Field extensions and radical ideals (2 problems)

In summary, Dick was able to solve the problem of proving two given field extensions to be equal. In problem 1, the conversation discussed the inclusion of Q(√3+i) in Q(√3, -√3, i, -i) and vice versa, with Dick providing hints and guidance on how to proceed with the proof. In problem 2, the conversation focused on proving that Rad(I) is an ideal of R and that I is an ideal of Rad(I). Dick provided a hint for this proof, reminding the poster that if Rad(I) is contained in R, then I is automatically an ideal of Rad(I) due to the properties of ideals.
  • #1


How can I prove these two field extensions are equal?

Q(√3, -√3, i, -i) = Q(√3+i) where Q is the field of the rational numbers.

I got Q(√3+i) ⊆ Q(√3, -√3, i, -i), that direction is easy:

Let m ∈ Q(√3+i). Therefore, m = q + p(√3+i) where q,p ∈ Q.

Let p = a-b, with a,b ∈ Q.

So m = q + a(√3) + a(i) + b(-√3) + b(-i)

Therefore m ∈ Q(√3, -√3, i, -i)

But how can I prove Q(√3, -√3, i, -i) ⊆ Q(√3+i)?

Let m ∈ Q(√3, -√3, i, -i)

Therefore m = q + a√3 + bi + c(-√3) + d(-i) where q,a,b,c,d ∈ Q

Let p = a-c and r = b-d. Therefore, p,r ∈ Q

Therefor m = q + p√3 + ri

But I have to prove m = q + p√3 + ri = q + (SOMETHING IN Q)* (√3+i)

Any hints?


Prove that if I is an Ideal for communitive ring R, prove Rad(I) is and Ideal of R and that I is an ideal of Rad(I)

For the first, I looked at for r ∈ R, a ∈ Rad(I). Therefore an∈ I for some positive integer n.

(ra)n = rnan ∈ I since rn ∈ R and since I is an Ideal.

Therefore since (ra)n ∈ I, ra ∈ Rad(I). So Rad(I) is an Ideal of R.

But for the second, I let a ∈ I, b ∈ Rad(I), therefore bn ∈ I, but I don't know how to prove ba ∈ I.

Thanks in advance!
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  • #2
For the first one you just have to prove sqrt(3) and i are in the extension field Q[sqrt(3)+i]. Try computing (sqrt(3)+i)^2 to start with. What does that imply? Then compute some more products.
  • #3
Dick said:
For the first one you just have to prove sqrt(3) and i are in the extension field Q[sqrt(3)+i]. Try computing (sqrt(3)+i)^2 to start with. What does that imply? Then compute some more products.

2+2i√3 ...? It shows that the degree is the same for both?
  • #4
Seda said:
2-2i√3 ...? It shows that the degree is the same for both?

I get 2+2i*sqrt(3). But it shows i*sqrt(3) is in Q[sqrt(3)+i]. That's a start. Now keep going. Try (sqrt(3)+i)^3.
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  • #5
Dick said:
I get 2+2i*sqrt(3). But it shows i*sqrt(3) is in Q[sqrt(3)+i]. That's a start. Now keep going. Try (sqrt(3)+i)^3.

Aw cool it's 8i! I'll try to figure that in...

Yeah sorry, I caught the sign error. Is the way i figured Q(√3+i) ⊆ Q(√3, -√3, i, -i) ok?
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  • #6
Seda said:
Yeah sorry, I caught the sign error. Is the way i figured Q(√3+i) ⊆ Q(√3, -√3, i, -i) ok?

Sure it's ok. Since sqrt(3) and i are in Q(√3, -√3, i, -i) then so is sqrt(3)+i. That's the easy direction as you said. Well, it was so easy I didn't really read the proof. All you need to say is that q + p(√3+i)=q+p*sqrt(3)+p*i. That's clearly in Q(√3, -√3, i, -i), isn't it?
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  • #7
Dick said:
Sure it's ok. Since sqrt(3) and i are in Q(√3, -√3, i, -i) then so is sqrt(3)+i. That's the easy direction as you said. Well, it was so easy I didn't really read the proof. All you need to say is that q + p(√3+i)=q+p*sqrt(3)+p*i. That's clearly in Q(√3, -√3, i, -i), isn't it?

yeah, I just wrote it in a way to overly-clearly include the -√3 and -i also, even though it could be considered implicit.

