External direct product- homomorphism

In summary: Indeed, this is the definition of the map f: f : U(st) -> U(s)(+) U(t). In summary, Theorem 8.3 in Gallian's Contemp. Abst Alg. says that the group U(st) is isomorphic to the external direct product of U(s) and U(t) which is U(s) (+) U(t).
  • #1
Theorem 8.3 in Gallian's Contemp. Abst Alg
says with (s, t) = 1 the group U(st) is isomorphic
to the external direct product of U(s) and U(t)
that is, to U(s) (+) U(t)

U(n) is the group of positive
integers less than n and relatively prime to n with the
group operation multiplication mod n

Defining a map f from U(st) -> U(s)(+) U(t) as f : x -> (x mod s, x mod t)

I am confused on how to proceed to show that f is HOMOMORPHISM. Please see my working below...

LET a, b belong to U( st) then

f ( a x b mod st )=f ( ab mod st)
= ( ( ab mod st ) mod s , ( ab mod st ) mod t))

Now, since ab mod st = ab mod s = ab mod t and (ab mod s ) mod s = ab mod s

= ( ab mod s, ab mod t )
= ( a mods, a mod t) (b mod s , b mod t)
= f ( a ) f (b)
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  • #2
That seems correct.

Note however that notations like ( ab mod st ) mod s don't make much sense.
You can write directly f ( ab mod st) = ( ab mod s , ab mod t)
  • #3
micromass said:
Note however that notations like ( ab mod st ) mod s don't make much sense.
Actually, it is not unusual to use
x mod y​
to refer to the function that selects a canonical representative of the equivalence class of x modulo y. (commonly the one in the interval [0, y-1])

Also, I don't think it especially surprising to use the postfix operator "- mod f" to refer to the homomorphism G --> G/f. (where G is some appropriate sort of algebraic structure like Abelian group or Ring)
  • #4
micromass said:
That seems correct.

Note however that notations like ( ab mod st ) mod s don't make much sense.
You can write directly f ( ab mod st) = ( ab mod s , ab mod t)

Why does my idea fail if take this example

let s= 3 , t = 5. then a = 7 , b= 8 belong to U (st)= U(15)

f ( 7 x 8 mod 15) = ( ( 7 x 8 mod 15 )mod 5, (7 x 8 mod 15) mod 3) = (4, 0).

However , if I write

f ( 7 x 8 mod 15) = ( 56 mod 5, 56 mod 3) = (1, 2).

which is equal to

f ( 7) f (8) = ( 7 mod 5, 7 mod 3)( 8 mod 5, 8 mod 3)

= (2, 1) ( 3, 2)
= ( 1,2)
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  • #5
mehtamonica said:
f ( 7 x 8 mod 15) = ( ( 7 x 8 mod 15 )mod 5, (7 x 8 mod 15) mod 3) = (4, 0).

I don't see how you got this...
  • #6
micromass said:
I don't see how you got this...

f ( 7 x 8 mod 15) = ( ( 7 x 8 mod 15 )mod 5, (7 x 8 mod 15) mod 3)
= ( 9 mod 5 , 9 mo d 3)
= ( 4, 0)
  • #7
7x8=11 mod 15, not 9...
  • #8
micromass said:
7x8=11 mod 15, not 9...

Thanks, then it seems my initial reasoning was correct, that is,

( ( ab mod st ) mod s , ( ab mod st ) mod t)) = ( ab mod s, ab mod t ).

FAQ: External direct product- homomorphism

1. What is an external direct product-homomorphism?

An external direct product-homomorphism is a type of function that maps elements of two different groups to a new group. It is denoted as ϕ: G x H → K, where G and H are groups and K is the external direct product of G and H. This function preserves the group structure and operations between the elements of G and H.

2. How is an external direct product-homomorphism different from a regular homomorphism?

An external direct product-homomorphism is different from a regular homomorphism in the sense that it maps elements from two different groups to a new group, whereas a regular homomorphism maps elements from one group to another group. Additionally, an external direct product-homomorphism preserves the group structure of both groups, while a regular homomorphism only preserves the group structure of the original group.

3. What are some examples of external direct product-homomorphisms?

One example of an external direct product-homomorphism is the cross product of two vectors in three-dimensional space. Another example is the tensor product of two vector spaces. In both cases, the resulting group is a new group that preserves the operations and structure of the original groups.

4. How is the external direct product-homomorphism related to the Cartesian product?

The external direct product-homomorphism is closely related to the Cartesian product. In fact, the Cartesian product of two groups can be seen as a special case of the external direct product-homomorphism, where the resulting group is the direct product of the two original groups. However, the external direct product-homomorphism also takes into account the group operations between the elements of the Cartesian product, rather than just the elements themselves.

5. What are some applications of external direct product-homomorphisms?

External direct product-homomorphisms have many applications in mathematics and physics. They are commonly used in the study of group theory, vector spaces, and tensor products. In physics, external direct product-homomorphisms are used in the study of symmetries and transformations of physical systems. They also have applications in computer science, particularly in the field of cryptography.

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