F(x) is non negative for all real x

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  • Thread starter anemone
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In summary, the conversation discusses a math problem involving finding the values of a variable in a polynomial expression. The problem is approached through multiple attempts, including using a theorem for analyzing the discriminant and rewriting the polynomial in a different form. The final solution involves considering the coefficient of the $x^3$ term and finding two possible values of $a$ that will result in the polynomial being non-negative for all real values of $x$. However, there is some confusion about whether there may be more than two possible values of $a$ that meet the requirements of the problem.
  • #1
Gold Member
POTW Director

I have encountered an interesting math problem which I couldn't solve.

Find all values of http://www.artofproblemsolving.com/Forum/code.php?hash=86f7e437faa5a7fce15d1ddcb9eaeaea377667b8&sid=32778a5e32459cc05fd7472f968d6f64 such that $x^6-6x^5+12x^4+ax^3+12x^2-6x+1$ is non-negative for all real http://www.artofproblemsolving.com/Forum/code.php?hash=11f6ad8ec52a2984abaafd7c3b516503785c2072&sid=32778a5e32459cc05fd7472f968d6f64.

1st attempt:

I first let $f(x)=x^6-6x^5+12x^4+ax^3+12x^2-6x+1$

Then if it has repeated roots (of multiplicity of 2 or 4), then the function of f will always greater than zero and we are done.

This leads to a few cases to be considered:

1. $f(x)=(x-p)^4(x-q)^2$
2. $f(x)=(x-p)^2(x-q)^2(x-r)^2$
3. $f(x)=(x-p)^2(\text{always positive})$
4. $f(x)=(x-p)^4(\text{always positive})$

But I notice even if I compare the coefficients of the $x^n$ terms, I can get nothing useful from this attempt and hence, the possible values of a remain unknown.

2nd attempt:

I noticed $\dfrac{x^6+1}{2} \ge x^3$, $\dfrac{6x^5+6x}{2} \ge 6x^3$ and hence $-\dfrac{6x^5+6x}{2} \le -6x^3$, $\dfrac{12x^4+12x^2}{2} \ge 12x^3$.

So, by putting them together, $x^6-6x^5+12x^4+ax^3+12x^2-6x+1 \ge2x^3-12x^3+24x^3+ax^3>=26x^3+ax^3$

If we want $f(x)\ge 0$, then no conclusion can be drawn from this silly attempt.

3rd attempt:

I noticed f(x) could be rewritten as $x^6-6x^5+12x^4+ax^3+12x^2-6x+1=x^4(x^2-6x+12)+ax^3+12x^2-6x+1$

That is, $x^2-6x+12$ and $12x^2-6x+1$ are both quadratic functions with the nice changing of the coefficients, but I don't know what that indicates...perhaps I'm not thinking enough but I will and will add to this thread if I think of something useful from this.

Could someone please point me with the correct direction so that I can get this problem solved?
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  • #2
I would try an analysis of the discriminant, which is:

\(\displaystyle \Delta=729(a+14)(a-38)\left((a+12)(a+16) \right)^2\)

From Wikipedia:

For a polynomial of degree $n$ with real coefficients, we have:
  • $\Delta>0$: for some integer $k$ such that \(\displaystyle 0\le k\le\frac{n}{4}\), there are $2k$ pairs of complex conjugate roots and $n-4k$ real roots, all different;
  • $\Delta<0$: for some integer $k$ such that \(\displaystyle 0\le k\le\frac{n-2}{4}\), there are $2k+1$ pairs of complex conjugate roots and $n-4k-2$ real roots, all different;
  • $\Delta=0$: at least 2 roots coincide, which may be either real or not real (in this case their complex conjugate also coincide).
  • #3
$x^6-6x^5+12x^4+ax^3+12x^2-6x+1 = (x^3 -3x^2 -3x +1)^2 + 9x^2(x\pm1)^2 + \:?x^3.$ If the coefficient of $x^3$ in that last expression is not zero then the polynomial must take negative values. There are only two values of $a$ that will achieve that.
  • #4
MarkFL said:
I would try an analysis of the discriminant, which is:

\(\displaystyle \Delta=729(a+14)(a-38)\left((a+12)(a+16) \right)^2\)

From Wikipedia:

For a polynomial of degree $n$ with real coefficients, we have:
  • $\Delta>0$: for some integer $k$ such that \(\displaystyle 0\le k\le\frac{n}{4}\), there are $2k$ pairs of complex conjugate roots and $n-4k$ real roots, all different;
  • $\Delta<0$: for some integer $k$ such that \(\displaystyle 0\le k\le\frac{n-2}{4}\), there are $2k+1$ pairs of complex conjugate roots and $n-4k-2$ real roots, all different;
  • $\Delta=0$: at least 2 roots coincide, which may be either real or not real (in this case their complex conjugate also coincide).

