Fictional physics problem -- Firing projectiles into Earth orbit

In summary, Jules Verne was curious about how a bullet or capsule would behave in low Earth orbit. He found that the muzzle velocity and the g forces would vary depending on the height of launch. Furthermore, he found that even a simple projectile would not have an orbit with low enough eccentricity to stay up there.
  • #1
Umair Shariff
Hi guys, I've recently been reading a lot of Jules Verne and I had a few curiosities that you guys could help with.

First, if we were to shoot or fling a bullet to low Earth orbit, what would the muzzle velocity have to be??

Second, instead of a bullet, if we used a capsule with one passenger in it and nothing else, what would the g forces that the person would endure??

Third, I understand that the escape velocity of the Earth is at 11.2 km per s, would that value change if we were to change the height of launch, like the top of Mt Everest??

Fourth, assuming that we successfully developed protocols to shoot a projectile into low Earth orbit, what would be the result of the drag forces on the projectile??

I would appreciate the help of the guys and girls of the physics community to help me understand more about the limitations that surround us.
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  • #2
Wikipedia has an article on Escape velocity:

The formula provided is dependent on the distances from the center of the Earth to the object so in answer to your question it will change with height. The higher you launch from the lower the velocity.

For a spherically symmetric massive body such as a star or planet, the escape velocity for that body, at a given distance is calculated by the formula


where G is the universal gravitational constant (G = 6.67×10−11 m3 kg−1 s−2), M the mass of the body to be escaped, and r the distance from the center of mass of the mass M to the object.The relation is independent of the mass of the object escaping the mass body M. Conversely, a body that falls under the force of gravitational attraction of mass M from infinity, starting with zero velocity, will strike the mass with a velocity equal to its escape velocity.
  • #3
Hi Umair, an amusing subject indeed !

First see here

Second: zero g when in orbit. It's launching that is the problem. You need a very long launch tube if you don't want to crush the passenger and still get the speed to 11200 m/s. Say you're prepared to risc 10 g -- you need 112 seconds (11200 m/s divided by 10 m/s2) and with ##s = {1\over 2} a t^2## that's 630 km !

Third: there's a ##1/\sqrt R## in the expression, so 5 km on 6000 km doesn't make more than 5 m/s difference in the escape velocity

Fourth: I think the 'flight' would be very uncomfortable. Probably very hot too, and ending with a crash.
  • #4
Something needs mentioning here. If you fire a projectile into space with less than the 'escape velocity' it will not go into orbit but crash back to Earth. It's first and only orbit will take it through the Earth's surface. You need another impulse when it is high enough to make the orbit more circle like. That will then avoid a collision with the ground.
A'gun' launch will only work when the projectile can escape Earth's gravity completely. All real launches have a correcting boost to achieve more than one orbital cycle.
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Likes russ_watters
  • #5
You don't need escape velocity to launch a projectile in low Earth orbit. You just need the orbital speed required by the desired orbit.
This will not be same as muzzle velocity, which need to be much higher in order to compensate for air resistance.
  • #6
nasu said:
You don't need escape velocity to launch a projectile in low Earth orbit. You just need the orbital speed required by the desired orbit
Oops, nasu is right of course. At Earth level a factor ##1/\sqrt 2## less. A respectable speed required remains, however.
  • #7
The g force will depend on how long the launch tube is. A longer launch tube is better.
Secondly, it won't actually work. The air resistance is too high to fire something into space this way. Even a streamlined capsule will have too much drag. That's why we use rockets instead of cannons to go to space.

(Note that the inertia to drag ratio increases with the size of the projectile, so for a sufficiently large bullet of dense material, the the drag could perhaps be low enough for this to work. How large a bullet?)
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  • #8
. . . and a simple projectile will not have an orbit with low enough eccentricity to stay up there.
The air resistance factor is interesting. Even heat generation would be significant. It is even relevant in normal supersonic flight.
The idea in this thread, in its simplest form is really a dead duck.
"I want to do it this way" is never a good reason for a choice of method.
  • #9
Well, he said "a fictional..." :)
  • #10
True. But we have come a long way since J Verne.

Related to Fictional physics problem -- Firing projectiles into Earth orbit

1. How do you calculate the trajectory of a projectile fired into Earth orbit?

The trajectory of a projectile fired into Earth orbit can be calculated using the laws of physics, specifically the equations for projectile motion. This includes factors such as the initial velocity, angle of launch, and the effects of gravity and air resistance.

2. What is the optimal angle for firing a projectile into Earth orbit?

The optimal angle for firing a projectile into Earth orbit is approximately 45 degrees. This allows for the maximum distance to be covered while also minimizing the effects of air resistance.

3. What is the required velocity to achieve Earth orbit?

The required velocity to achieve Earth orbit, also known as orbital velocity, depends on the altitude of the orbit. For a low Earth orbit, the average orbital velocity is around 7.8 kilometers per second.

4. How does the mass of the projectile affect its orbit?

The mass of the projectile does not affect its orbit. According to Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation, the mass of the object being fired does not affect its trajectory or orbit around Earth. However, a heavier projectile may require more initial force to achieve the necessary velocity for orbit.

5. Can a projectile fired into Earth orbit ever fall back to Earth?

Yes, a projectile fired into Earth orbit can fall back to Earth if it does not have enough velocity to maintain its orbit. This is known as orbital decay and can be caused by factors such as atmospheric drag or gravitational effects from other objects in space.

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