraday rotation?

Faraday rotation has many practical applications, such as in optical communications, where it can be used to modulate the polarization of light and transmit information. It is also used in magneto-optic devices, such as optical isolators and circulators, which are used to direct light in specific directions.

4. How is the expression of fields in Faraday rotation calculated?

The expression of fields in Faraday rotation is calculated using the Faraday rotation angle, which is given by the formula θ = V * B * d, where θ is the rotation angle, V is the Verdet constant (a material-specific constant), B is the magnetic field strength, and d is the distance the light travels through the magnetic field.

5. What factors can affect the magnitude of Faraday rotation?

The magnitude of Faraday rotation can be affected by several factors, including the strength of the magnetic field, the wavelength of the light, the material through which the light is passing, and the temperature. Generally, higher magnetic fields and longer wavelengths result in larger rotations, while higher temperatures can decrease the rotation angle.
