Famous chemistry magazine or science magazine?

In summary: Thirdly, if you're looking for a magazine specifically focused on physics, then I suggest you try either Physics Today or Physics World. They're both outstanding and have a lot of great content.
  • #1
can anyone list some famous magazine(physics or chemistry or science) to me? thanks alot!
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The Physical Review Letters is pretty famous. I've no access to it, but I'm pretty sure that quite a number of professional physicists read it.

If you're looking for magazines for laypeople like myself, you might want to check out the Scientific American, New Scientist or Discover.

You might want to try Nature too. I've not seen it before and cannot say if it is for the layperson or not. It does seem to target the more intellectual reading population, though.
  • #3
Nature is perhaps the foremost journal in general biology, while it is high-level in other disciplines.

Another "high-profile" general journal is "Philosopical Transactions of the Royal Society"
  • #4
I would also suggest Nature. Although, if you're looking for a more leasure type reading, I suggest Scientific American. I love that magazine.

Paden Roder
  • #5
I also suggest Scientific American, New Scientist or Discover.

Nature has good, professionnal articles, but for many fields. Quite often, only a few articles are physics, the rest being any other field of science. It's possibly the most advanced one that is available on newsstands.

As for professionnal journals, there are more than can be counted and read. You get accustomed to these through University, and then along with your career.
  • #6
Physics World is another magazine that has artciles at the layperson and the "not too lay" level.

Here is their URL: www.physicsweb.org
  • #7
i was also wondering this, though not necessarily famous; just a good physics magazine for subscription. physics web is 90 dollars! i don't think i could afford that. I am not sure why its so much. are there any other specifically physics magazines? I've read of physics today. any good?
  • #8
anyone? eh?
  • #9
American Journal of Physics (AAPT)
The Physics Teacher (AAPT)
European Journal of Physics (IOP)
Physics Education (IOP)
  • #10
The problem here is that the original question did not say if the "magazine" in question is a professional journal, or simply a popular journal.

[Take heed, future "questioners". The MORE you elaborate and explain your question, the CLEARER of an answer you will get!]

If we are talking about professional physics journals, then the three most prestigious are Nature, Science, and Physical Review Letters. Take note that you do need a LOT of background knowledge to be able to comprehend one of the papers published in these journals. However, especially in Science and Nature, there are sometime an "overview" of promiment papers in that particular edition which are accessible to non-physicists.

As far as "popular" magazine, I suppose Sci. Am is "OK", but I still hesitate to recommend any. Magazines like Physics Today and Physics world are WAY better. These magazines do not skimp on details and proper references, and they tend to be read by physicists themselves. Physics Today comes with membership in the American Physical Society and the Society of Physics Students. I think Physics World comes with membership in the Institute of Physics (UK). Both journals can be subscribed individually for non-members. However, since they are not sold commercially (both institutions are non-profit), their subscription rate are more expensive than your typical commercial magazines.

  • #11
There are also some good forums out there alt.physics.ect but you have to filter out the garbage yourself , there is no peer review ( sometimes group derision tho hehehe!) Many experts like Whitten and Baez have their own sites with personal views, reviews...ect. Wonder what Albert's site would have been like? Would've like to see his stream of consciousness!
  • #12
im not positive on what makes a journal/magazine professional. is it where physicists present theories? i just wanted to know of magazines that give interesting articles, new happenings, and other cool physics stuff. what do the memberships to those various associations do? since physics today and physics world seem to be the better of the options, is there a better between the two or is one more focused towards one aspect or something of physics?
  • #13
i was just visiting various sites. does a subscription to physics today get you a membership to whatever association or does a membership to whatever association get you a subscription to physics today? to order the subscription, the only thing about associations was if you were part of one. to be a part of an assocation, though, it said you get physics today, I am not sure if that means one issue or one subscription.
  • #14
First of all, physics is MORE than just "theories". Experimental physics is a significant part of physics. Being an experimentalist, naturally I would take offense at the sole suggestion that these journals are where physicists publish "theories".

Secondly, "professional" physics journals come in many different flavors. Almost all of them are peer-reviewed, and these the where you find reports on new discoveries, new ideas, new theories, new experiments, significant advancement in existing knowledge, etc. etc... (At the risk of being tacky, I have covered some of this aspect in one of my Journal entries).

Thirdly, a subscription to either Physics Today or Physics World does not give you an automatic membership in those relevant physics organization. On the other hand, a membership in one of those physics organization will automatically give you a year's subscription to the relevant journal (at least for the APS).

  • #15
ok. cool. i definitely did not mean to offend you or anyone else reading this. i did not mean that physics is all theories, of course. i was merely trying, with my zero knowledge of physics magazines, to separate an average physics magazine from a professional one. i figured both gave experiments being done. with professional, i thought of physicists researching, trying to find new laws or transpirations, going to physics conference to discuss the findings, and publishing ideas in a magazine; like the physicists that are trying to push physics into new realms (working on new problems). i guess its kind of hard to explain what I am thinking. (i also meant theories in the manner that you placed as "significant advancement in existing knowledge").
ok. now that's out of the way, a subscription to physics today is 69 dollars. you can, however, join APS as a student for 26 dollars and get the same subscription. is this a deal or am i missing something?

also, do physics world and physics today generally cover the same stuff? if not, what's different about the two?
  • #16
relativelyslow said:
ok. now that's out of the way, a subscription to physics today is 69 dollars. you can, however, join APS as a student for 26 dollars and get the same subscription. is this a deal or am i missing something?

You're missing nothing. The SPS is meant for students (and not just physics students). Undergraduate students have a lot of discounts and freebies from the APS and its associate organizations, including huge discounts on journals, and registration fees to attend conferences (even some for free). The rest of the memberships, especially the full members, take pay a lot more to offset this.

also, do physics world and physics today generally cover the same stuff? if not, what's different about the two?

The two are not identical, just of the same level/genre.


FAQ: Famous chemistry magazine or science magazine?

1. What is the purpose of a chemistry or science magazine?

A chemistry or science magazine is a publication dedicated to sharing the latest research, discoveries, and advancements in the field of chemistry and other related sciences. It provides a platform for scientists to communicate their findings to a wider audience and for readers to stay updated on the latest developments in the world of science.

2. What makes a chemistry or science magazine "famous"?

A chemistry or science magazine is considered famous based on its reputation, readership, and impact in the scientific community. A famous magazine is one that is well-respected, has a large and diverse readership, and publishes high-quality and groundbreaking research.

3. Who can benefit from reading a chemistry or science magazine?

Anyone with an interest in science and chemistry can benefit from reading a chemistry or science magazine. This includes students, researchers, educators, and the general public. By reading these magazines, one can stay informed about the latest discoveries and advancements in the field, and gain a deeper understanding of complex scientific concepts.

4. How often are chemistry or science magazines published?

The frequency of publication varies for different chemistry or science magazines. Some may be published monthly, while others may be published quarterly or even annually. The frequency also depends on the availability of new research and developments in the field.

5. Can anyone submit their research to a chemistry or science magazine?

Most chemistry or science magazines have a rigorous peer-review process in place, which means that not all submissions are accepted for publication. However, anyone can submit their research to these magazines, and the decision to publish is based on the quality and relevance of the research.

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