Field and conjugate independent?

In summary, the two fields L and R are treated as independent complex fields in the path integral. This way you'll always get a real Lagrangian.
  • #1
I'm having trouble figuring out how a field and it's conjugate are independent quantities. How can they be, when they are related by conjugation?

Suppose you have real fields x and y, and form fields: L=(x+iy)/sqrt2 R=(x-iy)/sqrt2

In a path integral, you'd have .5(∂x∂x+∂y∂y) in your Lagrangian. Changing variables to L and R you'd have ∂L∂R. How can L and R be independent in the path integral? At each spacetime point, the quantity in the Lagrangian is of the form ∂L∂R=number*(its conjugate). If L and R vary independently, then your Lagrangian might not even be real, since only a number times its conjugate is real.
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  • #2
If you deal with x and y, you only have two (real) field degrees of freedom. Hence, if you pass to some new fields L and R, you must somehow get the same number of field degrees of freedom. This could in principle be done by letting L and R be independent complex fields (4 field d.o.f.) with two constraint equations, or you can treat L and R as independent real-valued fields. This way you'll always get a real Lagrangian.

(Peskin and Schroeder seem to use the latter convention, for example. However, they are rather cryptic about it, only saying that L and R are treated as the new dynamical variables.)In addition, and perhaps more importantly, it is quite simple to show that both methods lead to the same equations of motion (i.e. physics), by just considering the variation of the action:
[tex]\delta S =\int d^4 x \left( F \delta L + G\delta R \right) \quad \Rightarrow F=G=0[/tex] or, in the constituent fields, [tex]\delta S =\int d^4 x \left[ \left( F+G \right) \delta x + i \left( F-G \right) \delta y \right] \quad \Rightarrow F+G=F-G=0[/tex]
(F and G are some functions, which necessarily depend on the exact nature of S.)
  • #3
Hypersphere said:
If you deal with x and y, you only have two (real) field degrees of freedom. Hence, if you pass to some new fields L and R, you must somehow get the same number of field degrees of freedom. This could in principle be done by letting L and R be independent complex fields (4 field d.o.f.) with two constraint equations, or you can treat L and R as independent real-valued fields. This way you'll always get a real Lagrangian.

(Peskin and Schroeder seem to use the latter convention, for example. However, they are rather cryptic about it, only saying that L and R are treated as the new dynamical variables.)

How can L and R be two (independent) real fields? Is some type of analytic continuation made? In the path integral when integrating over the complex fields, it's often just treated as if they were real for some reason.

In addition, and perhaps more importantly, it is quite simple to show that both methods lead to the same equations of motion (i.e. physics), by just considering the variation of the action:
[tex]\delta S =\int d^4 x \left( F \delta L + G\delta R \right) \quad \Rightarrow F=G=0[/tex] or, in the constituent fields, [tex]\delta S =\int d^4 x \left[ \left( F+G \right) \delta x + i \left( F-G \right) \delta y \right] \quad \Rightarrow F+G=F-G=0[/tex]
(F and G are some functions, which necessarily depend on the exact nature of S.)

I think that argument can be made for any transformation. It's a general property that Lagrange's equations are transformation invariant.
  • #4
A field and its complex conjugate are obviously not independent, but in some situations, it makes sense to pretend that they are. I don't think I can explain it specifically for path integrals, since I haven't looked at those in a long time. But I think that what I'm about to say will always be part of the explanation. (Thanks to Avodyne for showing me this in another thread).

