Feynman Lectures and Uncertainty Principle

In summary, Mr. Fenyman argues that the uncertainty principle implies that we cannot know the momentum of an electron with precision. However, by taking into account the large spread in the probability of momentum values, he is able to deduce that the electron has a very large momentum.
  • #1
I read the Quantum Physics section of the online version of Feynman lectures http://feynmanlectures.caltech.edu/I_02.html#Ch2-S3 and I don't understand how he can deduce electron momentum from the Uncertainty Principle. I agree that the momentum is uncertain but how can he deduce that it is very large ?

This is the relevant content:
"If they were in the nucleus, we would know their position precisely, and the uncertainty principle would then require that they have a very large (but uncertain) momentum"
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Ask yourself: How can the expected value of the magnitude of the momentum be smaller than its uncertainty? Think of a set of numbers with large standard deviation. This set could have zero average. [itex]\langle x\rangle=0[/itex], but it canot have small average of magnitude [itex]\langle |x|\rangle >> 0[/itex].
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  • #3
It would have been better if Feynman had said "the uncertainty principle would then make it very likely that they have a very large (but uncertain) momentum"
  • #4
forcefield said:
I read the Quantum Physics section of the online version of Feynman lectures http://feynmanlectures.caltech.edu/I_02.html#Ch2-S3 and I don't understand how he can deduce electron momentum from the Uncertainty Principle. I agree that the momentum is uncertain but how can he deduce that it is very large ?

This is the relevant content:
"If they were in the nucleus, we would know their position precisely, and the uncertainty principle would then require that they have a very large (but uncertain) momentum"

What Mr. Fenyman, must have, meant was -- A very large spread in the probability distribution of Momentum.
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  • #5
San K said:
What Mr. Fenyman, must have, meant was -- A very large spread in the probability distribution of Momentum.

That is how I understand the uncertainty principle. But does that really imply that we know something about the probability of individual momentum values ? Does that really imply that a large momentum is more likely than a small momentum ?
  • #6
Picture a Gaussian distribution. The probability to obtain a momentum in a certain interval is the area under the curve. Even though the most probable value may be zero, the area for a small interval around zero is much smaller than the remaining area if the spread is large wrt to this intervall.
  • #7
Sometimes I am getting confused about this too and then this is my line of reasoning that clears my mind: we would like to probe very small distances e.g. is the electron at position [itex]x[/itex] or at position [itex](x+ 10^{-9})m[/itex] or in other words our [itex]\Delta x[/itex] is of the order of [itex]nm[/itex]. But how do we do that - in particle physics what we measure actually is energy and momentum(we cannot take a ruler and measure the distance between particles). Now by the Heisenberg principle [itex]\Delta E[/itex] is very big, of the order of [itex]GeV [/itex]. Which energy [itex]E [/itex] is this [itex]\Delta E[/itex] uncertainty of - well the energy of our electron (the one we want to determine the position of). So if we try to measure this energy we will get numbers spread from [itex](E - \Delta E)[/itex] to[itex](E + \Delta E)[/itex]. Now what if [itex]E [/itex]is very small, like only [itex]eV [/itex] - we did not manage to measure nothing here. The only way to get meaningful results will be [itex]E[/itex] to be bigger that its own error (so at least of order [itex]GeV [/itex]), otherwise we did not measured anything. I hope that this is helping.

FAQ: Feynman Lectures and Uncertainty Principle

What are the Feynman Lectures?

The Feynman Lectures are a set of three introductory physics textbooks written by Nobel Prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman. They were originally delivered as a series of lectures to undergraduate students at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in the 1960s.

What is the Uncertainty Principle?

The Uncertainty Principle, also known as Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, is a fundamental principle in quantum mechanics that states that it is impossible to know both the position and momentum of a particle with absolute certainty. This means that the more accurately we know the position of a particle, the less accurately we can know its momentum, and vice versa.

Why is the Uncertainty Principle important?

The Uncertainty Principle is important because it fundamentally changes our understanding of the physical world at a microscopic level. It shows that there are inherent limits to our ability to measure and predict the behavior of particles, and it has major implications for fields such as quantum computing and cryptography.

How did Feynman contribute to our understanding of the Uncertainty Principle?

Feynman made significant contributions to our understanding of the Uncertainty Principle through his work on quantum electrodynamics (QED), a theory that describes how particles interact with each other through the exchange of photons. His diagrams, known as Feynman diagrams, helped to visualize and calculate the probability of different particle interactions, including those that involve uncertainty.

Are the Feynman Lectures still relevant today?

Yes, the Feynman Lectures are still considered to be one of the best introductions to physics and are widely used in undergraduate courses. Although they were written over 50 years ago, the concepts and principles presented in the lectures are still relevant and form the basis of modern physics theories and research.

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