Feynman lectures on physics: random walk

In summary, the "Feynman Lectures on Physics: Random Walk" discusses the concept of random walks, a mathematical model that describes a path consisting of a series of random steps. Feynman explains its applications in various fields, including physics, biology, and finance, highlighting how these seemingly chaotic movements can lead to predictable statistical behavior. He emphasizes the importance of understanding randomness and its implications in real-world phenomena, illustrating the principles with engaging examples and thought experiments.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
Explain please
I do not understand the formulas (6.11) and (6.12) in volume 1 of the Feynman lectures on physics, the entire paragraph between equations (6.10) and (6.12) is generally not very clear. Please explain (preferably in simple language, I'm 13). Thanks!
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  • #2
It would help if you provided links to those formulas for those of us a don’t have Feynman lectures on our shelves. It would also help if you were more specific about what exactly you don’t understand.
  • #3
As kuruman says, it's helpful to provide links to things you want to ask questions about. We're helping out just for fun, and you're more likely to get help if we only have to click on one link rather than hunt through search engines for references. It isn't always possible to provide links, of course, but the Feynman Lectures are all online on CalTech's website - this is chapter 6.

He's proposing a game: toss a coin and if you get heads take a step to the left, if you get tails take a step to the right. If you keep repeating this game, how far will you be from your starting point? The answer is the difference between the number of heads you've got so far and the number of tails you've got so far. This is ##D##. He does algebra to get different expressions for ##D## in terms of the total number of tosses and the number of heads. This is useful because ##N## is not a random number and nor is 2, so the randomness of ##D## is dictated by the randomness of ##N_H##, and he already did the maths for that.

6.11 is just a rearrangement of ##D=2N_H-N##, stated in the paragraph above. 6.12 expects you to use 6.11 to see that the left hand side is the same as half the rms value of ##D## and then 6.10 to get the right hand side.

If that doesn't make sense, say which bits you don't follow and we'll see what we can do.
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Likes Lord Jestocost, PeroK and kuruman
  • #4
Ibix said:
As kuruman says, it's helpful to provide links to things you want to ask questions about. We're helping out just for fun, and you're more likely to get help if we only have to click on one link rather than hunt through search engines for references. It isn't always possible to provide links, of course, but the Feynman Lectures are all online on CalTech's website - this is chapter 6.

He's proposing a game: toss a coin and if you get heads take a step to the left, if you get tails take a step to the right. If you keep repeating this game, how far will you be from your starting point? The answer is the difference between the number of heads you've got so far and the number of tails you've got so far. This is ##D##. He does algebra to get different expressions for ##D## in terms of the total number of tosses and the number of heads. This is useful because ##N## is not a random number and nor is 2, so the randomness of ##D## is dictated by the randomness of ##N_H##, and he already did the maths for that.

6.11 is just a rearrangement of ##D=2N_H-N##, stated in the paragraph above. 6.12 expects you to use 6.11 to see that the left hand side is the same as half the rms value of ##D## and then 6.10 to get the right hand side.

If that doesn't make sense, say which bits you don't follow and we'll see what we can do.
Thank you very much! That's exactly what I wanted to hear.
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Likes pinball1970 and Lord Jestocost
  • #5
Ibix said:
We're helping out just for fun, and you're more likely to get help if we only have to click on one link rather than hunt through search engines for references.
Especially when one is using a smartphone to search.
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Likes YanaFFF and pinball1970
  • #6
Formulas (6.11) and (6.12) in Feynman's lectures on physics explain how the energy of a system changes if it is divided into two parts. This is called a change in the internal energy of the system. Formula (6.11) says that the change in internal energy depends on the change in the volume of the system and pressure. And formula (6.12) shows that the change in internal energy also depends on the heat received or lost by the system. Thus, these formulas help to understand how the energy of a system changes under different conditions.
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Likes Tom.G
  • #7
AlexisBlackwell said:
Formulas (6.11) and (6.12) in Feynman's lectures on physics explain how the energy of a system changes if it is divided into two parts. This is called a change in the internal energy of the system. Formula (6.11) says that the change in internal energy depends on the change in the volume of the system and pressure. And formula (6.12) shows that the change in internal energy also depends on the heat received or lost by the system. Thus, these formulas help to understand how the energy of a system changes under different conditions.
Say what?
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Likes Tom.G

FAQ: Feynman lectures on physics: random walk

What is a random walk?

A random walk is a mathematical formalism that describes a path consisting of a succession of random steps. In the context of physics, it often models phenomena such as diffusion, stock market fluctuations, and particle movements in a fluid. The random walk concept helps in understanding how systems evolve over time when influenced by random processes.

How does the random walk relate to diffusion?

The random walk is a fundamental model for diffusion, as it illustrates how particles spread out over time due to random motion. In a random walk, each step taken by a particle is independent and can be in any direction. Over time, this leads to a predictable pattern of diffusion, where the mean squared displacement of the particles increases linearly with time, in accordance with Fick's laws of diffusion.

What are some applications of random walk theory?

Random walk theory has a wide range of applications across various fields. In physics, it is used to model diffusion processes, such as the spread of heat or the movement of molecules in a gas. In finance, it helps in understanding stock price movements, where prices are often assumed to follow a random walk. Additionally, it is applied in ecology to study animal foraging patterns and in computer science for algorithms related to search processes.

How does the Feynman lectures on physics approach random walks?

The Feynman Lectures on Physics introduce random walks in a clear and intuitive manner, emphasizing their significance in statistical mechanics and thermodynamics. Feynman illustrates the concept through thought experiments and simple mathematical models, making it accessible to students. He discusses the implications of random walks in understanding larger physical systems and their emergent properties.

What is the significance of the central limit theorem in random walks?

The central limit theorem (CLT) plays a crucial role in random walks, as it states that the sum of a large number of independent random variables will tend to follow a normal distribution, regardless of the original distribution of the variables. In the context of random walks, this means that as the number of steps increases, the distribution of the position of the walker approaches a Gaussian distribution. This result is fundamental in understanding the statistical behavior of random walks and their convergence to normality over time.

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