Extrasolar planets discovered so far

  • Thread starter wolram
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In summary, recent findings have shown that most extrasolar planets have eccentric orbits, with some having extremely eccentric orbits like that of HD 222582. This suggests that circular orbits like those in our own solar system are rare. The possibility of intelligent life existing on planets with eccentric orbits is uncertain, but it may depend on factors such as the planet's size, ability to retain an atmosphere, and presence of radioactives to keep water liquid. Further research and exploration is needed to fully understand the potential for life on these types of planets.
  • #1
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The orbits of the new planets, like those of most of the extrasolar planets discovered so far, tend to be quite eccentric, tracing paths that are oval rather than circular. One of the planets, around a star called HD 222582, has the most wildly eccentric orbit yet known, carrying it from as close as 0.39 astronomical units (AU: the distance from Earth to the Sun) to as far as 2.31 AU from its parent star in the course of its 576-day orbit. “It is beginning to look like neatly stacked, circular orbits such as we see in our own solar system are relatively rare,” Vogt said.
maybe this is bad news for seti, but how eccentric could
a planets orbit be and still support inteligent life?
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Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
One of the planets around the star called HD 222582 (the wildly eccentric one) seems to have an orbit more like that of a short course comet than that of a planet.
  • #3
wolfram wrote: maybe this is bad news for seti, but how eccentric could a planet's orbit be and still support inteligent life?
Perhaps we could consider this from two perspectives:
- how does intelligence arise?
- what about life?

Taking the second first. If most life on Earth is in the crust and not on the surface, it would seem that carbon-based life could exist on a planet (or satellite) with any orbit which didn't cause the crust to get too hot, say <200oC. The constraints are more on the geophysics and geochemistry of the planet.

The first question is much more difficult, since we really have no idea what conditions give rise to homo sap., the only intelligent life we know of. It could be that periodic bombardment by asteroids is critical, for example. Limiting the question just to eccentricity of orbits, and assuming critters have to be big to be intelligent, some weak boundary conditions might be:
- not so eccentric that the planet freezes over entirely (no big critters live in Antartica)
- that ground surface temperatures remain above 50C for months at a time (we really don't know; big critters don't live in deserts more 'cause it's dry than
'cause it's hot)
- the oceans don't boil
  • #4
Near circular orbits are more likely to form from a collapsing cloud of stella debris than very elliptical ones. The Solar mass at the centre will determine the orbital periods of the cloud particles orbiting it. Local gravitiational effects will then take over as larger and larger masses form. As these orbit, they will 'hoover' up the particles left over, forming planets in roughly circular orbits. (NB This is a VERY simplistic explanation!)

For the kind of exo-planets we are discovering elsewhere, only the very large ones are detectable. These tend to have formed as 'failed' binary star systems. ie the large 'non-star' is what we discover as a planet, orbiting the sister star. These two will orbit around a common centre of mass, looking to us like a planet with a very elliptical orbit, orbiting a star.
  • #5
First, that page is pretty out of date at 4 years old. Second, 28 is not a very large sample to reach such a conclusion from. Third, detection methods aren't good enough yet to detect anything but large planets orbiting (or just passing) close to their stars.
  • #6

In my first post I didn't consider waterworlds, planets which are composed largely of 'volatiles' rather than rocks. The Galilean satellites of Jupiter (other than Io) are good examples of such bodies.

Such a planet would be able to retain a sizable ocean under a wide range of possible orbits, including many eccentric ones. Seems to me it would just need to be big enough to retain a decent atmosphere when near its parent star, and have had sufficient radioactives in the rocky core (U, Th, etc) to keep the deep ocean liquid over a few billion years.

Whether intelligent life could arise on such a planet is an entirely different question!

FYI, this is a good, up-to-date compilation of all findings (including some questionable ones), along with a summary of the methods currently used to find extrasolar planets:
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FAQ: Extrasolar planets discovered so far

1. How many extrasolar planets have been discovered so far?

As of 2021, over 4,400 extrasolar planets have been discovered. This number continues to increase as new technology and methods are developed to detect these distant worlds.

2. What is the closest extrasolar planet to Earth?

The closest known extrasolar planet to Earth is Proxima Centauri b, which is located in the habitable zone of the closest star to our solar system, Proxima Centauri. It is approximately 4.2 light years away from Earth.

3. Can extrasolar planets support life?

While it is possible for extrasolar planets to support life, it is not yet known for certain. The habitable zone, or the area around a star where liquid water can exist on the surface, is one factor in determining if a planet could potentially support life. Other factors, such as the planet's atmosphere and composition, also play a role.

4. How do scientists detect extrasolar planets?

There are several methods used to detect extrasolar planets, including the transit method, radial velocity method, and direct imaging. The transit method involves observing the slight decrease in a star's brightness as a planet passes in front of it. The radial velocity method detects the gravitational pull of a planet on its star, causing the star to wobble. Direct imaging involves taking pictures of the planet itself.

5. What is the most common type of extrasolar planet discovered?

The most common type of extrasolar planet discovered so far is the "hot Jupiter," which is a gas giant planet that is close to its star and has a short orbital period. This is likely due to the fact that these large planets are easier to detect using current technology and methods.

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