Factor 1/2 in the Curvature Two-form of a Connection Principal Bundle

In summary, the exterior covariant derivative of a connection on a principal bundle is defined as the covariant derivative composed with horizontal projection. When checking the three cases, the factor of 1/2 will be clear.
  • #1
center o bass
In the formulation of connections on principal bundles, one derives an
expression for the covariant exterior derivative of lie-algebra valued forms which is given by
$$D\alpha = d \alpha + \rho(\omega) \wedge \alpha,$$
where ##\rho: \mathfrak g \to \mathfrak{gl}(\mathfrak g)## is a representation on the Lie algebra. Now, one often encounters the following formula for the curvature of the connection ##\omega##:
$$\Omega = D\omega = d\omega + \frac{1}2 [\omega, \omega].$$

However, if we use the representation ##\text{ad}:\mathfrak g \to \mathfrak{gl}(\mathfrak g)##, then the covariant exterior derivative of ##\omega## gives
$$D\alpha = d \alpha + \rho(\omega) \wedge \alpha = d \alpha + [\xi_k, \xi_l] \omega^k \wedge \omega^l = d\alpha + [\omega, \omega]$$.

But where have the factor ##1/2## gone?

I suspect my error might lie in one of the following:
(1): my definition of ##[\omega, \omega]## as ##[\xi_k, \xi_l] \omega^k \wedge \omega^l##.
(2): or, that what is meant by the expression ##\rho(\omega) \wedge \omega## is perhaps not ##[\xi_k, \xi_l] \omega^k \wedge \omega^l##.

But which one is it? And why?
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  • #2
Your error is in assuming that you can take a covariant derivative of the connection ##\omega##. But ##\omega## is not gauge-covariant!

To be clear, this line is in error:

center o bass said:
$$\Omega = D\omega = d\omega + \frac{1}2 [\omega, \omega].$$

It is true that

$$\Omega = d\omega + \frac12 [\omega,\omega] = d \omega + \omega \wedge \omega.$$
However, you cannot write this as "##D\omega##", because there is no such object as "##D\omega##". And as you have shown, attempting to write out "##D\omega##" from the standard formula gives you the wrong answer.

You should be able to show, however, for a gauge-covariant form ##\alpha##, that

$$DD\alpha = \Omega \wedge \alpha.$$
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  • #3
Ben Niehoff said:
Your error is in assuming that you can take a covariant derivative of the connection ##\omega##. But ##\omega## is not gauge-covariant!

To be clear, this line is in error:
It is true that

$$\Omega = d\omega + \frac12 [\omega,\omega] = d \omega + \omega \wedge \omega.$$
However, you cannot write this as "##D\omega##", because there is no such object as "##D\omega##". And as you have shown, attempting to write out "##D\omega##" from the standard formula gives you the wrong answer.

You should be able to show, however, for a gauge-covariant form ##\alpha##, that

$$DD\alpha = \Omega \wedge \alpha.$$

When you say ##\omega## is not gauge covariant, what do you mean? ##\omega## transforms as ##\omega \mapsto Ad_{g^{-1}} \omega## under pullback of the right action on ##P##.

Furthermore, in http://empg.maths.ed.ac.uk/Activities/GT/Lect2.pdf, he defines the curvature as
##\omega = d\omega \circ \text{hor}## where ##\hor## picks out the horizontal component of any vector field according to ##\omega##. This is also how he defined the exterior covariant derivative on the same page.

Is it the fact that ##\omega## is not a horizontal 1-form that is the source of my error? Indeed, http://empg.maths.ed.ac.uk/Activities/GT/Lect2.pdf, defines the exterior covariant derivative for horizontal and covariant forms.
  • #4
Sorry, I'm not as fluent in "horizontal/vertical" language. In the notation I'm familiar with, the gauge connection ##\omega## transforms as

$$\omega \to g^{-1} \omega g + g^{-1}dg,$$
which fails to be covariant (because it involves derivatives of the transformation). Writing "##D\omega##" is analagous to taking the covariant derivative of a Christoffel symbol; it doesn't make sense.
  • #5
Ben Niehoff said:
Sorry, I'm not as fluent in "horizontal/vertical" language. In the notation I'm familiar with, the gauge connection ##\omega## transforms as

$$\omega \to g^{-1} \omega g + g^{-1}dg,$$
which fails to be covariant (because it involves derivatives of the transformation). Writing "##D\omega##" is analagous to taking the covariant derivative of a Christoffel symbol; it doesn't make sense.
Ah, okay. On the principal it does transform as ##\omega \mapsto g\omega g^{-1}##. It is the pullback of ##\omega## with a local section that transform according to
$$\omega \mapsto g^{-1} \omega g + g^{-1}dg.$$
  • #6
The curvature 2 form of a connection on a principal bundle may be defined as the exterior covariant derivative of the connection 1 form. (By definition the exterior covariant derivative is the exterior derivative composed with horizontal projection.) One can verify that your formula is the same thing by checking three cases: the two vectors are both horizontal,both vertical,one horizontal one vertical.

$$\Omega = D\omega = d\omega + \frac{1}2 [\omega, \omega].$$

is the correct equation in the principal bundle. If you check the three cases, the factor of 1/2 will be clear.

Notice that $$ d\omega(X,Y) = X\omega(Y) - Y\omega(X) - \omega[X,Y]$$

And $$ \omega[X,Y] = [\omega(X),\omega(Y)]$$

The trivial case is when both vectors are horizontal. Then the equation is just

$$\Omega = D\omega = d\omega.$$

This because $$\Omega(X,Y) = d\omega(hX,hY) + 0= d\omega(X,Y).$$

I have always seen the exterior covariant derivative denoted with a large D.
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Related to Factor 1/2 in the Curvature Two-form of a Connection Principal Bundle

What is the significance of the factor 1/2 in the curvature two-form of a connection principal bundle?

The factor 1/2 in the curvature two-form is important because it allows us to define a connection on a principal bundle in a way that is invariant under gauge transformations. This ensures that the curvature two-form is a well-defined geometric object that can be used to study the curvature of the bundle.

How is the factor 1/2 related to the gauge potential?

The factor 1/2 is related to the gauge potential through the definition of the curvature two-form. The curvature two-form is defined as the exterior derivative of the gauge potential, multiplied by the factor 1/2. This factor ensures that the curvature is invariant under gauge transformations.

Can the factor 1/2 be changed to a different value?

No, the factor 1/2 is a fundamental part of the definition of the curvature two-form and cannot be changed. Altering this factor would result in a different geometric object that does not have the same properties as the curvature two-form.

How does the factor 1/2 affect the calculation of the curvature?

The factor 1/2 does not affect the calculation of the curvature itself, as it is simply a scaling factor. However, it does play a crucial role in ensuring that the curvature is invariant under gauge transformations, allowing for a consistent and meaningful calculation.

Is the factor 1/2 present in other geometric objects?

Yes, the factor 1/2 is present in other geometric objects, such as the Yang-Mills action and the Bianchi identities. In these cases, it also serves to ensure that these objects are invariant under gauge transformations.

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