Fibonacci Variation: Find the Recurrence Relation

  • Thread starter Jim01
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In summary, the problem is finding a recurrence relation for the number of pairs of rabbits alive at the end of each month, given the conditions that a pair of rabbits is born at the beginning of the year, they are not fertile for the first two months, and no rabbits die. The solution involves realizing that each pair produces 3 additional pairs every month, and using this to come up with a formula for the number of pairs alive at the end of each month.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A single pair of rabbits (male and female) is born at the beginning of a year. Assume the following conditions:

(1) Rabbit pairs are not fertile during their first two months of life, but thereafter give birth to three new male/female pairs at the end of every month.

(2) No rabbits die

(a) Let Sn = the number of pairs of rabbits alive at the end of month n, for each ionterger n>=1, and let S0 = 1. Find a recurrence relation for S0, S1, S2, ...

Homework Equations

Original Fibonacci equation = Fn = Fk-1 + Fk - 2, where F0 = 1 and F1 = 1.

The Attempt at a Solution

I have drawn a genealogy chart to the 7th generation and have come up with

S0 = 1,
S1 = 1,
S2 = 1,
S3 = 4,
S4 = 7,
S5 = 10,
S6 = 22,
S7 = 43,

The problem is that I cannot figure out a way to come up with the equation which would give me the recurrence relation.

I tried doing Fn = Fk-1 + Fk - 2 + Fk - 3 +1, but that doesn't work unless n >= 3 and does not work past S4. I've tried several other combinations as well but I can't figure it out.

Is this one of those problems where you just have to "see" the answer or is there a procedure I can use to get it?
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  • #2
Explain how you calculated S6 and S7. That should give you a clue as to what the recurrence relation is.
  • #3
vela said:
Explain how you calculated S6 and S7. That should give you a clue as to what the recurrence relation is.

I didn't calculate it. I drew it out. I was hoping that if I knew what what the various numbers were it would jump out at me. I was wrong. I know there is a pattern, and I know that the previous S numbers have something to do with it, I just can't see it. I'll keep working on it.
  • #4
The number 3 should appear in your recurrence relation somewhere because each pair produces 3 additional pairs every month.

Hint: Look at the increase from month to month and figure out how many pairs were responsible for that increase.

FAQ: Fibonacci Variation: Find the Recurrence Relation

1. What is the Fibonacci sequence?

The Fibonacci sequence is a mathematical pattern where each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers, starting at 0 and 1. It can be represented as 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, and so on.

2. How is the Fibonacci sequence used in the Fibonacci Variation?

In the Fibonacci Variation, the recurrence relation is used to find the next number in the sequence. The recurrence relation is a formula that uses the previous two numbers in the sequence to calculate the next number. This allows for a more efficient way of finding the Fibonacci sequence.

3. What is the purpose of finding the recurrence relation in the Fibonacci Variation?

The main purpose of finding the recurrence relation in the Fibonacci Variation is to be able to generate the sequence in a more efficient manner. It allows for quick calculation of large numbers in the sequence without having to manually add each number.

4. How is the recurrence relation for the Fibonacci Variation derived?

The recurrence relation for the Fibonacci Variation is derived from the definition of the Fibonacci sequence, where each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers. By substituting the previous two numbers in the sequence into the formula, the recurrence relation can be found.

5. Can the recurrence relation be used to find other sequences?

Yes, the recurrence relation can be used to find other sequences as long as they follow a similar pattern of each number being the sum of the previous two numbers. However, the formula may differ depending on the specific sequence being calculated.

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