Falling Down a Hole Through the Earth: What Would Happen?

  • Thread starter vincerelli
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In summary, if you were to drill a hole through the center of the Earth and line it with a material, you would fall towards the center and oscillate back and forth until you came to rest at the center of gravity. The presence of air would cause you to eventually come to a stop, and the gravity at the center of the Earth is zero due to the symmetry of the surrounding matter. However, the pressure from the weight of all the water above would still be exerted on you.
  • #1
if you were to drill a hole through the center of the Earth and line the whole with a material that made everything stay out of the hole (The bottom line is a clear path from one side of the Earth to the other) and you fell down the hole what would happen. I would think you could not escape gravity's pull on the other side, if that were the case would you turn into a tight compacted ball when you finally settled in the core of the earth? INTERESTING!
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  • #2
Neglecting air drag, you'd (roughly) fall to the opposite side, and oscillate back and forth between the openings. I say roughly because density of the surrounding material causes slight variations in the gravity field. With air drag, you'd oscillate several times back and forth, but not as far each time, until you settled in at the center of Earth's gravity. Of course, this all assumes you drill through the actual center of gravity. Otherwise you slam into the side. No matter what, though, you'd end up dead from all the heat and radioactivity down there. Not sure how much the air pressure would be down there either.

Edited to add: I don't think the gravity is strong enough to compact you into a ball, btw.
  • #3
If you do allow for air resistance, then you would eventually come to a stop at the center of the earth- where the gravitational pull would, in fact, pull on you and not "compact" you.
  • #4
but, how would a force like gravity pull you when in fact there would be a force pushing you from both sides. I don't understand how it would pull you, well I guess if you were standing up (not really standing) your head and feet would be drawn to your waist.
  • #5
Provided the hole is cylindrically symmetric, all the lateral forces would cancel out, the only remaining forces would be along the axis of the hole. The symmetry effectively reduces the problem to a 1D simple harmonic oscillator. If you consider the presence of air, the system becomes a 1D damped simple harmonic oscillator.

In the case of a damped oscillator you would indeed come to rest at the centre of the Earth, however the gravitational force at the centre of the Earth is exactly zero, because for each chunk of matter pulling on you, there is another chunk of matter pulling in the opposite direction with exactly the same force (This too is a consequence of symmetry).

  • #6
vincerelli, gravity pulls, not pushes. If there is an equal amount of matter all around you, then gravity will essentially cancel out.
  • #7
Vincerelli, you weigh the most at the *surface* of the Earth. As you descend into the Earth, you'll weigh less. At the bottom of the Mariana Trench (the deepest spot on the Earth's surface) you would actually weigh slightly less than you would a sea level.

Why? Because there is slightly less "Earth" under you, and slightly more above you. It is enough to make a difference (but the geometry is diffilcult to explain). The upshot is that, by the time you reach the Centre of the Earth, you will feel zero gravititatonal pull. You will be weightless. The Earth's mass is actually pulling you outward, but it pulls out in all directions equally, and cancels out. (No, you won't feel pulled apart, either)

BTW, in all that falling thing, don't forget that the Earth turns. This ultimately ruins the experiment, since you can't use a straight tunnel. In fact, you can't just simply use a curved tunnel either, because you won't even fall back down the *same* tunnel you rose through. The tunnel you'd have to carve out would have a separate path for every trip from surface through core to surface. The tunnel would look like a http://www.thepcmanwebsite.com/media/spirograph/spirograph.gif.
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  • #8
DaveC426913 said:
BTW, in all that falling thing, don't forget that the Earth turns. This ultimately ruins the experiment, since you can't use a straight tunnel.
You could drill from pole to pole.:smile:

Question. Imagine a hypothetical water world; pure water from surface to core. What would the pressure in the middle be? Gravity is canceled but it seems to me like there would still be pressure from 4000 miles of water on top of you from all directions.
  • #9
I think there is a train based on this concept, I can't remember where.
  • #10
tony873004 said:
Question. Imagine a hypothetical water world; pure water from surface to core. What would the pressure in the middle be? Gravity is canceled but it seems to me like there would still be pressure from 4000 miles of water on top of you from all directions.
While your weight at the center of the Earth would be zero, the weight of all that water crushing down on you would exert a very high pressure.
  • #11
vincerelli said:
if you were to drill a hole through the center of the Earth and line the whole with a material that made everything stay out of the hole (The bottom line is a clear path from one side of the Earth to the other) and you fell down the hole what would happen. I would think you could not escape gravity's pull on the other side, if that were the case would you turn into a tight compacted ball when you finally settled in the core of the earth? INTERESTING!

