Field Emission from Metals: What is the Truth?

In summary, there is still considerable amount of field emission current even at lower fields of order 10^4V/cm, for the same tunneling barrier. However, the Fowler-Nordheim equation does not always apply to metal-vacuum interface and high-gradient structures can break down due to the field emission current.
  • #1
Hello everyone,

a number of books and web articles says that the minimum field required is ≈[itex]10^7V/cm[/itex] for electrons field emission/tunneling from the surface of metals.
But fowler-nordheim formula shows that there is still considerable amount of field emission
current density (mA/cm2) even at lower fields of order [itex]10^4V/cm[/itex], for the same
tunneling barrier.

What is the truth..??

Any answers would be greatly appreciated!
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  • #2
Two very different things. Field emission from the surface of a metal involves ejecting the electron to the vacuum level, i.e. it becomes entirely free from the metal and goes off into the environment. This a large energy compared to the thermal energy so a electric strong field is needed.

Fowler-Nordheim tunneling refers to tunneling from the metal to either a semiconductor or another metal, i.e. this is material to material NOT material to vacuum. This is usually a much lower energy. You just have to overcome some tunnel barrier like an insulator or the semiconductor's Schottky barrier. If the barrier is thin and/or low, then a strong field is not needed.
  • #3
Hello sir,

Please check the Link here,
Where we can find simplified form of Fowler-Nordheim equation here also they says the minimum field required is [itex]3×10^7 V/cm[/itex].
But for a metal of work function ∅=5eV and local electric field(E-local) [itex]10^4V/cm[/itex]
it gives a minimum filed emission current density [itex]0.1mA/cm^2[/itex]..
Is this true..??
  • #4
Back up a bit, because there's a bunch of things I don't quite understand here.

First of all, there is no "required field". By definition of tunneling, it can occur even at zero field. It is just that it is highly unlikely that it will occur in that situation. So, in principle, field emission current can occur over a large range of field. It is just that, based on the type of electron detection scheme used, there may not be any significant reading until it gets to some value. This may be what they meant by the "minimum field emission current".

And erst is not correct. Fowler-Nordheim does apply to metal-vacuum interface. If not, the hundreds of papers published in accelerator physics studying high-gradient structures are all wrong. There's also nothing inherent in the FN model that demands that it must be metal-semiconductor or metal-metal interface. In fact, it is this field-emission current that is the leading cause that initiates vacuum breakdown in high-gradient accelerating structures.

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FAQ: Field Emission from Metals: What is the Truth?

1. What is field emission from metals?

Field emission from metals is the process in which electrons are emitted from the surface of a metal when it is placed in a strong electric field. This phenomenon is also known as the field electron emission or cold emission, as it occurs at room temperature without the need for thermal energy.

2. How does field emission occur?

In order for field emission to occur, a strong electric field must be applied to the metal surface. This field causes the electrons in the metal to be pulled away from the surface, overcoming the surface potential barrier. Once the electrons are emitted, they form a cloud around the metal surface, known as the Schottky barrier.

3. What is the truth about field emission from metals?

The truth about field emission from metals is that it is a well-studied phenomenon that has been extensively researched and understood. It is a reliable and efficient method for producing electrons, and has a wide range of potential applications in fields such as microscopy, vacuum electronics, and energy harvesting.

4. Are there any challenges associated with field emission from metals?

Yes, there are some challenges associated with field emission from metals. One of the main challenges is the need for a strong electric field, which can be difficult to achieve and maintain. Additionally, the surface of the metal must be very clean and free of impurities in order for field emission to occur.

5. What are some potential applications of field emission from metals?

Field emission from metals has a wide range of potential applications, including in vacuum electronics, where it can be used to produce high-power microwave devices. It is also used in scanning electron microscopy, where it allows for high-resolution imaging of surfaces. Other potential applications include in energy harvesting, as field emission can be harnessed to produce electricity.

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