Fermi Distribution Explained: Energy Levels in Metals

In summary: The potential energy of the free electrons is related to the energy of the nuclei, but the binding energy of the electron to the nucleus is much higher, so the levels are discontinuous.
  • #1

I've just started reading about quantum mechanics, so my question may sound silly.
I'm using the book of physics of Paul Tipler. It's says that inside the metals we have a lot of free electrons, like a electrons cloud (like when we learn in the School). These electrons follow the Fermi-Dirac distribution, in which the electrons occupy the energy levels from the lower to the higher ones.

OK, my doubt is:
If these electrons are "free", I understand that they are not bounded to any nucleus (protons). If they are not bounded, how can we establish energy levels. The levels are related to the particle's potential energy, isn't it? But if we don't have the force field crated by the electrostatic force of the protons (Coulomb Law), how can we establish potential energy levels?

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  • #2
Hi, Alexandre

As what was mentioned, we can use the free electron cloud model to simulate the behavior of "free" electrons in metals.

In my opinion, it tells us that, the "free" model is good enough to describe the electrons in metal, but it does never have to be equivalent to the tale that "free" electrons are FREE as FREE POINT-PARTICLES we studied in CLASSICAL MECHANICS courses.

Nevertheless, if the "free" electrons are totally FREE, how can they always be bounded in the volume (still, with a small area covers it) of metals.

Clearly, the electrons are bounded, and we may successfully solve the Schroedinger Eq. then get the discontinuous energy levels or energy bands of the metal materials.

  • #3
(You'd be better off asking this on the Solid State forum!)
If these electrons are "free", I understand that they are not bounded to any nucleus (protons). If they are not bounded, how can we establish energy levels. The levels are related to the particle's potential energy, isn't it?
apb86, In the free electron theory of metals, the atomic cores are smeared out, and the attractive potential that they exert on the electrons is modeled as a uniform potential well, whose depth is called the work function.

Electrons are fermions, meaning that no two can occupy the same state, so they occupy this well with higher and higher energy states, up to the Fermi level. In addition to the uniform potential energy, the electrons therefore have kinetic energy. In this model the available energy levels are uniformly distributed.

In more sophisticated models the atomic cores are assumed to create a potential which is not uniform but periodic (equally spaced bumps), and in this case the electron states have a band structure.

FAQ: Fermi Distribution Explained: Energy Levels in Metals

1. What is the Fermi distribution in metals?

The Fermi distribution is a statistical model that describes the distribution of energy levels in a metal. It is based on the principle that at absolute zero temperature, all energy levels in a metal will be filled up to a certain energy level called the Fermi energy level. Above this energy level, there are no available energy states for electrons to occupy.

2. How does the Fermi distribution explain the behavior of electrons in metals?

The Fermi distribution explains the behavior of electrons in metals by showing that at higher temperatures, some of the electrons will have enough energy to jump above the Fermi energy level, creating an energy gap. This allows the electrons to move freely in the metal, giving it its conducting properties.

3. What factors affect the Fermi energy level in metals?

The Fermi energy level in metals is primarily affected by the number of electrons in the metal and the size of the metal's atomic orbitals. It can also be influenced by the temperature, pressure, and impurities in the metal.

4. How does the Fermi distribution explain the conductivity of metals?

The Fermi distribution explains the conductivity of metals by showing that at absolute zero temperature, all energy levels are filled, and there is no free movement of electrons. However, as the temperature increases, more electrons gain enough energy to jump above the Fermi energy level, allowing them to move freely and conduct electricity.

5. Can the Fermi distribution be applied to other materials besides metals?

Yes, the Fermi distribution can also be applied to other materials, such as semiconductors and insulators, although the shape of the distribution curve may differ. In these materials, the Fermi energy level may be shifted due to the presence of impurities or other factors, but the underlying principle remains the same.
