Favorite books to read on subjects ranging from Astronomy

In summary, the conversation revolved around discussing favorite books to read on various scientific topics such as astronomy, physics, and hard sci-fi. Some recommended titles included The Elegant Universe and The Fabric of the Cosmos by Brian Greene, Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking, and Bang by Simon Singh. Other genres, like philosophy and literary classics, were also mentioned. The conversation also touched on the writing style of certain authors and the accessibility of books through libraries.
  • #1
What are your favorite books to read on subjects ranging from Astronomy, Physics, Astrophysics, Hard Sci-Fi, and many other books in the scientific arena? Even if you don't read any of those genres, what are you favorite books?

I am a HUGE reader of Philosophy but lately, I have been getting into Physics and Astronomy. The wonder of the cosmos is making me extremely curious and I'll just about pick up any book that has something to do with space.

I WAS reading The Fabric of The Cosmos by Brian Green but I had to put it back on the Border's bookstore shelf. Why? Cause it's 30 bucks to buy it, that's why. I was on page 30 and the book was pretty amazing.

Other than that, I have been getting into some Arthur C. Clarke, some Stephen Hawking, and a college intro book on Astronomy by Roger B Culver (published in the 70's but nonetheless very good).

So got any suggestions for even further reading? I really appreciate it.

Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2

My favorites in my collection concentrate on the history of Physics and Astronomy. Never got much into Philosophy, though Synchronicity pushes that envelope a bit. In no particular order...

Brian Greene: The Elegant Universe
Brian Greene: Fabric of the Cosmos
Michio Kaku: Hyperspace
Carl Sagan: Pale Blue Dot
Carl Sagan: Cosmos
Kip Thorne: Black Holes and Time Warps
John S. Lewis: Mining the Sky
F. David Peat: Synchronicity
Michael Zeilik: Astronomy (text book)
Richard P. Feynman: Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman
  • #3

Brian Greene: The Elegant Universe
Brian Greene: Fabric of the Cosmos
Stephen Hawking: Brief History of Time
Niels Bohr: Atomic Physics and Human Knowledge
Edward O. Wilson: Consilience (check out all his other books as well for good mix of science and philosophy)
Capra: The Tao of Physics
O'Murchu: Quantum Theology
Huston Smith: Beyond the Post Modern Mind
Richard P. Feynman: Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman
Michio Kaku: Hyperspace
Roger Penrose: Road to Reality

A lot of books by Carl Sagan

Dan Brown: Angels and Demons
J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter 1-7
  • #4

B. Elliott said:
Richard P. Feynman: Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman

This one looks like a fun read, according to the feedbacks on amazon.com.
  • #5

ubermensch said:
I WAS reading The Fabric of The Cosmos by Brian Green but I had to put it back on the Border's bookstore shelf. Why? Cause it's 30 bucks to buy it, that's why. I was on page 30
:rolleyes: There is a place that you can go and read books for free, they even let you take them home, it's called a library. As opposed to a bookSTORE, where you are expected to pay for the book. :wink:
  • #6

I've read a few of Brian Greene's books, and I don't rate them that highly. His writing style just doesn't appeal to me, though I can't exactly say why.

I would recommend the book by Simon Singh (called Bang, I think) as a good popular cosmology book.
  • #7

ubermensch said:
This one looks like a fun read, according to the feedbacks on amazon.com.

Oh it's definitely a good book which I highly recommend. I also got his book The Meaning of It All: Thoughts of a Citizen-Scientist, but it doesn't flow as well as Surely You're Joking. It dips a bit into morality and religion which to me are subjects which have already been analyzed to Kookamunga and back. Got a bit bored with it actually. Took it with me on a trip to Florida (only book I took) and ended up putting to the side after only reading the first three chapters.

Though it just could have been because of my friends who kept nagging, "Why are you reading a book? You're on the beach!"
  • #8

cristo said:
I've read a few of Brian Greene's books, and I don't rate them that highly. His writing style just doesn't appeal to me, though I can't exactly say why.

I would recommend the book by Simon Singh (called Bang, I think) as a good popular cosmology book.

I think I know what you mean. There were quite a few instances in his books where I had to back and reread a paragraph to try and make sense of it... or how it relates to the next paragraph. As if he could have made everything flow a bit better.
  • #9

When my 16 year old daughter polished off Elegant Universe in no time I realized just how pop-sci his books were and how lame I was to be reading the same book. :redface: Nothing wrong with him writing for beginners with no knowledge, everyone has to start somewhere, but they are not for people that have knowledge of the subject. (I am a beginner with no knowledge).
  • #10

Evo said:
:rolleyes: There is a place that you can go and read books for free, they even let you take them home, it's called a library. As opposed to a bookSTORE, where you are expected to pay for the book. :wink:

Neither of my local libraries have the book. :frown:
  • #11

cristo said:
I've read a few of Brian Greene's books, and I don't rate them that highly. His writing style just doesn't appeal to me, though I can't exactly say why.

I would recommend the book by Simon Singh (called Bang, I think) as a good popular cosmology book.

