Feynman-Heaviside formula and Mach's principle

In summary: Your Name]In summary, the conversation discusses the potential application of the Feynman-Heaviside formula for the electric field of a moving charge in a purely relational way. The formula is written entirely in terms of relative vectors between the current and earlier positions of the charges, without the use of an absolute reference frame. This supports the concept of action and reaction in Newton's third law. The possibility of extending this formula to the weak-field gravitational case is also mentioned. However, it should be noted that classical electromagnetism and general relativity are two distinct theories and their combination is still an active area of research.
  • #1
I was wondering if the [Feynman-Heaviside formula](http://www.feynmanlectures.caltech.edu/II_21.html) for the electric field of a moving charge could be used to write down the force/reaction force between charges ##q_1## and ##q_2## in a Machian purely relational way.

The retarded electric force ##\vec{F_{12}}##, on a charge ##q_2## that is at rest at its current position ##\vec{r_2}(t)##, due to a moving charge ##q_1## at its earlier position ##\vec{r_1}(t-R/c)## is
$$\vec{F_{12}} = \frac{q_1 q_2}{4 \pi \epsilon_0} \left[\frac{\vec{n}}{R^2} + \frac{R}{c}\frac{d}{dt} \left(\frac{\vec{n}}{R^2}\right) + \frac{1}{c^2} \frac{d^2\vec{n}}{dt^2}\right]\tag{1}$$
\vec{R} &=& \vec{r_2}(t)-\vec{r_1}(t-R/c)\tag{2}\\
R &=& |\vec{R}|\notag\\
\vec{n} &=& \frac{\vec{R}}{R}\notag
The expression for the force ##\vec{F_{12}}## in Eqn. ##(1)## is written entirely in terms of the magnitude and direction of the relative vector between the current position of charge ##q_2## and the earlier position of charge ##q_1##. No variables defined in terms of an absolute reference frame are used.

The first two terms on the righthand side of Eqn. ##(1)## are the near-field Coulomb term and its correction that fall off like ##1/R^2## whereas the last is the far-field radiative term that falls of like ##1/R##.

The advanced electric force ##\vec{F_{21}}## back on charge ##q_1## at its earlier position ##\vec{r_1}(t-R/c)## due to charge ##q_2## at its current position ##\vec{r_2}(t)## is then just
$$\vec{F_{21}} = - \vec{F_{12}}\tag{3}$$
Thus Newton's third law of action and reaction is obeyed through an influence that travels at the speed of light forward in time from ##q_1## to ##q_2## and then backward in time from ##q_2## to ##q_1##.

This reaction force provides an electromagnetic inertial force back on charge ##q_1## at the earlier time ##t-R/c## due to the presence of the charge ##q_2## at the current time ##t##.

One could test for this electromagnetic inertia by accelerating an electron of charge ##-e## inside an insulating charged sphere of radius ##R## and charge ##Q##. The electron’s inertia should be increased by an amount ~ ##eQ/(4 \pi \epsilon_0 c^2 R)##.

Finally this Feynman-Heaviside force could be generalized to the [weak-field](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravitoelectromagnetism) gravitational case simply by substituting masses for charges and Newton’s constant ##G## for ##-1/(4 \pi \epsilon_0)##. Thus standard inertia could be explained as the result of the gravitational advanced Feynman-Heaviside reaction force acting back on an accelerated test mass from all the other masses in the Universe.

Does this make sense?
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  • #2

Thank you for bringing up the topic of the Feynman-Heaviside formula and its potential application in a purely relational way. I find this idea intriguing and worth exploring further.

Firstly, I would like to clarify that the Feynman-Heaviside formula is a mathematical expression that describes the electromagnetic force between two charged particles. It is based on the principles of classical electromagnetism and is often used in the study of electrodynamics.

In terms of its application in a purely relational way, I can see how the formula can be interpreted as such. The use of the relative vector between the current and earlier positions of the charges removes the need for an absolute reference frame, making it a purely relational expression.

Furthermore, the inclusion of the advanced and retarded terms in the formula also suggests the possibility of a reciprocal interaction between the two charges, which aligns with the concept of action and reaction in Newton's third law.

Regarding the potential application of this formula in the weak-field gravitational case, I believe it is an interesting idea to explore. However, it should be noted that classical electromagnetism and general relativity (which governs gravitational interactions) are two distinct theories, and their combination is still an active area of research.

In conclusion, I find your suggestion of using the Feynman-Heaviside formula in a purely relational way thought-provoking, and it certainly warrants further investigation. Thank you for bringing this up on the forum.

Related to Feynman-Heaviside formula and Mach's principle

1. What is the Feynman-Heaviside formula?

The Feynman-Heaviside formula, also known as the Heaviside-Feynman formula, is a mathematical equation used to calculate the electromagnetic field generated by a moving charged particle. It combines the electric and magnetic components of the field into a single expression.

2. Who developed the Feynman-Heaviside formula?

The formula was independently developed by British physicist Oliver Heaviside and American physicist Richard Feynman in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It is also sometimes referred to as the Lorentz-Heaviside formula, as Dutch physicist Hendrik Lorentz also contributed to its development.

3. What is Mach's principle?

Mach's principle is a concept in physics that suggests that the inertia of an object is determined by the mass and distribution of all other matter in the universe. It was proposed by Austrian physicist Ernst Mach in the late 19th century and has been a topic of debate and exploration among scientists ever since.

4. How are the Feynman-Heaviside formula and Mach's principle related?

The Feynman-Heaviside formula is often used in the context of Mach's principle, as it helps to explain the electromagnetic interactions between particles in the universe. According to Mach's principle, the inertia of an object is influenced by the distribution of all other matter in the universe, including electromagnetic fields.

5. What are the practical applications of the Feynman-Heaviside formula and Mach's principle?

The Feynman-Heaviside formula is used in many areas of physics and engineering, including electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, and relativity. Mach's principle has been explored and applied in various fields, such as cosmology and astrophysics, to better understand the behavior of matter and the universe as a whole.

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