Falling off of a building and ANY equations that would be associated with that

In summary, calculating the force of impact when hitting the ground is a complex and variable process. Factors such as the material of the ground, the body part hitting the ground, and the individual's physical characteristics all play a role in determining the force of impact. Testing is the only way to accurately determine this force.
  • #1
I was just wondering about any equations that would play a part in this situation. Obviously gravity plays a role but like calculating the force you'd hit the ground at like the force in pounds or something anything really is what I need it's just a general question. Preferably a 4 story building (17meters tall)
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Hmmm... *checks book* gee, sorry, we're all out of equations for 4 story buildings. Can you work with 5 stories? :smile:

It sounds like you have a specific question in mind, even though you're trying to sound like you don't. Is this some sort of homework problem? If so, it should be asked in the homework forum... and whether it is or not, you'll get better information if you make your question as specific and detailed as possible. What exactly do you want to know?
  • #3
Well I guess I want to know is how would I calculate the amount of force you hit the ground with? Or something similar to that
  • #4
There is no single force when you hit the ground. f=ma, but the impact is short so the acceleration is large but inconsistent (ie, if your feet hit the ground first, your legs might decelerate very fast while your body is still decelerating slowly).
  • #5
kinetic energy= 1/2 mv^2
impact = FT
acceleration= v-u/t
velocity = d/t
  • #6
As russ waters said, it's going to be hard to figure this out. You can figure out how fast you're going right before you hit the ground, and we know you won't be moving after...but it's how fast you go from moving to not moving is the hard part, and is directly related to how much force you hit the ground with.

Is it concrete, is it ground, is it snow, is it a pillow. If it's concrete, how do you hit it? If you hit it with your head, initially the skull will provide a large force, since it's hard. Once the skull cracks and the brain starts to get smashed, the force decreases. The jawbone will in turn increase the force again...

The point is different materials bend/ deflect/ break differently, and different people will bend/ deflect/ break differently. To complicate this further, the way they hit each other will change the way they bend/ deflect/ break.

So basically, if you want to figure this out, testing is unfortunately the only way.

FAQ: Falling off of a building and ANY equations that would be associated with that

Question 1: What is the equation for calculating the time it takes for someone to fall from a building?

The equation for calculating the time it takes for someone to fall from a building is t = √(2h/g), where t is the time in seconds, h is the height of the building in meters, and g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s²).

Question 2: How does air resistance affect a person falling from a building?

Air resistance, also known as drag, can significantly slow down the speed at which a person falls from a building. The equation for air resistance is Fd = ½ρv²ACd, where Fd is the drag force, ρ is the density of air, v is the velocity of the falling object, A is the cross-sectional area, and Cd is the drag coefficient. As the object falls, its velocity increases, causing the drag force to increase as well. This results in a decrease in the object's acceleration, ultimately slowing down the fall.

Question 3: Is there a maximum speed a person can reach when falling from a building?

Yes, there is a maximum speed, known as terminal velocity, that a person can reach when falling from a building. It is the point at which the force of air resistance equals the force of gravity, resulting in a constant velocity. The equation for terminal velocity is v = √(2mg/ρACd), where v is the terminal velocity, m is the mass of the falling object, ρ is the density of air, A is the cross-sectional area, and Cd is the drag coefficient.

Question 4: How can the height of a building affect the impact of a fall?

The height of a building can greatly affect the impact of a fall. The higher the building, the longer the person has to reach terminal velocity, resulting in a higher impact force upon hitting the ground. Additionally, a taller building may have a different distribution of air currents and wind speeds, which can also affect the fall. The equation for calculating the impact force is F = ma, where F is the impact force, m is the mass of the falling object, and a is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s²).

Question 5: Can a person survive a fall from a building?

It is possible for a person to survive a fall from a building, but it largely depends on factors such as the height of the building, the surface they land on, and the angle of impact. The human body can only withstand so much force before sustaining serious injuries or death. However, there have been rare cases where individuals have survived falls from great heights due to factors such as air resistance, landing on a soft surface, or hitting the ground at an angle. The equation for calculating the force of impact can help determine the likelihood of survival.
