Fermat & Snell: Solving the Derivation Mystery

  • Thread starter jonjacson
  • Start date
In summary: However, I think it would be too dense for what we are looking for, since we just want to know that the time is a minimum.
  • #1
Hi folks,

I am reading a book on Fermat's principle and I don't understand one step in the mathematical derivation.


R is the radius of the circle.

C is the source of light that travels to I through two paths COI and CDI.

m is the inverse of the speed in the top medium
n is the inverse of the speed in the lower medium

Using the law of cosines is easy to find CO and OI :

CO2 = e2 + R2 -2 * e * R * cos (eR)

OI2 = n2 + e2 + 2* e * R * cos (eR)

These are distances, we want time, and we can get it by simply multiplying these quantities by the inverse of the speed in every medium.

The book says:

"The time of travel through CDI = m * R + n * R and the time of travel through COI is CO * m + OI * n "

Until here I agree and I see it easy to follow, but then the book says:


m * CO + n * OI = m * R + n * R , to quantities of the first order in e".

I don't see how these two expressions could be equal. For me these are equal only if e is 0 since the equation is saying the time of travel in both paths is the same.

Maybe the key is the sentence "to quantities of the first order in e". Maybe there is a larger expression and they don't show which terms they have neglected.

The book manipulating that expression squaring twice arrives at Snells law.

This paragraph may help to understand this:

"Reverting to Fermat's method of demonstration, we must emphasize again the salient point that he merely restricts himself to proving that the time required for a light ray to traverse a neighbouring virtual path differs from the time actually taken by a quantity of second order. In other words, the variation between the time taken to travel along the actual path and that needed to cover an adjacent virtual path is zero. This condition is necessary but not sufficient for the time to be a minimum".

Do you understand how the left part could be equal to the right part if e is not zero?
  • #4
robphy said:
(Yourgrau's book has some interesting features.)

I think this is the same derivation with different words:

That link looks very interesting, thanks!

Yourgrau is the book I was reading but they didn't show explicitly what terms are discarded, I found another book much more comprehensive. It is the book written by Herman Goldstine and its called "
A History of the Calculus of Variations from the 17th through the 19th Century (Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences)"

It is a very detailed book that shows you every step on every demonstration.

FAQ: Fermat & Snell: Solving the Derivation Mystery

What is the significance of Fermat and Snell's work?

Fermat and Snell's work was groundbreaking in the field of optics and mathematics. They discovered the principle of least time, which explains the path light takes when traveling between two points.

What is the derivation mystery of Fermat and Snell's work?

The derivation mystery refers to the fact that Fermat and Snell did not provide a mathematical proof for their principle of least time. This has puzzled scientists for centuries and has led to several attempts at solving the mystery.

What is the current understanding of Fermat and Snell's work?

Currently, scientists have been able to provide a mathematical proof for Fermat and Snell's principle of least time. This has been achieved through the use of calculus and other mathematical tools.

What impact has Fermat and Snell's work had on modern science?

Fermat and Snell's work has had a significant impact on modern science, particularly in the fields of optics and mathematics. Their principle of least time has been applied in various areas of study, including optics, economics, and even evolutionary biology.

Why is the mystery of Fermat and Snell's work important to solve?

The mystery of Fermat and Snell's work is important to solve because it sheds light on the thought process and techniques used by these two influential scientists. It also helps us understand the development of mathematical concepts and theories throughout history.
