Fermi/Boson statistics partition function/probabilities

In summary: P = [exp(-β*A) + exp(-β*B)]/Z...the answer would be zero, as the two states have the same number of particles in them.In summary, the probability of both particles being in the ground state is 1/Z.
  • #1

Homework Statement

If you have a three energy level system, with energies 0, A, B where B>A, which consists of only two particles what is the probability that 1 of the particles is in the ground state? What about if two of them are in the ground state? Do this using both fermi and boson statistics.

Homework Equations

Using Fermi-statistics,

Using Boson statistics,
Z=1+exp(-β*A)+exp(-2 β*A)+exp(-β*B)+exp(-2 β*B)+exp(-β*(A+B))

The Attempt at a Solution

For 1 particle in the ground state,

In fermi statistics there are two arrangments which satisfy this condition,
when 1 particle is in the ground state and the other in A, and when the other is in B.

P = Pg(Pa+Pb) = (1/Z)(exp(-β*A)/Z + exp(-β*B)/Z)

Does that look correct?

Would be a similar answer for boson statistics, just with the different partition function.

For both particles in the ground state


P = Pg1 Pg2 = (1/Z)(1/Z) = Z-2

This doesn't look correct, the answer should be zero because fermions can't be in the same energy level..

Can anyone see what I have done wrong?

Boson is the same answer with the different partition function, though its correct that the answer is non-zero here.

Have I done the probabilities incorrectly?
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  • #2
The 1-particle case looks good. You can check it for the limits β->0 and β->infinity to see if it gives the expected results.

Guffie said:
For both particles in the ground state
Your partition function includes both particles, you should not "use it twice".
Just look for terms in it which correspond to both particles in the ground state.
  • #3
Thanks for your reply,


So it should be

For both particles in the ground state


P =(1/Z)

When T->0 this probability should be zero right?

But when you actually take the limit as T->0 , i.e. β->infinity, you'll see that P tends to infinity, not zero.

That's why I'm a bit confused, intuitively there should be 0 probability of two fermions residing in the same state right?
  • #4
Guffie said:
For both particles in the ground state


P =(1/Z)
That is wrong.
Which states in Z correspond to "both particles in the ground state"?
Use those states to do the same as you did for the 1-particle case.
When T->0 this probability should be zero right?
For fermions, the probability has to be 0 independent of T.
  • #5
mfb said:
That is wrong.
Which states in Z correspond to "both particles in the ground state"?
Use those states to do the same as you did for the 1-particle case.

In the fermion case, the state doesn't exist..

Is that what you mean? The probability is zero for that reason.

So it's simply P = 0, as the state does not exist using fermi statistics.

For bosons though it does exist, and it is when both atoms are at E=0, which means that the the probability is in fact what I wrote before (incorrectly as the fermi case)

P=(e^0/Z) (e^0/Z)=(1/Z)(1/Z)

This is the right way to do it, right?

I just feel like 'saying' P=0 for the fermi case isn't concrete enough, I thought there would be a more formal, mathematical way it would come out.
  • #6
Guffie said:
In the fermion case, the state doesn't exist..

Is that what you mean? The probability is zero for that reason.

So it's simply P = 0, as the state does not exist using fermi statistics.

For bosons though it does exist, and it is when both atoms are at E=0, which means that the the probability is in fact what I wrote before (incorrectly as the fermi case)

P=(e^0/Z) (e^0/Z)=(1/Z)(1/Z)

This is the right way to do it, right?
No. You do not have "two different Z". You have to consider both particles at the same time, and your partition function does this already.
You already considered this as one of multiple cases for the previous problem.

I just feel like 'saying' P=0 for the fermi case isn't concrete enough, I thought there would be a more formal, mathematical way it would come out.
  • #7
mfb said:
No. You do not have "two different Z". You have to consider both particles at the same time, and your partition function does this already.
You already considered this as one of multiple cases for the previous problem.

The way I've been doing this is consistent with how I did the first question, multiplying the probability that one particle is in the ground state by the probability the other is in the ground state. I'm not sure what you mean by "two different Z's", the two Z's are the same, (1/Z)(1/Z) = 1/Z^2.

Do you mean that the probability that both particles are in the ground straight is just 1/Z ?

To me that looks like the probability that one particle is in the ground state and the other is in any other state (0, A or B).

I think I have done the first parts wrong, one particle in the ground state.

For example in the Fermi case there are two states which have one particle in the ground state, so the probability is:

P = [exp(-β*A) + exp(-β*B)]/Z

Without the extra factor of (1/Z)

I think this is correct, after rereading the definition of P.

Also, after rereading the definition, it seems correct that the probability both particles are in the ground state is 1/Z.

Was just trying Boltzmann statistics as well just to compare the probabilities at the end,

I'm not very confident with probabilities because they can get kind of confusing, i think this is right though, using Boltzmann statistics:

Z=1+2exp(-bA) + exp(-2bA) + 2exp(-bB) + exp(-2bB) + 2exp(-b(A+B))

Similar to the Boson statistics just with some extra factors of 2, since some of the states are now distinguishable.

So the probability for one particle to be in the ground state is:

P = 2exp(-bA)/Z + 2exp(-bB)/Z

Does that seem better now?
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  • #8
Oh sorry, I missed the additional /Z in the first post. They are wrong.

For example in the Fermi case there are two states which have one particle in the ground state, so the probability is:

P = [exp(-β*A) + exp(-β*B)]/Z

Without the extra factor of (1/Z)

I think this is correct, after rereading the definition of P.
Also, after rereading the definition, it seems correct that the probability both particles are in the ground state is 1/Z.
For bosons, right.

How did Boltzmann statistics come in now? We do not have the classical limit.

FAQ: Fermi/Boson statistics partition function/probabilities

1. What is the difference between Fermi and Bose statistics?

Fermi and Bose statistics are two different types of statistical mechanics used to describe the behavior of particles in a system. The main difference between them is that fermions (such as electrons) obey Fermi-Dirac statistics, which states that no two particles can occupy the same quantum state, while bosons (such as photons) obey Bose-Einstein statistics, which allows multiple particles to occupy the same state.

2. What is the partition function in Fermi/Bose statistics?

The partition function is a mathematical tool used to calculate the thermodynamic properties of a system of particles. In Fermi and Bose statistics, it is used to calculate the probabilities of different energy levels being occupied by particles in a system.

3. How is the partition function calculated in Fermi/Bose statistics?

The partition function in Fermi/Bose statistics is calculated by summing over all possible quantum states of the particles in the system, taking into account the energy of each state and the number of particles that can occupy it. It is often represented as Z = ∑e^(-Ei/kT), where Ei is the energy of the i-th state, k is the Boltzmann constant, and T is the temperature of the system.

4. How are the probabilities of different energy levels determined in Fermi/Bose statistics?

The probabilities of different energy levels being occupied by particles in a system are determined by dividing the energy of each state by the partition function. This gives the probability of a particle being in that state at a given temperature.

5. What are some real-world applications of Fermi/Bose statistics?

Fermi and Bose statistics are used in many fields of physics, including condensed matter physics, quantum mechanics, and nuclear physics. They have applications in understanding the behavior of electrons in metals, the properties of superfluids and superconductors, and the behavior of particles in the early universe. They are also used in developing technologies such as lasers and transistors.
