Fermion Self-Energy: Calculation and Analysis

In summary, the conversation discusses the calculation of the self energy of a massless fermion mediated by a loop of another massless fermion and a scalar. The value of ##p\!\!\!/## and the renormalization scale ## \mu ## depend on the specific momentum and parameters involved. The on-shell condition for the fermion in the loop affects the overall result of the calculation, and the value of ##p\!\!\!/## can be found using the momentum conservation law.
  • #1
Hi all,

In Peskin's book, Chapter 7, the self energy of electron has been calculated. In Equation (7. 28) ##p\!\!\!/## set to equal the mass of the electron ## m_0 ##. What if I calculate the self energy of a massless fermion mediated by a loop of another massless fermion and a scalar, like the following diagram:

I got at the end this formula for the mass matrix:

## \Sigma_{ij}(k) = \frac{ y_{jm} y_{im} \Gamma(2)^{-1}}{(16\pi^2)}
P_R^2 ~ p\!\!\!/ \int^1_0~ dx~ (1-x) ~ \log\Big( \frac{x\mu^2}{(1-x)m^2-xp^2} \Big) \\
= \frac{ y_{jm} y_{im} }{(32\pi^2)}~ P_R^2 ~ p\!\!\!/ ~ (-1+\log\frac{\mu^2}{m^2}) ##

Now what will be the value of ##p\!\!\!/## ? also what can be the renormalization scale ## \mu ## ? or the cut off scale of the theory ..

In addition if I want to evaluate the amplitude of the process, this means I will square the previous formula and get ## p^2## which will equal zero on- shell, which means I have to calculate this process off-shell, but in this case how to find out the value of ## p^2 ## ?


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  • #2

It's great to see that you are exploring self energy calculations in Peskin's book. Your question about calculating the self energy of a massless fermion mediated by a loop of another massless fermion and a scalar is an interesting one. In this case, the value of ##p\!\!\!/## would depend on the specific momentum of the fermion in the loop and the scalar field. As for the renormalization scale ##\mu##, it can be chosen arbitrarily as long as it is consistent throughout the calculation. The cut off scale of the theory would depend on the specific theory you are working with and the parameters involved.

When evaluating the amplitude of the process, it is important to note that the value of ##p\!\!\!/## will not equal zero on-shell. In fact, the on-shell condition for the fermion in the loop will affect the overall result of the calculation. To find the value of ##p\!\!\!/##, you can use the momentum conservation law and solve for it in terms of the other momenta involved in the process.

I hope this helps answer your questions. Keep up the good work in your studies!

FAQ: Fermion Self-Energy: Calculation and Analysis

1. What is Fermion Self-Energy?

Fermion self-energy is a term used in quantum field theory to describe the effects of interactions between fermions (particles with half-integer spin) and their surrounding fields. It is a measure of the change in a fermion's energy and momentum due to its interactions with other particles.

2. Why is the calculation and analysis of Fermion Self-Energy important?

The calculation and analysis of fermion self-energy is important because it allows us to better understand the behavior of fermions and their interactions with other particles. This information is crucial in many areas of physics, such as particle physics, condensed matter physics, and cosmology.

3. How is Fermion Self-Energy calculated?

Fermion self-energy is typically calculated using perturbation theory, where the effects of interactions are treated as small corrections to the free particle's energy and momentum. This involves summing over all possible Feynman diagrams that contribute to the self-energy and performing complex mathematical calculations.

4. What factors can affect the calculation of Fermion Self-Energy?

The calculation of fermion self-energy can be affected by various factors, including the strength of the interactions between particles, the energy and momentum of the fermion, and the presence of other particles in the surrounding fields. Additionally, the choice of theoretical framework and approximation methods can also impact the accuracy of the calculation.

5. How is Fermion Self-Energy analyzed and interpreted?

After the calculation of fermion self-energy, it can be analyzed and interpreted in a variety of ways. One common method is to examine the behavior of the self-energy as a function of energy and momentum, which can reveal important features such as the location of poles or branches. Additionally, the self-energy can be used to calculate other physical quantities, such as the fermion's mass or decay rate.

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