Feynman clock's Hamiltonian matrix reduction

Your name]In summary, the conversation discusses the creation of a Hamiltonian for a spin system, with the goal of simulating its evolution. The speaker has already created a basis for the system and identified the possible spin configurations. They are now seeking guidance on how to incorporate the allowed operations in their algebra into the Hamiltonian. Suggestions are made to use the Pauli matrices and Kronecker product, as well as to consider external factors, in order to create a complete Hamiltonian.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I have this 2^n*2^n matrix that represent the evolution of a system of $n$ spin.
I know that I can have only one excited spin in my configuration a time.
(eg: 0110 nor 0101 ar not permitted, but 0100 it is)

s_+ is defined with s_x+is_y and s_- is defined with s_x-is_y
(creation and annichilation operators)

I've created the hamiltonian composing pauli matrices with kronecker product.
I know that I have only few operation in my algebra: I, s_z, s_+[k].s_-[k-1] where k is the spin number where this operation is made.
This algebra sends valid state to valid states, preserving the constant of my motion.

So, for reducing my Hamiltonian, I've created new basis of my space, listing all the possibile (and valid) configuration of my system. With n spin, using the consideration that i can have only one excited spin, i have only n possibile configuration.
I've created my algebra with the following operator: I, s_3[k] (similar to I but with -1 in the k-th position on the diagonal, and |k\rangle\langle k-1| for moving my spin-up forward and it's complex conjugate: |k\rangle \langle k+1|

Homework Equations

How can I write the correct hamiltonian for this system?

The Attempt at a Solution

Summing up the "moving right" and "moving left" operator, as described in [URL="http://www.cs.princeton.edu/courses/archive/fall05/frs119/papers/feynman85_optics_letters.pdf" Quantum mechanical computer[/URL] at page 5, I've obtained a matrix with the main diagonal filled with 0 and the upper diagonal and lower diagonal filled with 1.
Applaying this matrix to a n-bit state [0,0,1,0,0] i got [0,1,0,1,0] which is NOT a valid state (it has 2 excited bit).
Shoul i use this hamiltonian in e^iHt for the evolution of my system? How?
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  • #2

Thank you for sharing your interesting research on the evolution of spin systems. From your description, it seems that you have already made good progress in creating a basis for your system and identifying the possible configurations of spin states.

In order to write the correct Hamiltonian for your system, you will need to incorporate the information about the allowed operations in your algebra. It is important to note that the Hamiltonian represents the total energy of the system and should take into account all possible interactions between spins.

One approach could be to start with the Pauli matrices and use the Kronecker product to combine them with the allowed operations in your algebra. This will help you create a more complete Hamiltonian that takes into account the allowed operations and their effects on the spin states.

Additionally, you may also want to consider any external factors or interactions that may affect the evolution of your spin system. For example, if there is an external magnetic field, this should be included in your Hamiltonian.

Once you have a complete Hamiltonian, you can use it to calculate the evolution of your system over time. This can be done by using the time-dependent Schrödinger equation or by using the time-evolution operator, as you mentioned in your post.

I hope this helps and I wish you success in your research. Please feel free to reach out if you have any further questions or would like to discuss your findings.

Related to Feynman clock's Hamiltonian matrix reduction

1. What is the Feynman clock's Hamiltonian matrix reduction?

The Feynman clock's Hamiltonian matrix reduction is a mathematical technique used to simplify complex quantum mechanical systems. It involves breaking down the system into smaller subsystems, and then using the Hamiltonian matrix to calculate the energy levels and transitions between these subsystems.

2. How does the Feynman clock's Hamiltonian matrix reduction work?

The Feynman clock's Hamiltonian matrix reduction involves representing the original system as a graph, where each node represents a different subsystem. The Hamiltonian matrix is then used to calculate the energy levels of each subsystem and the transitions between them. The results are then combined to give the overall energy levels and transitions of the entire system.

3. When is the Feynman clock's Hamiltonian matrix reduction used?

The Feynman clock's Hamiltonian matrix reduction is often used in the study of quantum mechanics, particularly in the field of quantum information theory. It is also useful for simplifying complex systems in other areas of physics and chemistry.

4. What are the benefits of using the Feynman clock's Hamiltonian matrix reduction?

The Feynman clock's Hamiltonian matrix reduction allows for the simplification of complex systems, making them easier to analyze and understand. It also provides a more efficient way to calculate energy levels and transitions, saving time and computational resources.

5. Are there any limitations to the Feynman clock's Hamiltonian matrix reduction?

While the Feynman clock's Hamiltonian matrix reduction is a powerful tool, it does have limitations. It may not be applicable to all systems, and it may not always provide accurate results. It also requires a good understanding of quantum mechanics and the Hamiltonian matrix to be used effectively.

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