As for the "hard direction" am I wording this right?:

Obviously (√3 + i) ∈ Q(√3+ i)
Therefore (√3 + i)^3 = 8i ∈ Q(√3+ i). Similarily, (-8)(-i) ∈ Q(√3+ i). So i, -i ∈ Q(√3+ i).

How specifically do I get √3, -√3? Does that fall directly from knowing (√3+ i)^2 = 2+2√3i ∈ Q(√3+ i) therefore √3i ∈ Q(√3+ i) and knowing i ∈ Q(√3+ i), therefore √3 ∈ Q(√3+ i)?
  • #8
Seda said:
yeah, I just wrote it in a way to overly-clearly include the -√3 and -i also, even though it could be considered implicit.

As for the "hard direction" am I wording this right?:

Obviously (√3 + i) ∈ Q(√3+ i)
Therefore (√3 + i)^3 = 8i ∈ Q(√3+ i). Similarily, (-8)(-i) ∈ Q(√3+ i). So i, -i ∈ Q(√3+ i).

How specifically do I get √3, -√3? Does that fall directly from knowing (√3+ i)^2 = 2+2√3i ∈ Q(√3+ i) therefore √3i ∈ Q(√3+ i) and knowing i ∈ Q(√3+ i), therefore √3 ∈ Q(√3+ i)?

You might be thinking too hard. If i is in Q[sqrt(3)+i] and sqrt(3)+i is in Q[sqrt(3)+i] then so is (sqrt(3)+i)-i. Or since you know i*sqrt(3) is in Q[sqrt(3)+i] as is i, then (i*sqrt(3))/i is also in Q[sqrt(3)+i]. There's more than one way to skin a cat.
  • #9
Dick said:
You might be thinking too hard. If i is in Q[sqrt(3)+i] and sqrt(3)+i is in Q[sqrt(3)+i] then so is (sqrt(3)+i)-i. Or since you know i*sqrt(3) is in Q[sqrt(3)+i] as is i, then (i*sqrt(3))/i is also in Q[sqrt(3)+i]. There's more than one way to skin a cat.

Doh...well I'd rather be thinking too hard than thinking too little I guess. Thanks for your help! I'd hate to ask for more of your time, but do you have a hint for the second problem?
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  • #10
Isn't that the easy direction? If Rad(I) is contained in R, and I is an ideal of R, isn't I automatically an ideal of Rad(I)? a in I times any element of R is automatically in I, isn't it?
  • #11
Dick said:
Isn't that the easy direction? If Rad(I) is contained in R, and I is an ideal of R, isn't I automatically an ideal of Rad(I)? a in I times any element of R is automatically in I, isn't it?

Um...yeah. I wasn't thinking that way. But that's true. Thanks

FAQ: Field extensions and radical ideals (2 problems)

1. What is a field extension?

A field extension is a mathematical concept that refers to extending a field (a set of numbers that follow certain mathematical rules) by adding new elements to it. These new elements are called "extensions" and they allow for solving more complex equations and problems.

2. How are field extensions related to radical ideals?

Radical ideals are a type of mathematical object that is closely related to field extensions. In particular, the extensions of a field are used to construct radical ideals, which are necessary for solving equations that cannot be solved using only the elements of the original field.

3. What is a simple field extension?

A simple field extension is a type of field extension where the new elements are generated by adding a single element to the original field. The resulting field is then called a "simple extension" and it is the smallest type of field extension possible.

4. How do field extensions and radical ideals apply to real-world problems?

Field extensions and radical ideals have many applications in various fields, such as physics, engineering, and cryptography. For example, they can be used to solve equations that describe physical systems, design efficient algorithms, and create secure communication protocols.

5. What are some challenges in working with field extensions and radical ideals?

One of the main challenges in using field extensions and radical ideals is the complexity involved in solving equations that involve these concepts. Additionally, it can be difficult to determine which field extensions and radical ideals are necessary for solving a particular problem, as there are many different possibilities and approaches that can be taken.

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