It's not that I rate Greene's books highly, it is just that it is interesting. As already someone stated, his paragraphs may not flow very well with each other.

I'm still pretty new in the physics/space/astronomy side of things. For about 2.5 years now, I have been a big reader of philosophy.

Thanks for the recommendation for Singh's book. I'll def check out all the books you guys have listed here on this thread.

BTW, do any of you like to read any literary classics? I may go into some Tolstoy soon.
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  • #12

B. Elliott said:
My favorites in my collection concentrate on the history of Physics and Astronomy. Never got much into Philosophy, though Synchronicity pushes that envelope a bit. In no particular order...

Brian Greene: The Elegant Universe
Brian Greene: Fabric of the Cosmos
Michio Kaku: Hyperspace
Carl Sagan: Pale Blue Dot
Carl Sagan: Cosmos
Kip Thorne: Black Holes and Time Warps
John S. Lewis: Mining the Sky
F. David Peat: Synchronicity
Michael Zeilik: Astronomy (text book)
Richard P. Feynman: Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman

That was the first physics book I ever read and I still think it's the best one I've ever read. I LOVED it.
  • #13

ubermensch said:
Neither of my local libraries have the book. :frown:
If you ask, they should be able to order it for you. They can't have all books at a branch, but will get them for you.
  • #14

Evo said:
If you ask, they should be able to order it for you. They can't have all books at a branch, but will get them for you.

I'm going to be going to a new college soon (I'm a transfer) in the north Georgia mountains, so it wouldn't make sense for them to order it.

The school I will be going to has a brand new library. It is pretty big. It has got a cafe on the first floor! YES!

There is nothing like sitting in a comfortable chair, reading a great book, and having a cup of joe on the other hand.
  • #15

Your town now is big enough for TWO library's and neither one has Fabric of the Cosmos? Did you really check or are you just saying you did?
  • #16

tribdog said:
That was the first physics book I ever read and I still think it's the best one I've ever read. I LOVED it.

Even though it's hard to pick out my number one favorite, if it came down to three, it would be that one, Mining the Sky, and Pale Blue Dot. I loved how Thorne incorporated so much history into the book and was able to integrate it with physics, black hole and spacetime evolution. I learned more about the history of modern Physics from that one book than I did in any other. (Einstein, Eddington, Bhor, Zwicky, Wheeler, Penrose, Schwarzschild, Chandrasekar, ect, ect.)

It's the one book that deserves the distinction of resting under my bathroom sink.:biggrin:
  • #17

tribdog said:
Your town now is big enough for TWO library's and neither one has Fabric of the Cosmos? Did you really check or are you just saying you did?

I checked.
  • #18

Evo said:
:rolleyes: There is a place that you can go and read books for free, they even let you take them home, it's called a library. As opposed to a bookSTORE, where you are expected to pay for the book. :wink:

They still have those around? I thought they all 'went out of business' when the internet blew up? :rolleyes:
  • #19

ubermensch said:
I checked.
As much as everyone here would like to think every neighborhood library has the latest books on physics and string theory. :-p It is possible that some may not have them on the shelves (but they can be requested)

You can sometimes even request somewhat rare books, but if you can get these sent to your library, you will not be able to take them home. Now, they have a lot digitized for viewing.
  • #20

Evo said:
As much as everyone here would like to think every neighborhood library has the latest books on physics and string theory. :-p It is possible that some may not have them on the shelves (but they can be requested)

You can sometimes even request somewhat rare books, but if you can get these sent to your library, you will not be able to take them home. Now, they have a lot digitized for viewing.

No kidding but I prefer the mobility of the book.
  • #21

Brian Greene's two books where the first science related books I ever read and ultimately sparked my interest in Physics. In addition to those two (This will be a pretty long list as I have enjoyed a lot of books these past few years):

Michio Kaku - Hyperspace, Parallel Worlds
Lisa Randal - Warped Passages
Richard Dawkins - The Selfish Gene, The Ancestors Tale
Matt Ridley - Genome
Micheal Shermer - Why Darwin Matters
Neil Degrasse Tyson - Death by a Black Hole
S. Hawking - A Brief History of Time/ Universe in a Nutshell
Lee Smolin - The Trouble with Physics

Sci Fi:
Dan Simmons - Hyperion (First two, I'm waiting for the last two to arrive.)
A.C. Clark - 2001 - 3001, Childhoods End, Rendezvous with Rama, Songs from Distant Earth
Carl Sagan - Contact

Richard Dawkins - The God Delusion
Sam Harris - Letter to a Christian Nation
Victor Stenger - God The Failed Hypothesis
Christopher Hitchens - God is not Great, The Portable Atheist

Spivak - Calculus (OK, I actually didn't read the whole thing. I have been on the first chapter for 3 months.:smile:)
Thompson - Calculus Made Easy
Kline - Calculus an Intuitive approach

Maybe a few others that I can't think of.
  • #22

mgiddy911 said:
Capra: The Tao of Physics
This book seems out of place with the others in your list.
  • #23

ubermensch said:
I WAS reading The Fabric of The Cosmos by Brian Green but I had to put it back on the Border's bookstore shelf. Why? Cause it's 30 bucks to buy it, that's why. I was on page 30 and the book was pretty amazing.
The bookstores around here have easy chairs.
  • #24

You can have my copy of The Fabric of The Cosmos by Brian Greene, I'm way too cranky to read it right now. Can always borrow a neighbors if I really want to read it.
  • #25

CJ2116 said:
A.C. Clark - 2001 - 3001, Childhoods End, Rendezvous with Rama, Songs from Distant Earth

I just finished reading Clarke's 2001: A Space Odyssey and Rendezvous with Rama. I enjoyed both books tremendously.

