External force work on a particle

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of potential energy and the concept of work in relation to a problem involving charges and a ring. The potential energy due to two charges is calculated using an equation and the concept of differential elements is used to find the total potential at the initial point. The change in potential energy is also discussed in relation to the work done by an external force. The idea of energy and work is explained using the analogy of going uphill or downhill.
  • #1

Homework Statement


Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

To be honest, I have no idea how to start this problem.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Have you been told about the potential energy for two charges? That would be the key equation to use here.
  • #3
yeah. the potential energy U=qV=(kQ1Q2)/d. I don't know what to do with it.
  • #4
You can think of the ring as being composed of many small pieces of charge. Let's call each small bit of charge Δq.

So, what is the potential energy due to the -5.5 pC point charge and one of the Δq charges?
  • #5
ΔU = k(ΔQ)Q2/d
  • #6
The only thing I can work out is that if you break the ring up into differential elements, compute the Potential at the initial point due to that dV element, integrate over 2pi, you'll get the total potential at the initial point due to the ring.

[tex]V_i = \frac{kQ}{r}[/tex]
[tex]dV= \frac{kdQ}{r}[/tex]
[tex]dQ = \lambda ds[/tex]
[tex]ds = r d\Theta[/tex]
[tex]dV= \frac {k \lambda r d \Theta}{r}[/tex]
[tex]dv=k \lambda d\Theta[/tex]

[tex]V_i=\int_0^{2\pi}{k \lambda d\Theta}[/tex]
[tex]V_i= k\lambda \int_0^{2\pi} d\Theta[/tex]
[tex]V_i=k\lambda 2\pi[/tex]

[tex]\lambda = \frac{Q_1}{L}[/tex]
[tex]\lambda = \frac {Q_1}{2\pi r}[/tex]

[tex]V_i= k 2\pi\frac {Q_1}{2\pi r}[/tex]
[tex]r=\sqrt{R^2 + d^2}[/tex]
[tex]V_i= \frac{KQ_1}{\sqrt{R^2 + d^2}}[/tex]

And if we do the same for the charge at the origin [itex]V_f[/itex], we get:

[tex]V_f= \frac{KQ_1}{R}[/tex]

So, if the potential at the starting point is [tex]V_i= \frac{KQ_1}{\sqrt{R^2 + d^2}}[/tex] then the potential energy at that point is [itex]Q_2V_i[/itex] or [tex]U_i= \frac{KQ_1Q_2}{\sqrt{R^2 + d^2}}[/tex]

And the potential energy at the ending point would be [itex]Q_2V_f[/itex] or [tex]U_f= \frac{KQ_1Q_2}{R}[/tex]

So the change in potential energy would be [itex]U_f-U_i[/itex], correct? And this is equal to the work being done by the electric field present ([itex]U_f-U_i=W_{e}[/itex])?? If so, then the work done by ME would be the negative of that work? ([itex]W_{app}=-W_{e}[/itex])

Am I even close??
  • #7
That's the right idea :smile:

Also, the work done on the charge would equal the change in potential energy. It's not clear from what you say if you are throwing an extra minus sign in here. In other words, positive work is done by the external force if the potential energy increases.
  • #8
I have been trying to learn how potential energy and work are related for months now and can't understand it. I've had other texts try to teach me, teachers, peers, and I can't understand it. I have absolutely no idea how to visualize work, or potential energy. I just can't understand it.

Like, when the question asks "how much work would an external force do..." I have absolutely no idea what that means, or how to visualize it, or even how work and the force are relating to the object in question.
  • #9
Yeah, it can take a while for this stuff to sink in.

This might help get a more intuitive feel of what energy is (read from p. 69 to the 1st paragraph of p. 72):

I like to picture potential energy in terms of going uphill or downhill. Doing work is a way of adding to the energy of something, for example rolling a ball up a hill will raise it's potential energy. Notice that you must push the ball in the same direction it is moving in order to do this -- the work done (F·Δx) is positive and the ball's energy increases when it is rolled uphill.

On the other hand, if you hold a ball as it rolls downhill, and don't allow it's speed to change as it rolls, then you must pull back on the ball as it rolls forward. The force on the ball is opposite to the direction it moves -- the work done (F·Δx) is negative, and the ball's energy becomes lower when it's allowed to roll down a hill in this way.

FAQ: External force work on a particle

What is an external force?

An external force is a force that acts on an object from outside of the system it is in. It can cause a change in the object's motion or shape.

How does an external force work on a particle?

An external force works on a particle by exerting a force on it, causing it to move in a certain direction or change its velocity. This can lead to a change in the particle's kinetic energy.

What are some examples of external forces?

Examples of external forces include gravitational forces, electric and magnetic forces, friction, and air resistance. These forces can affect the motion or behavior of a particle or object.

How is the work done by an external force calculated?

The work done by an external force on a particle is calculated by multiplying the magnitude of the force by the displacement of the particle in the direction of the force. This can be represented by the equation W = Fd.

Why is understanding external forces important in science?

Understanding external forces is important in science because it allows us to predict and control the behavior of objects and particles. It also helps us to understand the laws of motion and how energy is transferred and transformed in different systems.
