Fermi's Golden Rule Density of States

In summary, according to the notes for a student on the course, the density of states in a system can be found by applying boundary conditions and considering the wave function at infinity. This is done by taking into account the wave-function vanishing at box boundaries and applying periodic boundary conditions. The challenge is to understand why the energy-momentum conserving delta distribution is not a problem, as this is done by imposing a finite set of boundary conditions and using the scalar product in position space.
  • #1
In my particles course, it says we will use Fermi's golden rule to work out rates.

FGR is:

For the case of non-relativistic phase space, my notes say the density of states can be found as follows (pretty much word for word):
Apply boundary conditions
Wave-function vanishing at box boundaries ⇒ quantised particle momenta
Volume of single state in momentum space:
(2π/a)3 = (2π)3/V
Normalizing to one particle/unit volume gives:
Number of states in element d3p=dpxdpydpz
[itex]dn=\frac{d^{3}p}{\frac{(2\pi)^3}{V}} \frac{1}{V}[/itex]

Then a bit more algebra to get some result

I've normally only seen density of states come into the picture for systems with periodic boundary conditions. If we're talking about particle physics and the rate of a collision producing another particle, I don't see why the wavefunction should vanish at the boundary of some box. The only constraint is that the wavefunction should be 0 at infinity. Surely there should be a continuous spectrum of possible wavevectors for the final particle?

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
[tex]\gamma=2 \pi |M_{fi}|^2 \rho,[/tex]
and the phase-space density comes from the single-particle wave function for a box with periodic boundary conditions.

The real challenge is to understand, why there is not trouble with the energy-momentum-conserving [itex]\delta[/itex] distribution since you have
[tex]S_{fi}=\delta_{fi} - (2 \pi)^4 \mathrm{i} T_{fi} \delta^{(4)}(p_f-p_i).[/tex]
The answer can be found in

Peskin, Schroeder, Introduction to Quantum Field Theory.
  • #3
vanhees71 said:
[tex]\gamma=2 \pi |M_{fi}|^2 \rho,[/tex]
and the phase-space density comes from the single-particle wave function for a box with periodic boundary conditions.

The real challenge is to understand, why there is not trouble with the energy-momentum-conserving [itex]\delta[/itex] distribution since you have
[tex]S_{fi}=\delta_{fi} - (2 \pi)^4 \mathrm{i} T_{fi} \delta^{(4)}(p_f-p_i).[/tex]
The answer can be found in

Peskin, Schroeder, Introduction to Quantum Field Theory.
My question was where do periodic boundary conditions come into the problem at all?

Since I've never seen that last equation before, I feel like you might be hijacking my thread.

No offence,
  • #4
I'm not hijacking your thread but point you to an important point when it comes to calculating cross sections ;-).

This [itex]\delta[/itex]-distribution has to be regularized in some way, because you cannot square it, and you must take the square of the transition-matrix element (which is an amplitude) to get a transition probability rate which figures into the cross section, which after all is what's measured in the lab.

To this end there are two ways: One is physical, and you never leave the usual infinite space and also take the idea of asymptotic states for the incoming and outgoing particles, using the Gell-Mann-Low-description with the appropriate [itex]\epsilon[/itex] regulators. Then you have to start with square integrable wave packet instead of generalized momentum eigen states which are plane waves and not true Hilbert space vectors.

The other is mathematically simpler. You put everything in a finite cubic box in position space and impose periodic boundary conditions, i.e., your wave functions are subject to the condition
[tex]\psi(\vec{x}+L \vec{e}_j)=\psi(\vec{x}), \quad \text{for} \quad j \in \{1,2,3 \}.[/tex]
Then your momenta become the discrete set
[tex]\vec{p} \in \frac{2 \pi \hbar}{L} \mathbb{Z}^3.[/tex]
The Hilbert-space scalar product in position space is then over the finite cube, and thus you have true momentum eigenstates.

The reason for using periodic and not other boundary conditions (e.g., "rigid boundary conditions", making the wave function vanish on the edges of the cube) is that then you are sure to have well-defined self-adjoint momentum operators at all.

Finally you also restrict your time to a large intervall [itex][-T,T][/itex]. Then your S-matrix elements don't contain any [itex]\delta[/itex] distributions. With this regularization of the energy-momentum conserving [itex]\delta[/itex] distributions you evaluate the transition property per unit time and volume (making it a transition-rate density). At the very end you can then take [itex]L[/itex] and [itex]T[/itex] to infinity to get the infinite-volume and true asymptotic-state limit.

For details for the relativistic case, see my QFT manuscript (where this is treated in a very handwaving physicist's short-cut way :-)):


pp. 224 ff

FAQ: Fermi's Golden Rule Density of States

1. What is Fermi's Golden Rule Density of States?

Fermi's Golden Rule Density of States is a mathematical formula that describes the rate at which a system transitions from one state to another. It is commonly used in quantum mechanics to calculate the probability of a transition occurring between energy states.

2. How is Fermi's Golden Rule Density of States calculated?

The formula for Fermi's Golden Rule Density of States is:

Γ(E) = 2π |<|V|>|^2 δ(Ef - Ei)

Where Γ(E) is the transition rate, |<|V|>| is the matrix element of the perturbing potential, and δ(Ef - Ei) is the Dirac delta function representing conservation of energy.

3. What is the significance of Fermi's Golden Rule Density of States?

Fermi's Golden Rule Density of States is an important concept in quantum mechanics because it helps to explain the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic level. It allows scientists to calculate the likelihood of transitions between energy states, which is crucial in understanding phenomena such as atomic and molecular absorption and emission of radiation.

4. Can Fermi's Golden Rule Density of States be applied to all systems?

No, Fermi's Golden Rule Density of States is most commonly used in quantum mechanics to describe the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic level. It may not be applicable to larger systems or systems governed by classical mechanics.

5. Are there any limitations to Fermi's Golden Rule Density of States?

Yes, Fermi's Golden Rule Density of States is based on certain assumptions and approximations, such as the neglect of higher-order terms in the perturbation expansion. It also does not take into account the effects of interactions between particles. Therefore, it may not accurately describe all systems and situations.

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