Family captures 'poltergeist' on film

  • Thread starter whoflungdung
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In summary, a family in Coventry claims to have captured footage of a poltergeist in their home, causing strange occurrences and even the death of their pet dog. The video has been met with skepticism, as it could easily be replicated and there is background noise that could explain some of the phenomena. Additionally, the family may have made up the story to cover up the death of their dog.
  • #1
Hi all,

Can the claim made that this is a ghost be debunked from watching the video alone?"

The petrified Manning family from Coventry started witnessing out-of-the-ordinary events two weeks after settling into the council-rented home last year.

Lisa Manning, a 34-year-old carer, goes as far as to claim that the resident ghost killed the family's pet dog Phoenix. A vetinary post-mortem suggested it had been shoved down the stairs.

She has since had to resort to exorcism to get rid of the ghostly problem after noticing lights switching on and off, pots moving, drawers opening and doors slamming shut.

Shooting the footage herself, an empty cupboard door appears to open by itself and a pink chair gradually making its way across her 11-year-old daughter Ellie's bedroom in the 52-second home video.

Eager to prove its existence, the mother-of-two told the Coventry Telegraph: "The priest blessed the house but said himself that we shouldn't live here, we definitely shouldn't stay. He gave me a small crucifix. The problem is because we can't see it, we don't know where it's going to be or what it's going to do. This is a horror house. It's like living in a scary movie. The worst thing about it is, even I can't believe what's happening myself."
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  • #2
whoflungdung said:
Hi all,

Can the claim made that this is a ghost be debunked from watching the video alone?"

The video doesn't prove or disprove anything in my opinion.
The camera is placed so inconveniently that you could not see a rope attached to both the door and the chair.
If the video could be so easily replicated by anyone, its completely worthless.
Also, there are some sounds in the background, like someone coughing once...
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  • #3
its nonsence. if their was a credible video on this topic it would be groundbreaking and seen everywhere.
  • #4
This can easily produce the the pots rattling if there was something there to be explained scientifically where the pots resonate to the frequency as well as give the feeling of dread.

As for the electricity the house seems pretty old and likely has old wiring in it. As well any interference can cause shorts like that or it could just be a flickering in the power.

And it seems as though the family made the story up to cover up killing the dog either accidently or purposely and kept going with it so they wouldn't get charged with animal abuse
  • #5
I do not know if it because I am coming in a month later but I cannot see the video. When I click the link, it takes me to generic Yahoo New for UK&Ireland.

FAQ: Family captures 'poltergeist' on film

1. What is a poltergeist?

A poltergeist is a type of supernatural entity that is often described as a mischievous or malevolent spirit. It is believed to be responsible for unexplained physical disturbances, such as objects moving or noises being heard.

2. How do poltergeists manifest themselves?

Poltergeists are said to manifest themselves through physical phenomena, such as moving objects, loud noises, and even physical attacks. They are also believed to have the ability to influence people's thoughts and emotions.

3. Can poltergeists be captured on film?

While there have been many claims of poltergeists being captured on film, there is no scientific evidence to support this. Many of these alleged sightings can be easily explained by natural phenomena or camera tricks.

4. What could be causing the disturbances in the family's home?

There are many possible explanations for the disturbances in the family's home, such as faulty wiring, drafts, or even pranks. It is important to thoroughly investigate and rule out all possible natural explanations before jumping to supernatural conclusions.

5. Is there any scientific evidence to support the existence of poltergeists?

There is currently no scientific evidence to support the existence of poltergeists. Many of the phenomena attributed to them can be explained by natural causes or human hoaxes. However, the belief in poltergeists persists in some cultures and remains a topic of interest in paranormal studies.

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