Extra Credit- Taco Cannon Projectile (how do I find the function of the curve?)

In summary: This point is the maximum point in the dome. In other words, it's the center of the taco cannon's "dome of taco love."In summary, the Taco Cannon in Austin, Texas can fire 200 feet and achieve a maximum range of 60.96 meters. The muzzle velocity is listed as the V(initial) numbers.
  • #1

Homework Statement

In Austin, Texas there is a Taco Cannon (modified T-shirt cannon) that will be spreading the joy of taco'ey goodness to festival goers. The only information I have is that it can fire 200 feet (60.96 meters).

My physics professor allows us extra credit for applying physics knowledge to the world. I want to solve for the possible area in the sky that the tacos can fill if a cannon is fired 360 degrees. I'll apply a Standard Deviation (SD) of (+/-) 5 meters to the 60.96 meters

I'm calculating the velocities needed to achieve that range, 60.96 meters, at 45 degrees and 55 degrees.

for 45 degrees -5m SD
V(initial)= 23.418 m/s
Max Height= 13.99 m
Δ distance= 55.96 m
time= 3.38 sec

for 45 degrees +5m SD
V(initial)= 25.424 m/s
Max Height= 16.49 m
Δ distance= 65.96 m
time= 3.67 sec

With the SD, I have

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

1st I calculated the area on the ground a taco desiring person would be.
Area of big circle minus area of small circle= (1219.2)(pi) meters squared)

I want to calculate the 3 dimensional air space that a taco may be in at a given time (revolutions of a solid), so I can warn migrating birds of raining tacos. I'm not sure of how to get the function of the trajectory as it arcs through the air. Other than choosing points and making the curve from those data points, is there an easier way? I'm taking an algebra based physics course and we only are working with x and y coordinate independently.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I am unsure what area you want to find. Is that the area of the "dome" formed by all the possible trajectories?

Secondly, I think you should interpret the 200 feet given as the maximum range, which is achieved at a particular angle of elevation, from which you should be able to compute the muzzle velocity.
  • #3
I apologize for my lack of clarity. Yes, the dome is what I'm trying to calculate. I will heed your advice and go with the 200 foot maximum range (60.96m) and keep the -5m SD. The muzzle velocity is listed as the V(initial) numbers.

for 45 degrees -5m SD
V(initial)= 23.418 m/s
Max Height= 13.99 m
Δ distance= 55.96 m
time= 3.38 sec

45 degrees to maximum distance:
V(initial)= 24.441 m/s
Max Height= 15.24 m
Δ distance= 60.96 m
time= 3.53 sec

Is there a way to find the upper and lower trajectory paths as functions? Is this solving for a parabolic equation?
  • #4
I am still confused by the relevance of deviation.

The dome is obviously a figure of revolution. It is obtained by rotating the envelope of all the trajectories whose launch angle varies between 0 and 90 degrees.
  • #5
Assuming a constant launch speed v, for a given value of launch angle θ you can write the equations of motion y(t) and x(t). That means you can eliminate t and find the trajectory equation y versus x, or y(x) for that value of θ. That is, there is a family of trajectory equations y(x,θ).

For any given x value, then, you want to find the maximum value of y(x,θ) for all possible values of θ. This will give you a point (x,y) on the envelope that encloses the family of curves.

FAQ: Extra Credit- Taco Cannon Projectile (how do I find the function of the curve?)

1. How do I find the function of the curve for the Taco Cannon Projectile?

To find the function of the curve for the Taco Cannon Projectile, you will need to use the equations of motion for projectile motion. These equations take into account the initial velocity, angle of launch, and acceleration due to gravity to calculate the position and velocity of the projectile at any given time. By solving for the variables in these equations, you can find the function of the curve for the Taco Cannon Projectile.

2. Can I use a computer program to find the function of the curve?

Yes, there are many computer programs and applications that can help you find the function of the curve for the Taco Cannon Projectile. These programs use numerical methods to solve the equations of motion and plot the resulting curve. They can also take into account factors such as air resistance and wind to provide a more accurate representation of the projectile's path.

3. How do I account for the shape and weight of the taco in the function of the curve?

The shape and weight of the taco will affect the function of the curve for the Taco Cannon Projectile. You can account for these factors by adjusting the initial velocity and angle of launch in the equations of motion. Additionally, you can use experimental data to fine-tune your calculations and make them more accurate.

4. What other variables should I consider when finding the function of the curve?

When finding the function of the curve for the Taco Cannon Projectile, you should also consider the height of the cannon from the ground, the distance to the target, and any external factors such as wind or air resistance. These variables will all affect the trajectory of the projectile and should be taken into account when solving the equations of motion.

5. How can I use the function of the curve to improve the accuracy of my taco cannon?

By finding the function of the curve for the Taco Cannon Projectile, you can make adjustments to your cannon to improve its accuracy. For example, you can adjust the angle of launch or the amount of force used to propel the taco to hit a target at a specific distance. You can also use the function of the curve to predict the trajectory of the taco and make corrections to your aim accordingly.

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