Given a function ##f:\mathbb C\to\mathbb R##, we can define a function ##R:\mathbb R^2\to\mathbb R## by
$$R(x,y)=f(x+iy)$$ for all ##x,y\in\mathbb R##, and a function ##C:\mathbb C^2\to\mathbb R## by
$$C(z,w)=R\left(\frac{z+w^*}{2},\frac{z-w^*}{2i}\right).$$ Let ##z\in\mathbb C## be arbitrary and define ##x,y\in\mathbb R## by ##z=x+iy##. We have
$$f(z)=f(x+iy)=R(x,y)=R\left(\frac{z+z^*}{2},\frac{z-z^*}{2i}\right)=C(z,z^*)=C(x+iy,x-iy).$$ If you see a notation like
$$\frac{\partial f}{\partial z^*}$$ it should be interpreted as ##D_2C(z,z^*)##.

There's a simple relationship between the partial derivatives of R and the partial derivatives of C.
D_1R(x,y) &=\frac{\partial}{\partial x}C(x+iy,x-iy)=D_1C(z,z^*)+D_2C(z,z^*)\\
D_2R(x,y) &=\frac{\partial}{\partial y}C(x+iy,x-iy)=iD_1C(z,z^*)-iD_2C(z,z^*).
\end{align} These results imply that
Results like these can be used to motivate notations like
$$\frac{\partial f}{\partial z}=\frac 1 2\left(\frac{\partial}{\partial x}-i\frac{\partial}{\partial y}\right)f.$$ I haven't thought about how to apply this sort of stuff to path integrals, but maybe this can help you figure it out on your own.
  • #5
Fredrik said:
Results like these can be used to motivate notations like
$$\frac{\partial f}{\partial z}=\frac 1 2\left(\frac{\partial}{\partial x}-i\frac{\partial}{\partial y}\right)f.$$ I haven't thought about how to apply this sort of stuff to path integrals, but maybe this can help you figure it out on your own.

If the transformation were missing the factor of i, everything would be fine. Then you would have z=x+y and z*=x-y which are two perfectly independent variables and you can chain rule everything.

Formally, transformations z=x+iy and z*=x-iy have nonzero determinant, so the two variables are independent in the sense that (x,y) and (z,z*) are equally good descriptions. But because you are introducing complex variables, the i tells you something, making (x,y) and (z) equally good descriptions. So I think for manipulations, because of the nonzero of the determinant, everything is fine, like using a (x+y,x-y) description with chain rule.

The trouble is how do you integrate with complex variables? What exactly does ∫ dz mean? Is it a path in the complex plane, if so, what path!

FAQ: Field and conjugate independent?

1. What is the difference between a field and a conjugate independent variable?

A field independent variable is a variable that is manipulated or controlled by the researcher in an experiment. It is the independent variable that is thought to have an effect on the dependent variable. On the other hand, a conjugate independent variable is a variable that is not manipulated or controlled by the researcher, but is still measured and taken into account in the study. It is a variable that is thought to have an influence on the relationship between the independent and dependent variables.

2. How do you determine which variables are field independent and which are conjugate independent?

Determining which variables are field independent and which are conjugate independent depends on the specific research question and study design. Typically, the independent variable(s) that are manipulated by the researcher are considered field independent, while the variables that are not manipulated but are measured and considered in the study are considered conjugate independent.

3. Can a variable be both field and conjugate independent?

Yes, a variable can be both field and conjugate independent in certain cases. For example, if a researcher is studying the effects of a new medication on a disease, the medication would be the field independent variable (as it is being manipulated by the researcher), but the patient's age or gender could also be considered a conjugate independent variable (as it is not being manipulated, but could still have an impact on the relationship between the medication and disease).

4. How does considering conjugate independent variables improve a study?

Considering conjugate independent variables can improve a study by providing a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. By taking into account other variables that may have an impact on the relationship being studied, researchers can better control for potential confounding variables and ensure that their results are not due to other factors.

5. Are there any limitations to using conjugate independent variables in a study?

Yes, there can be limitations to using conjugate independent variables in a study. For example, if a researcher includes too many conjugate independent variables, it can make it difficult to determine which variables are truly influencing the relationship being studied. Additionally, some conjugate independent variables may be difficult to measure accurately or may not be well understood, which can also limit the usefulness of including them in a study.

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