Thank you for your reply, MarkFL!

It's good to know this theorem exists. :)

For the first case where $\Delta>0$: for some integer $k$ such that \(\displaystyle 0\le k\le\frac{6}{4}=0 \le k \le \frac{3}{2}\), there are $2(\frac{3}{2})=3$ pairs of complex conjugate roots and no real root.

So, we have\(\displaystyle \Delta=729(a+14)(a-38)\left((a+12)(a+16) \right)^2 >0\) and this gives the solution set $a<-14$ or $a>38$.

But when I checked the answer with wolfram, that is, I let $a=37$, what I get is the given function is still greater than zero for all real x...:confused:

1. http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=graph+y%3D+x^6%E2%8%926x^5%2B12x^4%2B37x^3%2B12^2-6x%2B1

2. solve x^6?6x^5+12x^4+37x^3+12^2-6x+1=0 - Wolfram|Alpha

I also have no idea how did you come up with the formula for the discriminant (\(\displaystyle \Delta=729(a+14)(a-38)\left((a+12)(a+16) \right)^2\)) but I will look it up online.:eek:

Opalg said:
$x^6-6x^5+12x^4+ax^3+12x^2-6x+1 = (x^3 -3x^2 -3x +1)^2 + 9x^2(x\pm1)^2 + \:?x^3.$ If the coefficient of $x^3$ in that last expression is not zero then the polynomial must take negative values. There are only two values of $a$ that will achieve that.

Hi Opalg,

Thanks for your reply too!


$(x^3 -3x^2 -3x +1)^2 + 9x^2(x+1)^2 =(x+1)^2((x^2 -4x +1)^2 + 9x^2)=x^6-6x^5+12x^4+38x^3+12x^2-6x+1$

So we have

$x^6-6x^5+12x^4+ax^3+12x^2-6x+1 = (x+1)^2((x^2 -4x +1)^2 + 9x^2) + (a-38)x^3$

Now, in order to get $x^6-6x^5+12x^4+ax^3+12x^2-6x+1>0$, that means we must set $(x+1)^2((x^2 -4x +1)^2 + 9x^2) + (a-38)x^3>0$.

So, $a=38$ must be one of the value of $a$ that meets the requirement of the problem.

But I'm thinking we could also have to consider the possibility like when $x=-1$, then $a=37, 36, \cdots$ works too. That means we have a lot of $a$ values that will meet the requirement of the problem, but not just two $a$ values.:confused:

$(x+1)^2((x^2 -4x +1)^2 + 9x^2) + (a-38)x^3=0+ (a-38)(-1)= (37-38)(-1)=1>0$

I guess I must have been missing something very important here...

I don't know how $(x^3 -3x^2 -3x +1)^2 + 9x^2(x-1)^2 $ is going to help in this case...(Sweating)
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  • #5
anemone said:
I don't know how $(x^3 -3x^2 -3x +1)^2 + 9x^2(x-1)^2 $ is going to help in this case...(Sweating)
You are quite right! My previous attempt was more or less complete nonsense. (Blush)

There was just one thing right about it, namely the polynomial $ p(x) = (x^3 -3x^2 -3x +1)^2 + 9x^2(x+1)^2 = x^6 -6x^5 + 12x^4 + 38x^3 + 12x^2 - 6x+ 1$ is a sum of squares and is therefore always non-negative. Therefore $38$ is a possible value for $a$.

It is also true that $q(x) = (x^2-3x+1)^2(1+x^2) = x^6 -6x^5 + 12x^4 - 12x^3 + 12x^2 - 6x+ 1$ is always positive. Therefore $-12$ is a possible value for $a$.

Now let $0\leqslant\lambda\leqslant1$, and form the convex combination $\lambda q(x) + (1-\lambda)p(x)$. That is equal to $x^6 -6x^5 + 12x^4 + (38-50\lambda)x^3 + 12x^2 - 6x+ 1$. Also, it is a convex combination of two positive functions and is therefore positive. As $\lambda$ goes from $0$ to $1$ the coefficient of $x^3$ goes from $38$ to $-12$. So $a$ can take every value in the interval $[-12,38]$.