Have any of you ever wanted to be a writer?

I'm currently reading Hawking's A Brief History of Time(1988 Edition). Great read thus far.
  • #26

I only wanted to learn how a book is written till published, never thought of being a writer,
  • #27

Shoshana said:
You can have my copy of The Fabric of The Cosmos by Brian Greene, I'm way too cranky to read it right now. Can always borrow a neighbors if I really want to read it.

Thanks for the offer though but I think I will just rent it from my new local library at my new school.

BTW, my school has it's own observatory and planetarium. I'm psyched. I'm not even a Physics major. :smile:
  • #28

I'm reading a book right now and I'm sort of getting into it. It's a little bit different than all the ones mentioned so far, but it is interesting. "The Voyage of the Beagle" by Charles Darwin
  • #29

I listed The Tao of Physics by Capra as well as Quantum Theology by O'Murchu

The OP said he was interested in Philosophy so I threw these two in. I read both of them and they were very enlightening. I would not read them as cannon or fact rather they are mainly just comparisons of scientific ideals with those of eastern religions.

I found a lot of the quotes interesting. The idea of comparing physics with eastern religion is not just come crack pot idea, (some thing
I was skeptical of at first). A lot of renowned scientists have made statements on the issue.

needless to say, I think they are worthy reads. I found them enlightening
  • #30

mgiddy911 said:
I listed The Tao of Physics by Capra as well as Quantum Theology by O'Murchu

The OP said he was interested in Philosophy so I threw these two in. I read both of them and they were very enlightening. I would not read them as cannon or fact rather they are mainly just comparisons of scientific ideals with those of eastern religions.

I found a lot of the quotes interesting. The idea of comparing physics with eastern religion is not just come crack pot idea, (some thing
I was skeptical of at first). A lot of renowned scientists have made statements on the issue.

needless to say, I think they are worthy reads. I found them enlightening
Just remember that being well known and/or being a scientist doesn't mean they can't harbor crackpot beliefs. But it sounds like you don't just believe anything someone says because they are right about something else.
  • #31

tribdog said:
I'm reading a book right now and I'm sort of getting into it. It's a little bit different than all the ones mentioned so far, but it is interesting. "The Voyage of the Beagle" by Charles Darwin

A few months ago I was looking around at the bookstore near me and they had a copy of 'The Darwin Compendium' (Which is all of his books in one 2000 page hardback book) for $5.00. I'll have to read it sometime, although it could very well take me over a year to finish it.:bugeye:
  • #32

CJ2116 said:
A few months ago I was looking around at the bookstore near me and they had a copy of 'The Darwin Compendium' (Which is all of his books in one 2000 page hardback book) for $5.00. I'll have to read it sometime, although it could very well take me over a year to finish it.:bugeye:

He's a lot more interested in geology than I am, but I like his interesting animal experiments. He also cares a lot less for the sanctity of life than he would have to nowadays but that's how it was back then. I'm also cheating and not really reading the book, I have it on my ipod. I put the earphones in when I go to bed and slowly drift into sleep listening to it.
  • #33

CJ2116 said:
A few months ago I was looking around at the bookstore near me and they had a copy of 'The Darwin Compendium' (Which is all of his books in one 2000 page hardback book) for $5.00. I'll have to read it sometime, although it could very well take me over a year to finish it.:bugeye:

Wow. That is a steal. I'd take it off your hands if you'd like! :smile:
  • #34

Black Holes, Wormholes & Time Machines - Jim Al-Khalili
The Magic Furnace - Marcus Chown
Parallel Worlds - Michio Kaku
The Extravagant Universe - Robert Kirshner
Chaos - James Gleick
E=mc2 - David Bodanis
In Search of Schrodinger's Cat - John Gribbin
In Search of Superstrings - John Gribbin

Nature's Building Blocks - John Emsley
Particle Astrophysics - Donald Perkins
Fusion: Energy of the Universe - Garry McCracken and Peter Stott
Exploring Black Holes, introduction to general relativity - Edwin Taylor and John Wheeler

Iain M banks Culture novels, Consider Phlebas a personal favourite

The Search For El Dorado - John Hemming
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  • #35

I'm about done reading physics books for a while. It seems like it is the same stuff over and over. I do like some of the personality stuff about physicists, but I can only read about the twin paradox so many times.

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