FFT phase result interpretation?

In summary, you can see that the phase of the complex signal changes depending on the definition of fft.
  • #1
I have a complex signal eg: cos(wt + phase1) + i*cos(wt + phase2)
the frequency of both the waves is same. When i have a look at the phase spectrum of the above signal, i am not able to interpret the phase values. They are making no sense. I tried to determine phase shift for real signals and then for complex signal with different frequencies (eg: cos(w1t+ph1) + i*cos(w2t + ph2) ) and in these cases it was possible for me to interpret correct phase values. Could some one please guide or hint me int this direction. i am trying hard to understand it!

Thanks in advance!
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  • #2
Gauzi said:
When i have a look at the phase spectrum of the above signal, i am not able to interpret the phase values. They are making no sense
Well, at least you have something to look at. Without a picture or a clearer description of what you see, it is difficult to assist here !
I take it you are familiar with the euler formula and have enough trigonometry available to unravel cos(wt + phase1) + i*cos(wt + phase2) into a complex frequency spectrum ?

What is it you expect and what is it you see ?
  • #3
I expect the phase result to be somehow related to input signal. I will give an example which I could understand:

Input --> x = cos(2*pi*10*t - 60°) + i*cos( 2*pi*20*t + 90°)
Process --> fft(x)
Output --> I get peaks at 10 and 20 hz with amplitudes symmetric with -10 and -20(this is as expected)
--> when i have a look at phase values at 10hz and 20 hz i get -60°and 90° (in degrees) respectively

But when x --> cos(2*pi*10*t - 60°) + i*cos( 2*pi*10*t + 90°)
Process --> fft(x)
Output --> i get symmetrical peak at 10hz but value of phase is -78°
why is the resultant phase -78° and how does it relate to input wave? may be i am missing some very simple concept here
  • #4
Gauzi said:
why is the resultant phase -78°
The input is ##x(t) = \cos(20\pi t - 60^o) + i\cos(20\pi t + 90^o)##. Performing Fourier transform on this yields
x(\nu) = FT[x(t)] = \frac{1}{2} \left(\delta(\nu-10)e^{-i\pi/3} + \delta(\nu+10)e^{i\pi/3} \right) + \frac{e^{i\pi/2}}{2} \left(\delta(\nu-10)e^{i\pi/2} + \delta(\nu+10)e^{-i\pi/2} \right)
You are interested only in the positive frequency part, namely
x_+(\nu) = \frac{1}{2} \left(\delta(\nu-10)e^{-i\pi/3} + e^{i\pi/2} \delta(\nu-10)e^{i\pi/2} \right) = \frac{1}{2}\delta(\nu-10) \left( e^{-i\pi/3}+ e^{i\pi} \right)
I leave it to you to calculate the phase of ##\left( e^{-i\pi/3}+ e^{i\pi} \right)## part.
By the way, if I calculate the phase mathematically using the above way, I don't get the same answer of ##78^o## as you did.
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  • #5
Gauzi: Funny, I should expect a phase of +60°and -90° for 10 and 20 Hz respectively, but it may depend on the fft definition ?
  • #6
BvU said:
Gauzi: Funny, I should expect a phase of +60°and -90° for 10 and 20 Hz respectively, but it may depend on the fft definition ?
can you give a simple example on how it would depend on definition of fft?
It will be very useful for me to understand fft! :)

FAQ: FFT phase result interpretation?

1. What is the FFT phase result?

The FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) phase result refers to the output of a mathematical algorithm that analyzes a signal to determine its frequency components. It represents the phase angle of each frequency component in the signal.

2. How is the FFT phase result interpreted?

The FFT phase result is typically displayed as a graph, with frequency on the x-axis and phase angle on the y-axis. It can be interpreted as the relative timing or delay of each frequency component in the original signal.

3. What causes variations in the FFT phase result?

There are several factors that can cause variations in the FFT phase result, including noise in the signal, non-linearities in the system, and the presence of multiple signal sources with different phase relationships.

4. How can the FFT phase result be useful in scientific research?

The FFT phase result can provide valuable insights into the dynamics and behavior of a signal, which can be useful in fields such as signal processing, acoustics, and vibration analysis. It can also help identify and isolate specific frequency components in a signal.

5. Are there any limitations to interpreting the FFT phase result?

Yes, there are some limitations to interpreting the FFT phase result. It is important to consider the frequency resolution and sampling rate used in the analysis, as well as potential sources of error or distortion in the signal. Additionally, the phase result may not always accurately reflect the true phase relationship between signal components due to various factors such as noise and non-linearities.

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