Factor Groups: What am I thinking about wrongly here?

In summary, the conversation discusses factor groups and their properties. It is mentioned that K is normal in G, leading to the factor group G/K. The order of Kg is shown to divide n, which is also true for any element in G/K. The question of whether G is cyclic is raised, but it is clarified that G's order is n, not the order of a specific element. However, the statement that |Kg| divides n is still true based on previous statements.
  • #1
say K is normal in G hence we have a factor group G/K.

let g be an element of G where |g| = n.

so Kg^n = K since g^n = 1.
and using the properties of factor groups, we know Kg^n = (Kg)^n
hence (Kg)^n = K
So we know that the order of Kg divides n.

Is this correct thinking? Factor groups are trippin me out
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  • #2
Yes, this looks correct. In fact, this shouldn't be surprising, since by Lagrange's theorem, the order of the factor group G/K is |G|/|K| which divides |G| = n.
Thus the order of any element of G/K must divide |G/K| which divides n. You can easily show that a divisor of a divisor of n is also a divisor of n.
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  • #3
you said |G| = n. I originally said it was an element of G, |g| = n. Doesn't |G| = |g| iff G = <g> (G is a cyclic group generated by g?) The question doesn't say G is cyclic.
  • #4
Oh my bad I misread that the order of G was n. In that case the statement that |Kg| divides n does not directly follow from what I said, but it is still true by what you showed.
  • #5

Your thinking is mostly correct, but there are a few things to consider. First, when you say "K is normal in G," it means that K is a normal subgroup of G, not just a subgroup. This means that for any element k in K and any element g in G, the product kg is also in K. This is important because it allows us to define the factor group G/K, where the elements are the cosets of K in G.

Now, let's look at your statement that Kg^n = K since g^n = 1. This is true, but it's important to note that g^n = 1 only if g has finite order. If g has infinite order, then g^n may not equal 1.

Additionally, your statement that (Kg)^n = K is not necessarily true. In fact, it's only true if K is a normal subgroup of G. If K is not normal, then (Kg)^n may not equal K.

Finally, your statement that the order of Kg divides n is correct, but it's important to note that this is a consequence of the properties of factor groups, not a definition of factor groups.

Overall, your thinking is on the right track, but it's important to be precise with definitions and properties when dealing with abstract concepts like factor groups. Keep exploring and asking questions, and you'll continue to deepen your understanding!

Related to Factor Groups: What am I thinking about wrongly here?

1. What are factor groups and how are they different from regular groups?

Factor groups, also known as quotient groups, are a type of mathematical structure used in abstract algebra. They are formed by taking a normal subgroup of a larger group and dividing the elements of the larger group by the elements of the normal subgroup. This results in a new group with fewer elements. The main difference between factor groups and regular groups is that factor groups allow us to analyze the structure of a larger group by breaking it down into smaller, more manageable groups.

2. How do factor groups relate to cosets?

Cosets are subsets of a group formed by multiplying a fixed element in the group by all other elements in the group. When we form a factor group, we are essentially taking the cosets of the normal subgroup and grouping them together to form a new group. This new group is then composed of elements from the original group, but with some elements being considered equivalent due to the normal subgroup.

3. What is the significance of normal subgroups in factor groups?

Normal subgroups are important in factor groups because they allow us to form a new group by dividing the elements of the original group. They also help us to identify which elements in the original group are considered equivalent in the factor group. Additionally, normal subgroups have the property that they remain unchanged when conjugated by any element in the larger group, making them ideal for forming factor groups.

4. Can factor groups be used to solve real-world problems?

While factor groups may seem abstract, they have many practical applications. For example, they are used in coding theory to detect and correct errors in data transmission. They are also used in physics to study symmetries and in chemistry to analyze molecular structures. Factor groups allow us to break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts, making them a useful tool in problem-solving.

5. Are there any limitations to using factor groups?

One limitation of factor groups is that they are only defined for groups, which have specific properties such as closure, associativity, and the existence of an identity element. This means that not all mathematical structures can be analyzed using factor groups. Additionally, factor groups can become quite complex and difficult to visualize for larger, more complicated groups, making them challenging to work with in some cases.

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