Fair vs. biased coin probability

  • Thread starter magnifik
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Then the probability for the first one is just p, the second one is p^2, and the third one is also p. So the probability for one of the outcomes is p^3. So the probability for the complement of this case is 1 - p^3. But the question is about 1st AND 3rd being one, so p^2 (for the first and third) times p (for the second) is the desired probability, which is p^3.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A 3-bit character consists of 0's and 1's. The values of the bits are determined by tosses of a fair coin.
(a) Find the probability that the first bit is 1.
(b) Find the probability that the first bit AND the third bit are 1.
(b) Find the probability that the first bit is 1 if the coin is biased.

The Attempt at a Solution

(a) There are 8 possible combinations of bits. Of these 8, 4 of them have 1s as the first digit so I get P(A) = 4/8. I am confused though.. is this the right logic? I thought about it another way where P(A) = 1/2 because the coin can land on heads or tails, so there is an equal chance that it would be either 0 or 1. I know both methods of thinking give the same answer, but I'm not sure which is most correct.

(b) Again, since I'm unsure about the method I'm not sure what the correct way to go about this is. I get P(B) = 2/8 from looking at this set {000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, 111}. I get P(B) = (1/2)*(1/2) = 1/4 if I do it based on coin flip (I don't think it's mutually exclusive because they could both be 0 or both be 1, but I might be incorrect). Again both are equal.

(c) I don't know where to start on this one because the question doesn't state any values for the bias. Is there a general rule for this?

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks.
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  • #2
For part (a), the both methods are correct. Your second method is correct because each coin toss is 50-50, and its outcome is completely independent from the other coin tosses. That having been said, your first method is also correct it must be true that 50% of the total possible outcomes of 3 consecutive coin tosses must have 1 as the outcome of the first one, in order to be consistent with the above. The way to think about it is as follows: there are 2 possible outcomes for the first coin toss, and then for each of those two possibilities, there are two possible outcomes for the second coin toss. As a result, there are 2*2 = 22 possible outcomes of two consecutive coin tosses. Two of these four outcomes have a 1 as the result of the first toss, and two of them have a 0.

Similarly, for each of the possible outcomes of the two coin tosses, there are two possible outcomes for the third one. As a result, are 2*2*2 = 23 possible outcomes. Four of these eight started with a 1 and the other four started with a 0. So you can see how everything is consistent.

For (b), since all 8 outcomes are equally likely, just count up the number of outcomes in which the the first AND third bits are 1, and divide this by the total number of outcomes. EDIT: but your second method is fine as well. Since your coin tosses are independent events, you can multiply their probabilities so that

P(1st toss = 1 AND 3rd toss = 1)

= P(1st toss = 1)*P(2nd toss = 1 OR 0, don't care which)*P(3rd toss = 1)

= (1/2)*(1)*(1/2) = 1/4

For (c), the principle is the same, except the tosses are no longer 50-50.
  • #3
Ok, thanks. Say for the case of the union of each bit being a 1. Is the following correct...

There are 2^3 = 8 possible outcomes. Seven out of eight of these have a 1 in either the first, second, or third position (or any combination of the three as that is how I understand a union to be). So is it right to say that the probability is 7/8?
  • #4
magnifik said:
Ok, thanks. Say for the case of the union of each bit being a 1. Is the following correct...

There are 2^3 = 8 possible outcomes. Seven out of eight of these have a 1 in either the first, second, or third position (or any combination of the three as that is how I understand a union to be). So is it right to say that the probability is 7/8?

Yeah, if you want the probability that the first bit is 1 OR the second bit is 1 OR the third bit is 1 and it is NOT an exclusive OR (i.e. any two could be 1, or all three of them), then again just counting the number of desired outcomes and dividing by the number of possible outcomes is a completely valid method. In fact, this is always a valid method IF every outcome is equally likely.

Another simple way to do this would be to compute the probability of the complement (opposite) outcome and subtract it from 1 so that:

P(1st =1 OR 2nd = 1 OR 3rd = 1) = 1 - P(none are 1) = 1 - 1/8 = 7/8.

By the way, I edited my previous post, not sure if you caught it.
  • #5
What if value of bias is unknown (as in this case)?
I'm not sure what values to use instead of 1/2
  • #6
magnifik said:
What if value of bias is unknown (as in this case)?
I'm not sure what values to use instead of 1/2

If they didn't give you values for the probability of flipping a 1 or a 0, they must just want an algebraic answer. Call the probability of a 1, 'p', and the probability of a 0, '1-p' or something like that.

FAQ: Fair vs. biased coin probability

1. What is a fair coin and how does it differ from a biased coin?

A fair coin is a coin that has an equal chance of landing on either heads or tails when flipped. This means that the probability of getting heads or tails is 50%. On the other hand, a biased coin is a coin that has a higher chance of landing on one side over the other. This means that the probability of getting heads or tails is not equal.

2. How do you determine the probability of getting heads or tails with a fair coin?

The probability of getting heads or tails with a fair coin is always 50%, as both outcomes have an equal chance of occurring. This means that if you were to flip the coin many times, you would expect to get heads and tails approximately the same number of times.

3. Can a fair coin ever land on the same side multiple times in a row?

Yes, it is possible for a fair coin to land on the same side multiple times in a row. Each flip of the coin is an independent event, meaning the outcome of one flip does not affect the outcome of the next flip. Therefore, even though the probability of getting heads or tails is 50%, it is possible for the coin to land on the same side multiple times in a row.

4. How do you determine if a coin is biased?

To determine if a coin is biased, you would need to conduct multiple trials of flipping the coin and record the outcomes. If there is a consistent pattern of the coin landing on one side more often than the other, then it is likely that the coin is biased. Additionally, you can also use statistical tests to analyze the data and determine if the results are significantly different from what would be expected with a fair coin.

5. Can a biased coin ever produce a fair outcome?

Yes, it is possible for a biased coin to produce a fair outcome. It all depends on the degree of bias and the number of trials. For example, if a coin is slightly biased towards heads but you flip it only a few times, there is a chance that it could still produce a fair outcome. However, as the number of trials increases, the bias becomes more apparent and the outcomes will deviate from a fair distribution.

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