Feynman's book: Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals

In summary, the book is difficult to read, but is a prerequisite for further study of Quantum Mechanics.
  • #1

I tried to read Feynman's book: Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals but it is so difficult. Is it a really important book if you want to learn Quantum Mechanics? If so what should I do in preparation to read it?

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  • #2
Well, typically people don't start right away with Feynman's path integrals.
They will become important if you want study QFT, so they're typically tackled after finishing undergrad level QM courses.

You are also expected to have a working knowledge of classical mechanics before e.g. Lagrangian & Hamiltonian mechanics.

A basic book on QM which also has a chapter on path integrals:


So to answer your question if its important or not for beginners, then I would say No.
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  • #3
enwa said:

I tried to read Feynman's book: Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals but it is so difficult. Is it a really important book if you want to learn Quantum Mechanics? If so what should I do in preparation to read it?


Disclaimer: I am not a Quantum Mechanic / Quantum Physician / anything of the sort.

I too have long found Feynman / Hibbs to be pretty opaque (once you get past the introductory chapters at least). However, I haven't ever found myself blocked off from reading other books on theoretical physics because of this; the path integral formulation is usually not covered until long after the other two formulations, due to the more advanced ideas required (though I don't really think functional integration is that much more advanced than the prerequisites for the Heisenberg interpretation -- Lie / representation theory, Hilbert spaces, Fourier analysis...but I guess with the Heisenberg formulation you don't really need to see all of that). The results are totally equivalent, but it's useful in relativistic settings, because of its manifest covariance...however, even there it's mostly used as a stepping stone to a proof, rather than an integral (pun intended) part of the material.

Having said that, it can't hurt to be familiar with the concepts; the Wikipedia's page on the Path Integral Formulation is a gem (though some bits struck me as slightly hand-wave-y) and should give you enough to continue your studies (unless, say, you're taking a course where Feynman/Hibbs is required reading).

Related to Feynman's book: Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals

1. What is the main idea behind Feynman's book Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals?

The main idea behind Feynman's book is to introduce the concept of path integrals as a new way of understanding quantum mechanics. Path integrals provide a graphical representation of the quantum mechanical processes, allowing for a more intuitive understanding of the underlying principles.

2. Who is the target audience for this book?

The book is intended for physicists and students who already have a basic understanding of quantum mechanics. It is not suitable for beginners as it assumes a certain level of familiarity with the subject.

3. How does Feynman's approach to quantum mechanics differ from the traditional approach?

Feynman's approach uses path integrals to describe the behavior of quantum systems, while the traditional approach uses wave functions and operators. Path integrals offer a more intuitive and visual understanding of quantum processes, whereas the traditional approach can be more abstract.

4. What are some key concepts that are covered in the book?

The book covers a range of topics such as the principles of quantum mechanics, the mathematical foundations of path integrals, and their applications in various physical systems. It also discusses the relationship between path integrals and other approaches to quantum mechanics.

5. Is this book still relevant in modern physics?

Yes, Feynman's book is still widely used and referenced in modern physics. The concepts and principles discussed in the book are still considered fundamental in understanding quantum mechanics and have applications in various fields such as particle physics, condensed matter physics, and quantum computing.

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