Extending De Morgan to infinite number of sets

In summary, the author is trying to extend De Morgan's laws to an infinite number of sets, but is not able to do so and is looking for help. He has started on the first part of the proof but is not getting very far.
  • #1
I'm using my summer vacation to try to improve my understanding of real analysis on my own but it seems it's not as easy when not having a teacher at hand so I've a small question.

Homework Statement

The problem concerns extending a De Morgan relation to more than two sets and then, if possible, to infinity.

From [tex]\neg(A_{1} \cap A_{2}) = \neg A_{1} \cup \neg A_{2}[/tex] I've proved using induction that the same kind of relation holds for n sets [tex]\neg(A_{1} \cap A_{2} \cap ... \cap A_{n}) = \neg A_{1} \cup \neg A_{2} \cup ... \cup \neg A_{n}. [/tex]

So now the problem becomes to explain why induction will not work to extend the relation to an infinite number of sets and then to prove the relation in another way if it is true. I've started on the first part of this but I'm not there yet.

Homework Equations

There's a hint that one could possibly look at an earlier problem:
If [tex]A_{1} \supseteq A_{2} \supseteq A_{3} ...[/tex] are all sets containing an infinite number of elements, is the intersection [tex]\cap_{n\in N}A_{n}[/tex] infinite as well?

The Attempt at a Solution

I think the answer to the previous exercise is no. Looking at [tex]A_{n} = [0,1/n][/tex] which contains an infinite number of elements for any n but when taking the intersection only the element 0 remains. This would meen that there is a fundamental difference between the finite and infinite intersections. I'm not really getting anywhere when it comes to giving a clear reason why induction will not work though.
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  • #2
The De Morgan laws are valid for an infinite (even uncountable) collection of sets. However, proof by induction by its very nature is a tool to prove that an assertion [itex]P(n)[/itex] is true for all (FINITE) positive integer values of [itex]n[/itex]. It cannot prove "[itex]P(\infty)[/itex]", which is essentially what you are trying to do.

I don't know how formal a proof you are looking for, but an argument proving that

[tex]\left(\bigcap_{i \in I} A_i\right)^c = \bigcup_{i \in I} A_i^c[/tex]

is straightforward. (Here, [itex]I[/itex] is an arbitrary index set that can be finite or infinite (countable or uncountable, it makes no difference).)

[tex]x \in \left(\bigcap_{i \in I} A_i\right)^c[/tex]

means precisely that [itex]x[/itex] is not in every [itex]A_i[/itex], so there is some [itex]i \in I[/itex] such that [itex]x \in A_i^c[/itex] and therefore

[tex]x \in \bigcup_{i \in I} A_i^c[/tex]

Thus we have shown that

[tex]\left(\bigcap_{i \in I} A_i\right)^c \subseteq \bigcup_{i \in I} A_i^c[/tex]

The reverse inclusion is similar.

P.S. You are correct that the answer to the hint is "no," and your counterexample is fine. However, I don't see how it has any bearing on proving De Morgan's laws.
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  • #3
To add onto the excellent answer above, a correct proof for an arbitrary collection of sets is actually just an extension of the proof for two sets. You use the definitions for arbitrary unions and intersections instead of the definitions for unions and intersections of two sets.
  • #4
Thanks a lot!

Seems keeping things simple works here. It's really interesting to have to think about these kinds of problems though.

Related to Extending De Morgan to infinite number of sets

1. What is De Morgan's law?

De Morgan's law is a mathematical principle that states the negation of a conjunction (AND) is equivalent to the disjunction (OR) of the negations of the individual statements. In other words, it states that the negation of a statement joined by "and" is the same as the negation of each individual statement connected by "or".

2. How does De Morgan's law apply to infinite sets?

De Morgan's law can be extended to an infinite number of sets, where the negation of the union of multiple sets is equal to the intersection of the negations of those sets. Similarly, the negation of the intersection of multiple sets is equal to the union of the negations of those sets. This applies to both countably infinite and uncountably infinite sets.

3. What is the significance of extending De Morgan's law to infinite sets?

Extending De Morgan's law to infinite sets allows us to use a single principle to simplify complex logical statements involving an infinite number of sets. This makes it a powerful tool in mathematical proofs and helps in mathematical reasoning and problem solving.

4. Can De Morgan's law be applied to any type of sets?

Yes, De Morgan's law can be applied to any type of sets, whether they are finite or infinite, discrete or continuous, or even abstract sets. As long as the sets follow the basic principles of set theory, De Morgan's law can be extended to them.

5. What are some real-world applications of De Morgan's law?

De Morgan's law has various applications in computer science, particularly in Boolean logic and digital circuit design. It is also used in statistics to calculate the probability of complementary events. In addition, it has applications in linguistics, philosophy, and other fields that involve logical reasoning and set theory.
