Fermat Factoring (Zeda's Method)

In summary, the conversation discusses an algorithm for factoring numbers that was designed by the speaker. It involves finding the difference of two squares to equal a given number, which can then be used to determine the factors of that number. The speaker also mentions that they were interested in using this algorithm to factor RSA keys, which are always odd and the product of two distinct primes. They then go on to explain their approach to optimizing the algorithm by testing how far away from a perfect square a number is and adjusting it accordingly. The speaker also provides C code and discusses efficiency comparisons with other factoring methods.
  • #1
Hey everybody, I thought I would share an algorithm for factoring that I designed a few years ago while working on a Z80 project. I noted the same thing Fermat must have:
After a few moments of looking at it, I realized the translation of that simple expression: If I can find a difference of two squares to equal a given number [itex]c[/itex], then I have factors of c. So for example, 102-52=100-25=75, so 75=(10+5)(10-5)=15*5. Now I also knew that the difference of consecutive squares produced the odd numbers, so 22-12=3, 32-22=5, 42-32=7, ... so I knew that for all odd numbers, there had to be a trivial solution. As well, I was interested in the specific application of factoring RSA keys, so my inputs were always going to be odd and the product of two distinct primes (inputs of 4n,4n+1, and 4n+3 work, but inputs of 4n+2 do not).

So now, here is the problem I was looking at:
Given a natural number [itex]c=pq[/itex] with [itex]p,q\in \mathbb{p}[/itex], then find integer solutions for the equation [itex]a^{2}-b^{2}=c[/itex].

So from here, I rewrote what I had, arriving to:

So then we get a restriction that [itex]a^{2}\gt c[/itex] and we need [itex]a^{2}-c[/itex] to be a perfect square. A more naive approach, then, is:
while int(√(b))≠√(b)
return {a-√(b),a+√(b)}
This works, but there is an obvious optimisation we can use with a little math. We note that if we change the order of the code so that a is incremented after b is adjusted, then we need use (a+1)(a+1):
while int(√(b))≠√(b)
return {a-√(b),a+√(b)}
However, this is not the optimisation. The optimisation is that we can see that we are just adding 2a+1 to the original value of b. This replaces a multiplication with an addition and on top of that, it is in the main loop, reducing complexity:
while int(√(b))≠√(b)
return {a-√(b),a+√(b)}
This is a rather standard approach, but those square roots being part of the main loop is ugly to me. I am used to integer add/sub/rotate so square roots or very slow. Now is where I come in with a different approach.

Instead of testing if b is a perfect square at each iteration, we can just test how far away from a perfect square b is. Note that the next perfect square after x2 is x2+2x+1. If we find that b is 2 higher than a perfect square initially, then after the first iteration, it is increased to 2+2a+1=2a+3. if this number is greater than or equal to 2b+1, then we know that it is larger than the next perfect square, so subtract of the 2b+1 and increment b. If this is still larger than 2b+1, repeat. Once this hits 0, we know that b has become a perfect square.

To put this all together:
b-e*e→e		;e is how much larger b is than the largest perfect square less than or equal to b.
while e≠0
	while e>=(2b+1)
return {a-√(b),a+√(b)}

Now the two square root operations are the most complicated routiens required, and they are just overhead. The loops only perform addition and subtraction, which is what I prefer. However, to remove some of the operations needed:
while e≠0
	while e>=b
return {a-b,a+b}

And if we assume all integer operations:
while e≠0
	while e>=b
return {a>>1-b>>1,a>>1+b>>1}

The following C code took 11 seconds to factor the 64 bit number:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

int main()
    uint64_t x=0xFFFFFFF6E0172B75LL;
    uint64_t r=ceil(sqrt(x));
    uint64_t err=r*r-x;
    uint64_t s=sqrt(err);
    return 0;
It was done in 32-bit mode on a 1.6GHz AMD processor. Also, I am not fluent enough in C to apply aggressive optimisations like I would in Z80. Maybe somebody could port this to other assembly languages to test benchmarks?
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  • #2
To expand a little more on the efficiency comparison, while this is on the same time complexity scale as trial division, Fermat factoring is a bit more elegant. That said, the speed savings of the algorithm I proposed is that, asymptotically, one of the square roots computed is replaced by one addition and one subtraction. In fact, on the chip level, the addition can be replaced by an increment (invert bit 1, if that returns a 0, invert bit 2, ...) so that can be even faster and nearly trivial being on a smaller time complexity than addition/subtraction.

In my experience, square roots are on the same time complexity as division and multiplication using a restoring squares algorithm (elegantly coded, of course). So we are replacing an O(M(n)) operation with an O(n) subtract and an O(1) increment which essentially comes out to O(n).

It still requires the same number of iterations of the main loop as a typical Fermat factoring routine, but it can be done faster. What I am saying is, if you are using this technique to factor, you can replace it with the above algorithm to increase the efficiency a bit.

FAQ: Fermat Factoring (Zeda's Method)

1. What is Fermat Factoring (Zeda's Method) and how does it work?

Fermat Factoring (Zeda's Method) is a mathematical algorithm used to factorize composite numbers into their prime factors. It is based on Pierre de Fermat's Little Theorem, which states that if a number is prime and does not divide evenly into another number, then raising the number to the power of the prime minus one will result in a remainder of one. Zeda's Method uses this theorem to find the prime factors of a composite number by repeatedly testing potential factors until a solution is found.

2. How is Fermat Factoring (Zeda's Method) different from other factoring methods?

Fermat Factoring (Zeda's Method) differs from other factoring methods, such as trial division or Pollard's rho method, in that it is based on the specific mathematical properties of Fermat's Little Theorem. This allows it to find the prime factors of a composite number much more efficiently, especially for numbers with large prime factors.

3. What are the advantages of using Fermat Factoring (Zeda's Method)?

The main advantage of using Fermat Factoring (Zeda's Method) is its speed and efficiency in finding the prime factors of a composite number. It is particularly useful for numbers with large prime factors, which can be difficult to find using other factoring methods. Additionally, it is a relatively simple algorithm to implement and understand compared to other more complex factoring techniques.

4. Are there any limitations to Fermat Factoring (Zeda's Method)?

One limitation of Fermat Factoring (Zeda's Method) is that it can only be used to factorize composite numbers that are relatively small in size, typically less than a few hundred digits. For larger numbers, other factoring methods, such as the Number Field Sieve, are more efficient. Additionally, Fermat Factoring (Zeda's Method) may not work for numbers with certain special properties, such as being a product of two large primes.

5. How is Fermat Factoring (Zeda's Method) used in real-world applications?

Fermat Factoring (Zeda's Method) has many practical applications, particularly in the field of cryptography. It is used in various encryption algorithms, such as RSA, to generate large prime numbers that are used as the basis for secure communication. It is also used in number theory and mathematical research to factorize large numbers and study their properties.
