Fermi Energy: Calculating Probabilities for Different Temperatures

In summary: Good job!In summary, using the Fermi-Dirac probability function, the probabilities of a state at different energies being occupied at different temperatures were calculated. For energies below the Fermi energy, the states were found to be more than 50% occupied. A sample calculation was also shown for a specific energy and temperature. In addition, the probabilities of a state being empty at different temperatures were also calculated using the same formula.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Part 1) Use the fermi dirac probability function for t=150k, t=300k, and t=600k to fill in the table below.

Part 2) Also show a sample calculation for (e-ef)=0.06eV and T=300k.

Part 3)(Same as part 2?) Calculate the probabilities of a state at E -EF =0.06 eV being empty for T =150 K , T = 300 K , and T = 600 K .

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I'm just learning about this topic now so bare with me.
So for E-Ef =(-0.15) in the first row, and T=150k..

=49.86% for (-.150) at 150K

1/((e^((-0.15+1)/300)+1) * 100
=49.93% for (-.150) at 300K

=49.96% for (-.150) at 600k

That is the three values for row 1, -.150 E-Ef

Repeat with the rest of the values using the same formula, switching the (-.150) for the appropriate value in the chart.

For part 2, I'm a bit lost. So for a sample calculation, would it be 1/((e^((-0.06+1)/300)+1)? That comes out to be 49.99%.

Part 3) The way I'm reading it, it's asking for basically the same as part 2, except it wants when the state is empty and not filled? So would it be 100%- the probability of an electron being inside? Here's my calculation for it using that logic:

1/((e^((-0.06+1)/150)+1) * 100 = 49.84%
100%-49.84%=50.2% the state is empty


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  • #2
Why do you add 1 in the exponents?
I think the Boltzmann constant is missing there.

For energies below the Fermi energy, the states should be more than 50% occupied.

Part 2: Just write down the formulas you used for part 1 I think. Pay attention to the sign of the energy difference.

Part 3:
orangeincup said:
100%-49.84%=50.2% the state is empty
That's the correct approach, but the number has to get fixed.
  • #3
I redid all my calculations using the Boltzmann constant



Part 2...
1/((e^((0.06)/(300*(8.62*10^-5)))+1) = 0.089

Part 3...
1/((e^((0.06)/(150*(8.62*10^-5)))+1) = 0.00956
=0.956%? 100%-0.956%=99.04%

1/((e^((0.06)/(300*(8.62*10^-5)))+1) = .0895
100%-8.95% = 91.05%

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  • #4
Those numbers look much more realistic.

FAQ: Fermi Energy: Calculating Probabilities for Different Temperatures

1. What is Fermi energy?

Fermi energy is the highest energy level in the occupied state of an atom or solid at absolute zero temperature. It is named after Italian physicist Enrico Fermi and is often used to describe the energy of electrons in a solid.

2. How is Fermi energy calculated?

Fermi energy is calculated using the Fermi-Dirac distribution function, which takes into account the number of available energy levels and the number of electrons occupying those levels in a system. It can also be calculated by dividing the total number of electrons in a system by the number of available energy states.

3. What is the significance of Fermi energy?

Fermi energy is an important concept in condensed matter physics as it helps to determine the electrical and thermal properties of materials. It also plays a crucial role in understanding the behavior of electrons in semiconductors, metals, and insulators.

4. How does temperature affect Fermi energy?

As temperature increases, the Fermi energy also increases due to the increasing number of available energy states for electrons to occupy. At absolute zero temperature, the Fermi energy is equal to the energy of the highest occupied energy state. As temperature increases, the Fermi energy approaches the energy of the highest unoccupied energy state.

5. Can Fermi energy be observed in experiments?

No, Fermi energy cannot be directly observed in experiments. It is a theoretical concept that helps to understand the behavior of electrons in materials. However, its effects can be observed in various experiments, such as the Hall effect and electrical conductivity measurements.
