Is Each Extension of Degree 2 Normal?

In summary, the conversation discusses the proof that each degree $2$ extension is normal. The speaker outlines the steps of the proof and considers two possibilities for the extension. They conclude that if the polynomial splits in the extension, then the extension is normal. They also ask for clarification on how this conclusion can be reached.
  • #1
Gold Member
Hey! :eek:

I want to show that each extension of degree $2$ is normal. I have done the following:

Let $K/F$ the field extension with $[F:K]=2$.

Let $a\in K\setminus F$. Then we have that $F\leq F(a)\leq K$.

We have that $[K:F]=2\Rightarrow [K:F(a)][F(a):F]=2$.

There are the following possibilities:
  • $[K:F(a)]=1$ and $[F(a):F]=2$
    In this case we have that $K=F(a)$ and $\deg m(a,F)=2$.
    In $K$, since $a\in K$, we have that $m(a,F)=(x-a)g(x)$, with $\deg g(x)=1$. Since $g$ is a linear polynomial of $K[x]$ , so it is of the form $x-c$, so its root $c$ must belong to $K$.
    That means that $m(a,K)$ splits in $K$, i.e., all the roots are in $K$. So, the extension $K/F$ is normal.
  • $[K:F(a)]=2$ and $[F(a):F]=1$
    In this case we have that $F=F(a)$, and so $a\in F$, a contradiction.
Is this correct? Could I improve something? (Wondering)
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  • #2
mathmari said:
  • $[K:F(a)]=1$ and $[F(a):F]=2$
    In this case we have that $K=F(a)$ and $\deg m(a,F)=2$.
    In $K$, since $a\in K$, we have that $m(a,F)=(x-a)g(x)$, with $\deg g(x)=1$. Since $g$ is a linear polynomial of $K[x]$ , so it is of the form $x-c$, so its root $c$ must belong to $K$.
    That means that $m(a,K)$ splits in $K$, i.e., all the roots are in $K$. So, the extension $K/F$ is normal.

We have that $m(a,K)$ splits in $K$, i.e., all the roots are in $K$. Does this mean then that all the irreducible polynomials that have one root in $K$, have all the roots in $K$ ? Or how do we conclude then that the extension $K/F$ is normal ? (Wondering)

FAQ: Is Each Extension of Degree 2 Normal?

What does it mean for an extension of degree 2 to be normal?

An extension of degree 2 is normal if it is a Galois extension, meaning that the Galois group acts transitively on the roots of the minimal polynomial of the extension. In simpler terms, it means that all of the roots of the polynomial are contained within the extension.

How is the normality of an extension of degree 2 determined?

The normality of an extension of degree 2 can be determined by checking if the Galois group of the extension is isomorphic to the symmetric group S2. If it is, then the extension is normal.

What is the significance of having a normal extension of degree 2?

Having a normal extension of degree 2 allows for the use of simpler and more efficient methods for solving equations and studying the properties of the extension. It also has important applications in fields such as cryptography and coding theory.

Can an extension of degree 2 be both normal and non-Galois?

Yes, it is possible for an extension of degree 2 to be normal but not Galois. This means that the extension is still a field extension, but it does not have all the properties of a Galois extension, such as having a Galois group that acts transitively on the roots of the minimal polynomial.

What are some examples of normal extensions of degree 2?

Some examples of normal extensions of degree 2 include the extensions generated by taking the square root of a rational number or the square root of a polynomial with rational coefficients. The quadratic extensions of the rational numbers are also normal extensions of degree 2.
