Field between Parallel Plates in a Capacitor

In summary, the potential difference between two parallel conducting plates with equal and opposite charges on them is equal to the magnitude of the electric field between them divided by the distance between the plates. This is derived from the fact that the electric field is constant and uniform when the voltage between the plates is held constant, leading to a constant force on a test charge between the plates. This solution is based on Maxwell's equations for infinitely extended plates, and the potential is a function of the distance between the plates. The surface charge density and capacitance can also be determined using this solution.
  • #1
Two similar flat conducting plates are arranged parallel to one another, separated by a distance ##s##. Let the area of each plate be ##A## and suppose that there is a charge ##Q## on one plate and ##-Q## on the other. ##\phi_1## and ##\phi_2## are the potential values at each of the plates. When the field is treated uniform its magnitude must be ##(\phi_1 - \phi_2)/s##.

I guess it is a trivial fact that field must be ##(\phi_1 - \phi_2)/s## but I don't get how ? is there a derivation for it ?[/QUOTE]
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  • #2
The difference in electric potential (voltage) between the plates is equal to the work done on a test charge to move it from one plate to the other divided by the charge.
The equation for this is: ##V=\frac{Fd}{q}##, where ##V=ΔΦ=Φ_1-Φ_2##

A static electric field is defined as: ##E=\frac{F}{q}##

Substituting ##E## into the first equation: ##V=Ed##

Rearranging: ##E=\frac{V}{d}##, or ##E=\frac{V}{s}=\frac{Φ_1-Φ_2}{s}##

If the voltage between the plates is constant, then the magnitude of the electric field is inversely proportional to the separation between the plates.
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Likes Buffu
  • #3
Drakkith said:
The difference in electric potential (voltage) between the plates is equal to the work done on a test charge to move it from one plate to the other divided by the charge.
The equation for this is: ##V=\frac{Fd}{q}##, where ##V=ΔΦ=Φ_1-Φ_2##

A static electric field is defined as: ##E=\frac{F}{q}##

Substituting ##E## into the first equation: ##V=Ed##

Rearranging: ##E=\frac{V}{d}##, or ##E=\frac{V}{s}=\frac{Φ_1-Φ_2}{s}##

If the voltage between the plates is constant, then the magnitude of the electric field is inversely proportional to the separation between the plates.

Why is ##F## constant ?
  • #4
If the voltage between the plates is held constant (this is in your hands), then the electric field between the plates is constant (and uniform), and therefore the force on a point charge q (test charge) between the plates is also constant.
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  • #5
It's a solution of Maxwell's equations for infinitely extended plates, i.e., for the field not too close to the boundaries and for the distance between the plates small compared to the extension of the plates.

Now take the case of two infinite plates parallel to the ##xy## plane of a Caratesian coordinate system, one at ##z=0## and one at ##z=d##. Obviously the solution is symmetric under translations in ##x## and ##y## direction. Thus the potential should be a function of ##z## only. There are no charges anywhere, and thus
$$\Delta \phi=\phi'=0.$$
So you have
$$\phi(z)=A+B z$$
with ##A## and ##B## constants. Obviously these constants can take different values inside and outside the plates. Since the potential should stay finite in this configuration, you have ##B=0## for ##z<0## and for ##z>d##. The overall constant is arbitrary, and we can choose it to be such that ##\phi(0)=0##. Then you have
$$\phi(z)=B z \quad \text{for} \quad 0 < z < d.$$
At ##z=d## you have ##\phi(d)=U##, where ##U## is the given voltage difference between the plates, which leads to ##B=U/d## and thus
$$\phi(z)=U \frac{z}{d} \quad \text{for} \quad 0 < z < d.$$
The electric field is
$$\vec{E}=-\vec{\nabla} \phi=-\frac{U}{d} \vec{e}_z \quad \text{for} \quad 0<z<d, \quad \vec{E}=0 \quad \text{everywhere else}.$$
At the upper plate the normal component ##E_z## makes a jump of size ##\sigma=U/d##, and ##\sigma## is the surface charge. At the lower plate you get ##\sigma'=-U/d##.

For a finite but large plate you have ##\sigma=Q/A## and thus ##U/d=Q/A## or ##Q=A U/d##, i.e., the capacitance is ##C=A/d##. If there's a dielectric inside, you have ##C=\epsilon A/d##, where ##\epsilon## is the zero-frequency permittivity of the dielectric.
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Likes Buffu and dextercioby
  • #6
Thank you for the derivation, I think this was a really nice derivation :).

vanhees71 said:
Since the potential should stay finite in this configuration

Sorry but I fail to grasp this. If we did not take ##B = 0## for ## z \in \Bbb R - [0, d]## then why does potential is infinite ?
  • #7
Buffu said:
Thank you for the derivation, I think this was a really nice derivation :).
Sorry but I fail to grasp this. If we did not take ##B = 0## for ## z \in \Bbb R - [0, d]## then why does potential is infinite ?
because then it gets infinite for ##z \rightarrow \infty##.
  • #8
vanhees71 said:
because then it gets infinite for ##z \rightarrow \infty##.
Does it matter ? I mean we are only concerned with potential between the plates whatever be its value outside the plates ?
  • #9
The point is to fulfill the boundary conditions at the plate to fully determine the potential. The boundary condition and infinity makes the electric field vanish outside of the plates, and this finally leads to the determination of the surface-charge density which permits to get the capacitance.
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Likes Buffu

FAQ: Field between Parallel Plates in a Capacitor

1. What is the purpose of a capacitor?

A capacitor is a device used to store electric charge and energy. It is commonly used in electrical and electronic circuits to regulate the flow of current and provide temporary power supply.

2. How does a parallel plate capacitor work?

A parallel plate capacitor consists of two metal plates separated by a small distance and connected to a power source. When voltage is applied, one plate becomes positively charged and the other becomes negatively charged, creating an electric field between them. This electric field stores energy in the form of electric potential energy.

3. What is the formula for calculating the electric field between parallel plates in a capacitor?

The electric field between parallel plates in a capacitor can be calculated using the formula E = V/d, where E is the electric field, V is the potential difference between the plates, and d is the distance between the plates.

4. How does the distance between the plates affect the electric field in a capacitor?

The electric field in a capacitor is directly proportional to the potential difference and inversely proportional to the distance between the plates. This means that as the distance between the plates increases, the electric field decreases, and vice versa.

5. Can parallel plate capacitors store an infinite amount of charge?

No, parallel plate capacitors have a maximum charge limit determined by the size and distance between the plates. Once this limit is reached, the capacitor will not be able to store any more charge and may become damaged if overcharged.
