Extension of Variation of Parameters to First Order Non-Linear ODE?

In summary: Bessel's Differential Equation from which I get a solution in terms of Bessel Functions of the First Kind.I apologise for any confusion due to my introducing the variable = -T
  • #1
The equation of motion of a rocket with mass depletion during ascent and subject to drag forces can be written as

M(t) dV/dt = A - M(t)g - BV^2 (Eq. 1)

with initial condition V(t=0) = 0 (V is velocity and t is time)

Let us assume a linear mass depletion according to

M(t) = Mo - Kt (Eq. 2)

In Eqs 1 and 2, A, B, g, Mo and K are all constants >/= 0

For the limiting case B = 0, Eq. 1 reduces to a nicely separable form and can easily be solved. For B =/= 0, Eq. 1 can be cast as

dV/dt + p(t)V^2 = q(t) (Eq. 3)


p(t) = B/(M(t)


q(t) = A/M(t) - g

However, the non-linearity (in V) of Eq. 3 leaves me stuck, since the traditional Variation of Parameters approach does not apply.

Any ideas on how to proceed (in the context of an analytical or at least a semi-analytical solution) would be deeply appreciated.

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  • #2
In attachment it is shown how to transform this non-linear EDO to a second order linear EDO.
(which is related to Bessel functions)


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  • #3
JJacquelin said:
In attachment it is shown how to transform this non-linear EDO to a second order linear EDO.
(which is related to Bessel functions)

Thanks! This looks neat. But what about the initial conditions for f and f'?

I could of course solve the 2nd order linear ODE and substitute f and f' back into the expression for V, but I'll have two constants and only one initial condition.

Or do I apply the condition (f'=0 at T=0 which follows from V(0)=0 ) to evaluate one constant, substitute back into V and apply the same condition V=0 to evaluate the other constant?

Also, I notice that the 2nd order linear ODE is not exactly in the form of Bessel's Differential Eqn. There must be some subtlety involved here, that I can look up, but the issue of the initial condition is still a bit confusing.

Many thanks again.
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  • #4
Also, I notice that the 2nd order linear ODE is not exactly in the form of Bessel's Differential Eqn. There must be some subtlety involved here, that I can look up, but the issue of the initial condition is still a bit confusing.
Of course, it isn't a standard Bessel equation. There are a number of variants and the solutions generally are combinaisons of sum and products of Bessel functions with some elementary functions.
I could of course solve the 2nd order linear ODE and substitute f and f' back into the expression for V, but I'll have two constants and only one initial condition.
Or do I apply the condition (f'=0 at T=0 which follows from V(0)=0 ) to evaluate one constant, substitute back into V and apply the same condition V=0 to evaluate the other constant?
The substitution V = ((Mo-k*t)/(B*f))(df/dt) and condition V(0)=0 imply not only (df/dt)=0 but also introduce un supplementary condition :
at t=0 Mo²(d²f/dt²)=B*(A-Mo*g)*f
obtained from the second order linear ODE in which df/dt=0
Preferably, solve the second order linear ODE with two arbitrary coefficients. Then subsitute back in order to obtain the solutions V(t) depending on the two coefficients. Apply the condition dV/dt=0 at t=0 and bring back the found functions V(t) in the initial non-linear ODE. Then eliminate the non consistent solutions, which will determine the appropriate values of the coefficients.
  • #5

Many thanks again for your help. Could you kindly review the attached where I've re-derived the last step (I think you had a k in the coefficient of df/dT in your last equation that should not be there) and compared it to a transformed version of Bessel's Differential Equation from which I get a solution in terms of Bessel Functions of the First Kind.

I apologise for any confusion due to my introducing the variable [tex]\xi[/tex] = -T

I was thinking of using df/d[tex]\xi[/tex] =0 to eliminate one of the constants (C2=Q*C1, where Q is a constant), substitute back into the expression for V whereupon C1 vanishes. Is there something inconsistent about this procedure, that I should be aware of?



While it may be obvious, I forgot the = 0 in the RHS of the transformed ODE.


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  • #6
I apologise for any confusion due to my introducing the variable = -T
No problem
Could you kindly review the attached where I've re-derived the last step (I think you had a k in the coefficient of df/dT in your last equation that should not be there) and compared it to a transformed version of Bessel's Differential Equation from which I get a solution in terms of Bessel Functions of the First Kind.
You are right. There are mistakes in my last equation. In your equation too (see attachment)
Better, check once again.


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  • #7
I was thinking of using df/d =0 to eliminate one of the constants (C2=Q*C1, where Q is a constant), substitute back into the expression for V whereupon C1 vanishes. Is there something inconsistent about this procedure, that I should be aware of?
I am not sure that it's so simple.
V(0)=0 implies f '/f=0 which isn't exactly the same as f '=0 since f might also tends to 0 when t tends to 0.
I think that it should be better to keep the two constants, compute f ' and express f '/f as a serie development of t. Then determine the relationship between tne constants so that the limit be 0 for t=0. May be I am too cautious...
  • #8
Thanks again! You are right in that I too missed the k^2 in the denominator (amongst other typos)

I will recheck everything and formally derive the solution which I will post.



FAQ: Extension of Variation of Parameters to First Order Non-Linear ODE?

1. What is the variation of parameters method for solving first order non-linear ODEs?

The variation of parameters method is a technique used to find a particular solution to a first order non-linear ordinary differential equation (ODE). It involves integrating a system of equations to determine the coefficients of a particular solution.

2. How does the variation of parameters method differ from other techniques for solving ODEs?

The variation of parameters method is different from other techniques, such as separation of variables or substitution, because it allows for the solution of non-homogeneous ODEs. It also does not require the use of initial conditions, making it a more general method for solving ODEs.

3. Can the variation of parameters method be extended to higher order non-linear ODEs?

Yes, the variation of parameters method can be extended to higher order non-linear ODEs. However, the calculations become more complex and may not always result in a closed-form solution.

4. What are the limitations of using the variation of parameters method?

The variation of parameters method can only be used to find a particular solution to a non-linear ODE. It does not provide the general solution or the complementary solution. Additionally, the integration process can be time-consuming and error-prone for complex equations.

5. Are there any applications of the variation of parameters method in real-world problems?

Yes, the variation of parameters method has many applications in physics, engineering, and other fields. It can be used to solve problems involving growth and decay, population dynamics, and electric circuits, among others.
