Feynman field transformations

In summary, Feynman explains the electric and magnetic fields in a FoR S' moving between the plates of a condenser. He notes that there is a reduced E and an added transverse B in S', and provides the transformation formula E' = γE, where B = 0 in S. This means that E' must increase, which is also consistent with the length contraction in S'. There may have been an error in the text regarding the "reduced" E, as the invariant E^2 - B^2 remains the same in all frames.
  • #1
I'm trying to follow Feynman's explanation on page 26-10 of Volume 2 of The Feynman Lectures on Physics. He describes the electric and magnetic fields in a FoR S' moving between the plates of a condenser. Feynman writes that we see a reduced E and an added transverse B in S'. I've attached a copy of the figure in question.

The transformation formula provided in the text is E' = γE, because B = 0 in S. My thinking is that, according to the formula, E' increases. This effect is also consistent with the S length contraction in S'.

I am confused. Thank you.


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  • #2
I have attached additional information in the hope that someone will kindly point out the error in my thinking.


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  • #3
harpf said:
My thinking is that, according to the formula, E' increases.

You're right, it does. The "reduced" in the text is in error; possibly a typo or a mis-transcription (since the text was originally transcribed from Feynman's actual lectures).

Another way of seeing that E' has to increase is that [itex]E^2 - B^2[/itex] is an invariant; it's the same in all frames. In frame S, B = 0, so the invariant is just [itex]E^2[/itex], the square of the electric field. In frame S', moving relative to the plates, B' is nonzero, so E' must increase to keep the invariant the same.
  • #4
I appreciate your response. Thank you.
  • #5

I understand your confusion and would like to provide some clarification on Feynman field transformations. These transformations allow us to understand how electric and magnetic fields behave in different frames of reference (FoR). In this specific example, we are considering two FoRs, S and S', where S' is moving with a velocity relative to S.

In S, we have a condenser with two plates and a uniform electric field E between them. In S', the same condenser is moving, so we need to transform the fields to understand how they appear in this FoR. According to the transformation formula E' = γE, we see that the electric field in S' is increased by a factor of γ, which is the Lorentz factor that takes into account the velocity of S' relative to S.

Furthermore, we also see an added transverse magnetic field in S', which is consistent with the length contraction of S in S'. This means that the distance between the plates of the condenser appears shorter in S' due to the relative motion, resulting in an additional magnetic field component.

It is important to note that these transformations are not intuitive and may seem counterintuitive at first. However, they are based on the fundamental principles of relativity and have been experimentally verified. Therefore, it is important to trust in the equations and their predictions.

I hope this helps clarify the concept of Feynman field transformations and their application in understanding electric and magnetic fields in different frames of reference. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

FAQ: Feynman field transformations

1. What are Feynman field transformations?

Feynman field transformations are mathematical operations used to transform the coordinates and fields in a quantum field theory. They are named after physicist Richard Feynman, who introduced them in his work on quantum electrodynamics.

2. Why are Feynman field transformations important?

Feynman field transformations are important because they allow us to simplify complex calculations in quantum field theories. By transforming the coordinates and fields, we can express complicated interactions between particles in a more manageable form.

3. How do Feynman field transformations work?

Feynman field transformations involve changing the variables used to describe the coordinates and fields in a quantum field theory. This is typically done by using mathematical functions that map one set of variables onto another set.

4. What are some applications of Feynman field transformations?

Feynman field transformations have many applications in physics, particularly in the study of particle interactions and quantum electrodynamics. They are also used in fields such as condensed matter physics and quantum computing.

5. Are there any limitations to using Feynman field transformations?

While Feynman field transformations are a powerful tool, they are not always applicable to every situation. They may not work for certain types of interactions or in systems with strong interactions. Additionally, they can be mathematically complex and require advanced techniques to fully understand and apply.

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