It seems that these are the only possible values for $a$, but I don't yet see how to prove that.
  • #6
Now I see how to complete the proof. If $f(x) = x^6-6x^5+12x^4+ax^3+12x^2-6x+1$ then $f(-1) = 38-a$, which is negative if $a>38$. So we must have $a\leqslant 38$. With a bit more calculation (in fact, make that a lot more) you can check that $f\bigl(\frac12(3+\sqrt5)\bigr) = (a+12)\bigl(\frac12(3+\sqrt5)\bigr)^3$. That will be negative if $a<-12$, so we must have $a\geqslant-12$.

To help you on your way with that calculation, the powers of $\frac12(3+\sqrt5)$ are $$\bigl(\tfrac12(3+\sqrt5)\bigr)^2 = \tfrac12(7+3\sqrt5),$$ $$\bigl(\tfrac12(3+\sqrt5)\bigr)^3 = \tfrac12(18+8\sqrt5),$$ $$\bigl(\tfrac12(3+\sqrt5)\bigr)^4 = \tfrac12(47+21\sqrt5),$$ $$\bigl(\tfrac12(3+\sqrt5)\bigr)^5 = \tfrac12(123+55\sqrt5),$$ $$\bigl(\tfrac12(3+\sqrt5)\bigr)^6 = \tfrac12(322+144\sqrt5).$$
  • #7
Thanks again Opalg for your replies.:)

I hate to keep bothering you but when I let $a$ to lie outside the interval of which you found, for example $a=39$ and also $a=70$, I noticed that the original function of $x^6-6x^5+12x^4+ax^3+12x^2-6x+1$ is always greater than zero as well...(Worried)

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  • #8
Check your terms that are supposed to contain $x^2$. The variable is missing and you have $12^2$ instead. :D
  • #9
MarkFL said:
Check your terms that are supposed to contain $x^2$. The variable is missing and you have $12^2$ instead. :D

Oh my...I'm sorry! This is probably the most silly blunder that I have ever made this year!

Now, everything looks fine and good to me.

Thanks to both of you and Opalg for the guidance on how to tackle the problem correctly.
  • #10
anemone said:
Oh my...I'm sorry! This is probably the most silly blunder that I have ever made this year!
(Bigsmile) (Bigsmile) We all do that sort of thing more often than we like to admit.

While I am about it, I should point out that my argument for showing that $a\geqslant-12$ was unnecessarily complicated. I had already pointed out that $f(x) = x^6 -6x^5 + 12x^4 + ax^3 + 12x^2 - 6x+ 1 = (x^2-3x+1)^2(1+x^2) + (a+12)x^3$. If you put $x=\frac12(3+\sqrt5)$ in that equation then you immediately get $f\bigl(\frac12(3+\sqrt5)\bigr) = (a+12)\bigl(\frac12(3+\sqrt5)\bigr)^3$ (because $\frac12(3+\sqrt5)$ is a root of $x^2-3x+1$).

Related to F(x) is non negative for all real x

What does it mean for F(x) to be non-negative for all real x?

When F(x) is non-negative for all real x, it means that the value of the function is always equal to or greater than zero for any real number that is plugged in for x. Essentially, the function never dips below the x-axis on a graph.

Why is it important for a function to be non-negative?

Having a non-negative function is important because it ensures that the function is always producing valid and meaningful values. It also makes it easier to work with the function in mathematical and scientific calculations.

What does it look like on a graph when F(x) is non-negative for all real x?

On a graph, a non-negative function will never cross or dip below the x-axis. It may have a minimum value of zero, but it will never have negative values. The graph will always remain in the positive or zero range.

How can you determine if a function is non-negative for all real x?

To determine if a function is non-negative for all real x, you can analyze its equation and look for any potential negative values. You can also graph the function and see if it ever dips below the x-axis. Additionally, you can use calculus techniques, such as finding the derivative, to determine if the function is always non-negative.

What are some examples of functions that are always non-negative?

Some common examples of functions that are always non-negative include quadratics with positive leading coefficients, exponential functions, and trigonometric functions such as cosine and secant. Additionally, any function that has a domain that is limited to positive values, such as the logarithmic function, will also be non-negative for all real x.

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