Extension of Spring from Mass of 50N

In summary, a weight of \(50\) N is suspended from a spring of stiffness \(4000\) N/m and is subjected to a harmonic force of amplitude \(60\) N and frequency \(6\) Hz. By solving for the mass and angular frequency, we can determine the harmonic forcing term and equation of motion. Assuming the motion starts from rest and the origin is at the top or bottom of the spring, we can solve for the extension of the spring. However, if the origin is not defined, we need additional information, such as the length of the spring before the mass is applied, to solve for the extension.
  • #1
A weight of \(50\) N is suspended from a spring of stiffness \(4000\) N/m and is subjected to a harmonic force of amplitude \(60\) N and frequency \(6\) Hz.

Since \(W = mg = 50\), we have that the mass, \(m = 5.10204\), and we know that \(f = \frac{\omega}{2\pi} = 6\) so \(\omega = 12\pi\). The harmonic forcing term is then
F(t) = 60\cos(12\pi t)
and our equation of motion is
\ddot{x} + \frac{4000}{5.10204}x = \frac{60}{5.10204}\cos(12\pi t).
Solving the transient and steady solution, we obtain
x(t) = A\cos(28t) + B\sin(28t) - 0.0184551\cos(12\pi t)
How do I determine the extension of spring from the suspended mass? This value would then be \(x(0) = x_0\). Additionally, I will assume any motion starts from rest so \(\dot{x}(0) = 0\) which leads to \(B = 0\) and \(A\) can be defined as \(x_0 - \frac{F_0}{k - m\omega^2}\) where \(\omega = 12\pi\)
x(t) = (x_0 + 0.0184551)\cos(28t) - 0.0184551\cos(12\pi t)
Would the extension of the spring simply be, \(F = kx\) where \(F = 50\) so
x = \frac{F}{k} = \frac{1}{80}\mbox{?}
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  • #2
Typically \(\displaystyle x_0\) is defined to be the origin of the motion so \(\displaystyle x_0 = 0\). If this is not the case then, as you correctly stated, the value of A will depend on \(\displaystyle x_0\). In this situation you have to define where the origin is and usually that would involve knowing the length of the spring before the mass is applied if you want to set the origin at the top or bottom of the spring. Otherwise you have to have some other related point on the spring to measure from.

  • #3
topsquark said:
Typically \(\displaystyle x_0\) is defined to be the origin of the motion so \(\displaystyle x_0 = 0\). If this is not the case then, as you correctly stated, the value of A will depend on \(\displaystyle x_0\). In this situation you have to define where the origin is and usually that would involve knowing the length of the spring before the mass is applied if you want to set the origin at the top or bottom of the spring. Otherwise you have to have some other related point on the spring to measure from.


I have already solved the problem. I should have marked it solved sooner.
  • #4
How about copying your solution to this thread so others can use it for future reference? :)
  • #5

Yes, that is correct. The extension of the spring, or displacement of the mass from its equilibrium position, can be determined using Hooke's Law, which states that the force exerted by a spring is directly proportional to its displacement. In this case, the force exerted by the spring is equal to the weight of the mass, \(50\) N, and the stiffness of the spring is \(4000\) N/m. Therefore, the displacement can be calculated as \(x = \frac{F}{k} = \frac{50}{4000} = \frac{1}{80}\) m.

Related to Extension of Spring from Mass of 50N

What is the relationship between the mass of an object and the extension of a spring?

The relationship between the mass of an object and the extension of a spring is directly proportional. This means that as the mass of an object increases, the extension of the spring also increases.

How does the spring constant affect the extension of a spring?

The spring constant, which is a measure of the stiffness of a spring, affects the extension of a spring. The higher the spring constant, the less the spring will extend for a given mass. Similarly, a lower spring constant will result in a greater extension for the same mass.

What is Hooke's Law and how does it relate to the extension of a spring?

Hooke's Law states that the force exerted by a spring is directly proportional to the amount that the spring is stretched or compressed. This means that as the spring extends, the force it exerts increases proportionally. This law applies to the extension of a spring from a mass of 50N.

How can the extension of a spring be calculated using Hooke's Law?

The extension of a spring can be calculated using Hooke's Law, which states that the force exerted by a spring (F) is equal to the spring constant (k) multiplied by the extension of the spring (x). Mathematically, this can be expressed as F = kx. Therefore, the extension of a spring can be calculated by dividing the force applied to the spring by the spring constant.

What factors can affect the extension of a spring from a mass of 50N?

The extension of a spring from a mass of 50N can be affected by a few factors, such as the material and length of the spring, the surface area of the object attached to the spring, and any external forces acting on the spring. Additionally, the accuracy and precision of the measuring tools used to measure the extension can also affect the results.

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