In this scenario, one would expierience acceleration towards the center of the earth. Likely, that acceleration would provide for your being ejected from that center point and further along the "tube"
Having reached a certain point due to acceleration, you would fall back past the center of the earth, though much less a distance than started.
In effect, as presented earlier, a "dampening" scenario would take-over, and thus eventually cyclically "vibrate" to a static equilibrium with the Earth's center.
There is nothing special about it. This acceleration/oscillatory/damping effect is readily seen with metal springs.
  • #12
Doc Al said:
While your weight at the center of the Earth would be zero, the weight of all that water crushing down on you would exert a very high pressure.

Agreed. Also, gravity CANNOT be "canceled", however, it's objective influence can be mitigated.
For example, for someone to suggest that being in a hollow sphere in the center of our Earth "cancels" gravity is simply not correct(not speaking to you or anyone in particular). Rather, under that scenario, there are external, spherical equipotental gravital influences which locally cancels out the influence, but not gravity itself.
  • #13
pallidin said:
Agreed. Also, gravity CANNOT be "canceled", however, it's objective influence can be mitigated.
For example, for someone to suggest that being in a hollow sphere in the center of our Earth "cancels" gravity is simply not correct(not speaking to you or anyone in particular). Rather, under that scenario, there are external, spherical equipotental gravital influences which locally cancels out the influence, but not gravity itself.
I was trying to avoid implying that you would be "pulled apart" - eg. your left arm and right arm pulled in different directions. - this is not the case In fact, every part of your body is pulled in every direction.

As far as I know, except for gravitational tides (i.e. gradients over a distance), there is no way to detect this "pull in all directions", and for all intents purposes they really do cancel out. I may be wrong about that. Perhaps you can enlighten me.

FAQ: Falling Down a Hole Through the Earth: What Would Happen?

What would happen if you fell down a hole through the Earth?

If you were to somehow fall down a hole through the Earth, you would experience a constant acceleration due to gravity until you reached the center of the Earth. At this point, you would begin to slow down and eventually come to a stop. Then, you would start to accelerate in the opposite direction until you reached the surface on the other side of the Earth. Essentially, you would oscillate back and forth between the two ends of the hole until friction and air resistance caused you to come to a stop in the center of the Earth.

How long would it take to fall through the Earth?

The time it would take to fall through the Earth depends on several factors, including the distance between the two ends of the hole, the density and composition of the Earth, and the force of gravity. In theory, if there were a hole through the Earth with a diameter of 12,742 km (the Earth's diameter), it would take approximately 42 minutes and 12 seconds to fall from one end to the other.

Would you survive falling through the Earth?

It is highly unlikely that anyone could survive falling through the Earth. The extreme temperatures and pressures in the Earth's core would make it impossible for a human to survive. Additionally, the rapid acceleration and deceleration during the fall would likely cause severe injuries or death.

Would you come out on the other side of the Earth?

Yes, if you were to fall through a hole that went straight through the center of the Earth, you would eventually come out on the other side. However, if the hole were at an angle or not perfectly aligned with the Earth's center, you would not end up on the exact opposite side.

What would the experience be like inside the hole?

Inside the hole, you would feel weightless due to the lack of gravity. As you approached the center of the Earth, the force of gravity would decrease until you reached the center, where it would be zero. Then, as you passed the center and began to move towards the other side, the force of gravity would gradually increase again. You would also experience extreme temperatures and pressures in the Earth's core, making it an inhospitable environment for humans.
