External forces and external moments

In summary: Basically, the equation is balancing the moments of forces and couples about point O, and the term with M_i represents the sum of all external couples acting on the system. This is why it remains constant and does not change. In summary, the equation is balancing the moments of forces and couples about point O, with the term ##M_i## representing the sum of all external couples acting on the system. This term remains constant and does not change.
  • #1

Homework Statement

While reading course lecture at ocw.mit i have stumpled upon such an equation

$$\dot H_O = \sum_{i=1}^n (\dot r_i \times m_i v_i) + \sum_{i=1}^n (r_i \times m_i \dot v_i) = 0 + \sum_{i=1}^n (r_i \times (F_i + \sum_{j=1, j\ne i}f_{ij} )) = \sum_{i=1}^n (r_i \times Fi) + \sum_{i=1}^n M_i$$

I don't understand from where term with ##M_i## came.

Homework Equations

$$\begin{equation}r_i \times f_{ij} + r_j \times f_{ji} = (r_i − r_j ) \times f_{ij} = 0 \end{equation}$$

The Attempt at a Solution

Because of equation (1) ##\sum_{i=1}^n r_i \times \sum_{j=1, j\ne i} f_{ij} = 0##, so the term ##\sum_{i=1}^n M_i## came from nowhere.

And later they write: "Note that external forces in general produce unequal moments about O and G while applied external moments (torques) produce the same moment about O and G."

So what are these external moments and where they came from, and why they don't change?

EDIT: Oh, i see, probably it is all about force couples. They provide us with pure moment. Ok:) Though, would be nice to have somebody to confirm my guess.
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I think your interpretation is correct. I agree that the way they just threw in the sum over external couples M is confusing.
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Likes harmyder

FAQ: External forces and external moments

1. What are external forces and external moments?

External forces and external moments are forces and moments that act on an object or system from outside sources. These forces and moments can impact the motion, shape, or behavior of the object or system.

2. How do external forces and external moments affect an object's motion?

External forces and external moments can change an object's motion by causing it to accelerate, decelerate, or change direction. They can also cause rotational motion if the object is able to rotate.

3. What is the difference between external forces and external moments?

External forces are linear forces that act on an object's center of mass, while external moments are rotational forces that act on an object's axis of rotation. Both can affect an object's motion, but in different ways.

4. How do you calculate the net external force or moment on an object?

To calculate the net external force on an object, you must add up all the external forces acting on the object and take into account their direction and magnitude. To calculate the net external moment, you must add up all the external moments acting on the object and take into account their direction, magnitude, and point of application.

5. What are some examples of external forces and external moments?

Examples of external forces include gravity, friction, air resistance, and normal force. Examples of external moments include torque applied by a motor, a person pushing a door open, or a weight hanging from a pulley.
